For Dr. Condi Rice, LtGen Brent Scowcroft, and Ms. Mary Sturtevant, EOP/NSC

From the author of ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World (AFCEA, 2000)

21 November 2001


  1. Special Committee. Retaining Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for day-to-day oversight of classified intelligence matters, each Committee of the Senate should establish majority and minority Member focal points for intelligence comprising a Special Committee as the steering group for strategic direction across all jurisdictions.
  2. National Intelligence and Information Strategy. Engage all Senate jurisdictions.
  3. Consolidated NFIP. Apart from moving NRO, NSA, and NIMA into the consolidated NFIP, there should also be established a separate Homeland Defense Intelligence Program and a National Security Education Program.
  4. Homeland Defense Intelligence Program. Create a central homeland defense intelligence center with 24/7 watch teams, and single Community Intelligence Centers, also 24/7 in each state, each under the sovereign authority of the Governor. Enhance National Guard role.
  5. National Security Education Program. "A Nation's best defense in an educated citizenry." Program will fund science, technology, foreign area, & foreign language experts.
  6. Director-General for National Intelligence. Placement of new DGNI on President's Staff, with oversight over Director of Classified Intelligence (DCI), Chairman of the elevated NIC, and a new Global Knowledge Foundation.
  7. Director of Classified Intelligence. Rename and separate DCI position from that of agency head positions for each element outlined below. Consolidate management of personnel, security, training, and general infrastructure functions under DDCI/Administration.
  8. National Intelligence Council. Expand to 120, with 5 person teams dedicated to defense, foreign affairs, finance & commerce, law enforcement, environment & culture; elevate to EOP, 1 new NIO to every Governor, Senate to be involved.
  9. Global Knowledge Foundation. $1.5B a year fund for open source intelligence (OSINT) needs of both IC and all government departments, includes $500M a year for procurement of commercial imagery source material for defense, OSINT procurement by Country Teams.
  10. Technical Collection Agency. Upgrade NRO to manage all technical programs.
  11. Clandestine Service Agency. Separate from existing CIA, relying exclusively on non-official cover and no longer responsible for routine declared liaison.
  12. National Analysis Agency. Upgrade CIA to National Analysis Agency with restored imagery, signals, measurements, and open source offices and funds for analytic tools; 200 multi-lingual mid-career analyst hires, 1000 adjunct reserve analysts.
  13. National Processing Agency. Upgrade NSA to National Processing Agency, both SIGINT & all-source processing including clandestine HUMINT and open source information, ensuring that all field station reports from all agencies including FBI are readily exploitable with advanced software and languages where NSA excels.
  14. National Geospatial Agency. Combine NIMA with USGS (Recommended by NAPA study).
  15. Coalition Intelligence Program. Create a coalition intelligence center that combines the new initiatives of NATO/SACLANT with those of JFCOM, 24/7 watch, multi-lingual excellence.
  16. Covert Action Transfer. CIA/SOG transferred to USSOCOM.
  17. Counterintelligence Program. New FBI business and homeland defense divisions created.
  18. Regional Ground Truth Battalions. Each regional CINC to have a FAO battalion with language-qualified companies for intelligence, civil affairs, PAO, JAG, MP, logistics.
  19. Information Peacekeeping Program. Establish pegs between defense "hard power" spending and Program 150 "soft power" investments in information aid. St.


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