SHRM Lubbock Chapter 186


This scholarship program is designed to help Lubbock Chapter SHRM members, who might not be able to attend the HR Certificate Program for financial reasons with assistance from chapter funds.

Individuals wishing to be considered may apply. Applications should be submitted to Jennifer Hallgren, Certification Chair, at y Sunday, December 31st, 2017. Selection of the scholarship recipient will be notified by January 15th, 2017.

Applicants must be a member in good standing of the Lubbock Chapter of SHRM. Priority will be given to the applicants whose employer will not cover the cost of the program. The 2018 SHRM Certification prep course will be from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on February 9th, February 23rd, March 9th, March 23rd, April 13th and April 27th.

The Society for Human Resource Mangers Certification is based on the new SHRM global Body of Competency and Knowledge (SHRM BoCK) and information is covered in six (6) sessions through TTU. Should a scholarship recipient fail to complete the certificate program, recipient agrees to reimburse the SHRM Chapter.If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jennifer Hallgrenat r (281)460-1383.

Phone Number: / E-mail:
Member in Good Standing? / Verified by Chapter Secretary
What portion of the cost of the class will be provided by your company? / $ / What portion of the cost of the exam will be your responsibility? / $

Will your employer allow you the time off for class? (Y/N)

Will you be testing for the PHR/SPHR or SHRM-CP/SCP in the next 6 months? (Y/N)

Years of experience working in the human resource field - years.

Prior/Current HR Position(s)with dates:

Please explain why you should receive this scholarship?

(Please be specific, use additional page if necessary)

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application.

You will be notified by phone or email if funding is available to help you attend this event.