The State Advisory Council on Indian Education

Council Meeting

November 15, 2012

Education Building- Room 224 North and South

Call to Order

Teresa Cunningham-Brown, SACIE Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. She welcomed members, guests, and the newest member, Karen Goins Kueny; reviewed the agenda; and conducted a membership roll call.

Members Present

Trina Bennett

Bill Brewington

Brandi Brooks

Kathy Chavis

Dorothy Crowe

Teresa Cunningham-Brown

The Honorable Senator Jim Davis (District 50)

Marcia Hollifield

Angela Lynch

Karen Goins Kueny

Joseph Richardson

Sharon Williams

Members Not Present

The Honorable Representative Charles Graham (District 47)

Tiffany Locklear

Staff Present

Dr. Olivia Oxendine, Liaison

Staff Not Present

Debora Williams and Susan Silver. Angela Lynch was not feeling well and had to leave early.

Other Attendees

Darlene Ransom, Cumberland County; Elizabeth Mitchell, Hoke County; Billie Allen, Richmond County; Rita Locklear, Robeson County; Kara Stewart, Chapel Hill/Carboro; Ana Sanders, Johnston County; Bessie Richardson, Halifax County; Charles Richardson, Jr., NC Commission on Indian Affairs; Michael Tally, Wake County; Gwen Locklear, Wake County; Brett Locklear, NC State University; Jean Conley, Guilford County; Mickey Locklear, NC Commission on Indian Affairs; and Alisa Hunt-Lowery, Johnston County Indian Education Parent Committee.

Oath of Office

Doris McCain administered the oath to Karen Goins Kueny whom the State Board of Education recently approved as one of the eight parents to serve on the SACIE.

Approval of Minutes

Bill Brewington moved to accept the August 8, 2012 minutes, to which Dr. Joseph Richardson offered a second. The motion carried. Senator Jim Davis then requested that three corrections be made in the minutes. Mr. Brewington amended his previous motion to reference these corrections. The amendment was approved by consent of the Council.

Chair’s Briefing

Teresa Cunningham-Brown, SACIE Chair, noted that November is Native American Heritage Month and that various activities are scheduled to take place at the North Carolina Museum of History. The Chair briefly discussed two local issues: 1) community perceptions of racial hostility toward American Indians students in the Hoke County School System and 2) the high-incident rate of corporal punishment affecting American Indian students in Robeson County. Dr. Oxendine added that Action for Children, a non-profit organization in the Triangle area, is lobbying to end corporal punishment and continues to seek Council support. Dr. Richardson asked Dr. Oxendine to share any future correspondence from this organization with council members. In general, the SACIE agreed that decisions about corporal punishment must rest with each local district.

Information Update: The North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs (NCCIA)

Dorothy Crowe reminded the Council of Native American Heritage Month. She also informed the members of the Commission’s first-hand knowledge of the aforementioned issues in Hoke and Robeson counties.

American Indian Education Summit: Ad Hoc Committee Report

Darlene Ransom and Elizabeth Mitchell presented an overview of the proposed American Indian Education (AIE) Summit. Building on the theme, Literacy Matters, the presenters offered the following ideas for planning the conference program:

1)utilizing DPI expertise: research, resources, and educational consultants

2)examining the meaning of literacy (reading, math, and technology)

3) familiarizing the audience with the Common Core of Standards

4)identifying effective literacy programs and classroom strategies

Related Discussion

1)receiving financial support from DPI

2)determining a date and securing a location for the Summit

3)marketing the event

Darlene Ransom, Angela Lynch, and Elizabeth Mitchell encouraged everyone to make suggestions, as the committee finalizes topics, speakers, and appropriate formats.

Annual Report to the State Board of Education

Olivia Oxendine presented a partial draft of the SACIE report, noting that it is tentatively scheduled to go before the SBE in December 2012. Going forward, the report must be streamlined, shortened, and promoted widely as a digitized document. The Council authorized Brandi Brooks, Teresa Cunningham-Brown, and Olivia Oxendine to finalize the report and to provide the Council with a draft of the recommendation before submitting the document to the SBE.

Afternoon Session

Brandi Brooks, Vice Chair, led the Council in a discussion of recommendation themes to consider. Emphasis was given to SMART recommendations, that is, recommendations that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Because the Council has not conducted an in-depth study of a specific topic/issue, Olivia Oxendine asked the members to consider omitting a list of recommendations in the next report. To this point, Bill Brewington asked the Council and the staff to identify specific recommendations that deserve State Board consideration. The need to assess the writing skills of American Indian students was offered as a possible recommendation, but no motion was formalized.

Unity Conference 2013: A Call for Proposals

Bill Brewington moved to endorse a presentation of the SACIE report to conferees at the NC Indian Unity Conference, which will be held in Greensboro on February 28-March 2, 2013. Dorothy Crowe offered a second. The motion carried. The Chair agreed to follow up with the required conference paperwork.

Announcements and Adjournment

After the Chair entertained announcements, Bill Brewington moved to adjourn. Dr. Joe Richardson made the second. The meeting ended at 1:18 p.m.