Algebra II 317-867-6924


Algebra II


Unit 1 – FunctionsUnit 2 - Radical Functions/Rational Exponents

Unit 3 - Quadratic FunctionsUnit 4 - Higher Order Polynomial Functions

Unit 5 - Rational Expressions Unit 6 - Solving Systems

Unit 7- Exponential/Log FunctionsUnit 8 - Sequence and Series

Unit 9 - Statistics Unit 10 - Probability

Unit 11- Unit Circle Trigonometry

Materials Needed:

Pencil, Paper, three ring binder,calculator (TI-30X IIS), and Kleenex

Classroom Expectations

1.Phones and headphones are to be put away. Phones are never to be used - not even as a calculator. I will confiscate any phones or headphones out during class time. On the second offense, I will confiscate the phone and complete a referral.

2.No food

3.Enter the classroom quietly and immediately start working on the bell ringer

4.Be seated with your sharpened pencil, math book and notebook opened and homework outby the time the bell rings

5.Stay on task for the entire class period

6.Be alert, prepared, and participate as a critical thinker

7.Respect others and their property


60% Tests

There will be a test at the end of each unit.

30 % Quizzes

You will be assessed on several topics but not the entire chapter.

10% Homework and Bell Ringers

Each day, class will start with a bell ringer. Complete the bell ringer on the homework paper or a blank sheet of paper if homework was not assigned. After you complete the bell ringer, communicate with a student near you about homework answers. You need to compare and discuss homework answers and seek resolution for discrepancies. Once you are finished, sit quietly until we go over the assignment as a class.

Homework is your chance to practice a new skill. Therefore, most assignments will be graded for completion unless you are told otherwise in advance. You will receive 5 points for each assignment based on homework and bell ringer completeness and homework effort (showing all work).

Passes Out of Class

Students should only leave the classroom for emergency situations. At the discretion and convenience of the teacher, the teacher may allow the student to leave the classroom to use the restroom or go to his/her locker up to three times. Future passes out will result in a consequence.


Two or more violations of the classroom expectations in one day may result in a referral. (For Example, Student/Teacher Conference, Parent Phone Call, Stay After for Period 6, Thursday School, ISS)

Late Assignments

All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. You will lose the credit for the assignment if it is not complete by the beginning of the period.

Absent Work

If a student is absent, he/she must check Canvas to find out what is due. The homework must be turned in by the day of the unit test.

Group Work

You will be expected to work in groups on some days. You are expected to be helpful to each other, and to ask questions in your group before asking me. Groups will work at the same pace to ensure that everyone understands. Remember that you learn more when you explain the information to someone else.

Online Book

1)Log in to PowerSchool

Username: student id number

Password: whs (followed by student id number)

2)On the left side of the screen (may be in a different location for phone) click “Pearson Courses”

Canvas – Online Class Information (takes the place of Moodle)

Follow the links through the school web page or go to

Username: student id number

Password: whs (followed by student id number)

Extra Help?

The best time to get extra help or to make up work is during 6th period. Be sure to stay during this period to get additional help.

Helpful Websites: