Approved Annual Meetimg Minutes

February 19, 2015


Directors Present: Jack Iversen—President, JoAnn Saculla—Vice President, Dale Edington—Treasurer, Kathy Yager—Secretary, and Steve Gissendanner—Architectural Committee Chair.

Directors Absent: None.

Also Present: Dan Morrow—Manager, and Barbara O’Connor—CPA, and Marcy Zalewski—Bookkeeper.

Owners Present: 77 owners present representing 49 units.

The 35th Annual Meeting of the Los Lagos II Homeowner’s Association was held at Association of Realtor’s Hall, 2293 Swanson Avenue, Lake Havasu City and was called to order by President Jack Iversen at 7:00 p.m.

Jack Iversen recognized and thanked the greeters, Doug and Mary Abbamonte. The Board members and contract staff were introduced: Steve Gissendanner, Kathy Yager, JoAnn Saculla, Dale Edington, Jack Iversen and Frank Livermont, Historian (not present). Dan Morrow—Maintenance Manager, Barbara O’Connor—CPA, Marcy Zalewski—Bookkeeper and Donna De Nunno—Recording Secretary were also introduced. The past Board officers were acknowledged: Rickey Hardy, Dan Welch, Frank Livermont, Bob Burch, Ginny West, Kevin Quill, Ann Archer, and Mary Ann Mehaljevic.

Jack Iversen recognized past residents who passed away this year: Bob Edington, Dennis Gorman, Thomas Ortiz, and Ginny West.

The new homeowners from 2014/2015 were acknowledged:

Johnny Hartley and Crys Pennington
William and Edith Olson
Mark and Joy Hertz
David and Janet Sabraski
Michael and Susan Heglund
Robert and Shirley Vandenhoek
Dennis McNeal
Dawn Benth
Larry and Shirlely Asher
Don and Nancy Ball
Loren Swarnes
Mark and Gladys Graves
James and Beverly Glampe
Tom Esquibel and Sharon Ross
Samantha Leach
Michael and Cari Hough
Dean and Kathy Fortain
Roger and Ann Will
William and Andrea Klootwyk
Gregory Bender

Los Lagos II Homeowners Association No. 1

Annual Meeting Minutes - February 19, 2015

It was announced that all members were notified of the time and place of the 35th annual meeting, along with copies of 2014 financial reports, and the adopted 2015 Budget (copies of these documents were available at the sign-in desk).

President Jack Iversen stated the purpose of the annual meeting is the election of Board Members, review the accomplishments of 2014 and share goals for 2015. No regular board business will be conducted at this meeting. The next monthly business meeting will be March 19, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Aquatic Center.

Jack Iversen asked for a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from last year’s annual meeting on February 20, 2014. There was a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Three (3) Board positions currently held by Dale Edington, Jack Iversen and JoAnn Saculla were announced as vacant. The three owners that submitted their names for nomination were: Steven Brooks, Dale Edington and Wayne Jones. The President solicited additional nominations from the members present. There were none. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to close the nominations. The Nominating Committee Chairperson, Kathy Yager, Judy Finck, Connie Goodell, and Joan Gribben excused themselves to count the ballots.

Acknowledgements were made:

  • Tree and Shrub Committee: Ardith Richards, Judy Jones, Dale Edington, Charlie and Judy Finck, Joe Asher, Sue Heglund, and Rosie Weston.
  • Social Committee: Judy Jones, Connie Iversen, Ardith Richards, Joan Gribben, Ardis Peitz, Mary Sue Friest, Bette Hauber, Rosie Weston, Olga Tardif, Judy Finck, and Vern and Eileen Ellingson.
  • Pool and Recreation Committee: Rosie Weston, Sue Heglund, Betty Siltzer.

Accomplishments 2014:

  • Completed 3 year bocce landscaping project (March 11, 2011−November 4, 2014). Over 80 volunteers contributed their time, skills, and funds to construct two bocce courts and a storage building, assemble 3 raised gardens, laid out over 850 feet of pathways and covered all remaining surfaces with decorative rock. $23,300 was expended for materials. No association funds were allocated for this project.
  • Removed grass and sprinklers from the hillside adjacent to unit 38A and unit 38B and installed a 30’ sidewalk with a drainage system. Desertscape was completed with bubblers.
  • Sal Flores completed stucco repair to the exterior walls of all the buildings in the complex. Dan Morrow supervised the project. Tony Faddoul completed the painting of most of the stucco repairs.
  • Completed $51,800 of new foam surfaces for roofs, patio covers and entrance parapets.

Accomplishments 2014 (cont’d):

  • Installed a new backflow device at the entrance to our complex at a cost of $7,000. Bids were solicited and project supervision provided by Dan Morrow.
  • Dan Morrow and Tony Faddoul cleaned all circle medians along Montana Vista. They added additional decorative rock to those areas. This needed to be accomplished before asphalt sealing and striping.
  • Completed sealing and striping of all asphalt surfaces. Team members: Joe Asher, Jack Iversen and Dan Morrow. Cost: $24,800.
  • Hunter sprinklers have been installed in much of the grass area between circles 5 & 6. Decorative rock will cover the perimeter where sprinklers have been removed.
  • Carport repairs were significantly started during 2014 by Dan Morrow and Tony Faddoul. Doug Abbamonte, Steven Brooks, Steve Gissendanner, and Jack Iversen installed OSB 4’ x 8’ sheets over deteriorated sheet rock center walls in Circles 1 , 2, & 7. Cost: $6,000.
  • New metal roofs for the 3 canopies at the pool and tennis courts, new bench at the tennis courts, new tile shelves by the barbeque area, painted pool mechanical building and cleaned and painted restrooms. Volunteers: Al and Rosie Weston, Mike and Sue Heglund, Roger and Gary Woolington, Tom Esquibel, Sharon Ross, Wayne and Judy Jones, Pete and Joan Gribben, Bob Friest, Betty Siltzer, Judy Finck, Duaine Richards, Lenny Peitz, Dale Miller, Dale Edington, Steve Gissendanner and Jack Iversen.

Donations for Pool Loungers: Bob and Val Rodekohr, Tom Esquibel, Sharon Ross, Roger and Terri Woolington.


  • Expand roof replacement program (from $40,000 to $112,000).
  • Complete carport repairs and expend $22,000 to paint all carports (APC Inc.).
  • Expand tree trimming, landscape and rocking program.
  • Improve the pool and recreation area. Rosie Weston and Ann Will co-chair the committee which will design and determine the cost of the improvements. The plan will be submitted to the Board. Goal: Beautify and make our recreation facilities more user friendly (patio, barbeque area, pool, tennis and pickle ball courts, and horseshoe pits).

Comments were made from Board Members: JoAnn Saculla, Vice President 7 years on the Board; Kathy Yager, Secretary, 15 years on the Board; Dale Edington, Treasurer 3 years on the Board, Steve Gissendanner, Architectural Chairman and Website Supervisor, 3 years on the Board, and Jack Iversen, President, 8 years on the Board.

Dale Edington announced there are business cards for our Maintenance Manager, Dan Morrow. She encouraged tenants to contact Dan to report any repairs and leave your name and contact information on the recorder.



Kathy Yager thanked Joan Gribben, Connie Goodell and Judy Finck the ballot counters. There were 112 votes cast. The newly elected Board Members are: Dale Edington, Steve Brooks, and Wayne Jones. Dale Edington was selected to chair the 2016 nominating committee along with volunteers: Ardith Richards, Joanne Seip, and Mary Jo Mohr.


A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. An Executive Board meeting to elect officers was held immediately following the Annual meeting.

The next regular meeting is scheduled on March 20, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Aquatic Center.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna De Nunno

Recording Secretary