Date & Time: / Monday 8 April 2013 – 5pm
Location: / Civic Offices
Attendance: / Emma Hosking / Lisa Hurst / Jay Flanders
Adam Rolfe / Hazel Anne Fransch / Alice Piggott
Elizabeth Beale / David Agunede / Calum Kay
Daniel Jones / Stuart Westley / Beth Addison
Amber Saunders / Idil Ali / Kai Harrison
Kayla Villamil-Martinez / Kieran Gaskell / Libby Pearson
Maddie Couchman / Mahi Joshi / Manijeh Kheradmandan
Peter Hitchin / Thomas Brown / Tobias Scoble
Victoria Grant / William Bowen / Ygraine Emrys
1.0 / Welcome and introductions / ACTIONS
It was agreed that Roz Mascarenhas will Chair this meeting.
Emma Hosking officially welcomed everyone to the new Youth Cabinet and explained why we were lucky to be able to use Chambers for our meetings.
A brief explanation took place on how to carefully use the microphones.
2.0 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Anita Dzre, Sofia Bajerova, Thelsa-Jana Bouchada, Georgie MacLoughlin, Luke Louis and Nicholas Hitchin.
Apologies were not received from Charley Mackrill, Dylan Dakramendjian, Jayme McDougall, Josh Bennetts, Samiha Ahmed and Thomas Bourton.
Please remember that out of courtesy to the people responsible for organising the meetings, if you are unable to attend, please let either Emma or Sarah know as soon as you become aware that you cannot make it.
3.0 / Minutes of the last Meeting – walk through
The Minutes of the meeting were read and approved.
Roz briefly explained some of the processes involved with minutes, what happens in meetings, what acronyms are used and how the agenda is constructed in relation to the minutes.
4.0 / Matters Arising / ACTIONS
Roz explained what Matters Arising means.
It was agreed that Beth would be Chair in the interim.
Hazel confirmed that the MK Cabinet meeting had taken place and Andrew Geary (Leader of the Council) confirmed that bus prices are now 45p.
Lizzie confirmed that the Big Debate pledges had been sorted and she will try and get them compiled (Roz explained what the Big Debate was).
Beth asked what was happening about mentors for the new YCab committee and Hazel confirmed that they (Solomon and Norvelle) would be attending the residential but would not have very much input at meetings.
Emma confirmed to Stuart that the YCab job description was complete and would be discussed more fully at the residential.
Emma confirmed that the top two priorities for the next two years would be working with the Police and getting ready for work.
It was confirmed that Adam and Libby are the current Members for Youth Parliament and that Lizzie and Kayla are the Deputies.
Emma confirmed that interview training will take place at the Point on Wednesday 10th between 10am and 4pm (Will Spurgeon is leaving).
Hazel confirmed that she and Stuart are the social media reps, alongside Jay who would be the main contact for media. Everyone was happy for a photo to be taken of the meeting taking place and Hazel asked if people wanted to check into Twitter and that only first names would be used on a closed page on Facebook. / EB
5.0 / a) YCab Welcome Event – Introduction to Councillors
Emma confirmed that this event will take place on Wednesday in the Brontë suite on the 3rd floor at Civic offices. Everyone to meet at 5pm in advance of the meeting starting at 6.30pm.
It was agreed that whoever is Chair today (Beth) would Chair the meeting on Wednesday.
5.0 / b) Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee
This meeting will take place on Tuesday 30th April in Chambers at 7pm and YCab are invited to participate. The meeting will focus on the priorities for the scrutiny of services for 2013-2014. An e-mail will be sent out confirming who is going (David will be texted).
5.0 / c) Children and Families Partnership
Lisa Hurst explained the idea of C&FP, to work together with partners (schools, Police, hospitals) to make sure everyone has a voice for the benefit of children and their families. Lisa has been asked to write a paper on how YCab can be involved.
Meetings take place every two months on a Tuesday morning, chaired by Gail Tolley. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th June. It was agreed that three YCab members would be at the meetings to represent the three areas (north, south and central). At the next meeting, there may be some time to work on the paper.
If you want to be involved with C&FP, you will need to get permission from school and your parents that you can take time out of school.
Tobias suggested discussing C&FP positions on Wednesday before the meeting with councillors.
6.0 / Election of Chairperson
Voting would take place for a Vice Chair who will start from the next meeting. The Chair is going to be Beth and Lizzie was voted in as Vice Chair for three months alongside Beth.
After three months, Vice Chair will take on chair position and also be voting in a new Vice Chair. Every three months, Vice will become Chair and a new Vice Chair will be voted in.
6.0 / Election of Chairperson (continued)
Emma confirmed that other opportunities and roles will be available i.e. social media reps, treasurer, etc. This will be discussed at the residential.
7.0 / AOB
Emma reminded everyone to return their completed consent forms for the residential as soon as possible.
Andrew Geary (Leader of the Council) will be joining us for the meeting on Monday 10th June.
8.0 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 13th May at Civic Offices and will be held Chambers.
The dates for meetings for the remainder of the year (all Mondays) are as follows. Please note that they will all take place in Chambers except the 8th July which will be held at The Point:-
13th May, 10th June, 8th July (at The Point), 9th September, 7th October, 4th November and 2nd December.
ACTION POINTS / Any Other Business
-  Gail Tolley attending next meeting.
-  Stuart Westley – Q:alliance event with councillors.

C:\Documents and Settings\DK63222\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK415\Minutes 8 April 2013.doc