Market Development Approaches for Prevention Interventions

An e-learning course offered in 4 sessions

9:00 – 10:30am EST. October 18, 25, November 1, and 8

Purpose: Declining funding levels for HIV prevention and Family Planning programs, coupled with pressures to achieve ambitious targets such as FP2020 and the Condom 20 X 20 targets, are straining the ability of country programs to achieve higher impact with fewer resources. Market Development Approaches (MDA), also referred to as Market Shaping, Markets for the Poor, and Market systems approaches, is an approach that focuses on systemic fixes to a country’s health market.

A MDA is increasingly recognized by the global public health community as a solution that builds sustainability into project design, with the promise to deliver health services/products to scale. By identifying specific market functions that do not work for the poor and vulnerable, MDA is also a means to ensure that the public, social marketing, and commercial sectors leverage their comparative advantage in support of a Total Market Approach.

Course Description & Learning Objectives: Over the course of four, 1 ½ hour on-line learning sessions, participants will be introduced to concepts, tools and guidance supporting implementation of a MDA. Managers and implementers that participate will engage with live market data, case studies and guest speakers that apply concepts to the actual HIV prevention and FP markets they manage. While the e-learning course will focus on condom markets to form the basis of case studies and examples, managers and implementers from other health areas can directly benefit from understanding TMA and how it can apply to areas such as WASH, nutrition, MCH and beyond.

Specific themes covered in this course include:

  • A primer introducing MDA concepts and building blocks.
  • Diagnosis to design – and introduction to how an MDA can be applied to drive activities and interventions in support of programs and strategies that include Total Market Approaches.
  • Introduction and application of user friendly tools supporting MDA – including how-to guidance, instruments supporting market data collection and analysis, and turning approaches from analysis to design, management & implementation.
  • The application of MDA to specific condom markets – unpacking thematic findings and recommendations relevant to other prevention and FP markets. Case studies from 8 countries will illustrate how a MDA is being applied across health markets, and best practices participants can integrate into their programs.

Outcomes for Participants: Course participants will finish the course with:

  1. An understanding of why market development approaches & systems thinking are an opportunity to achieve health goals & objectives in the current environment of declining resources;
  2. A firm understanding of MDA as a concept;
  3. The knowledge and tools to understand the markets and health areas they work;
  4. Knowledge of the practical application of an MDA to condom markets (based on case studies leveraging recent USAID and BMGF condom market studies)
  5. Strategic ideas for applying course learnings and case study data to their own country context


MDA e-Learning Course Syllabus

Week 1: CONCEPTS underpinning Market Development Approaches

An introduction to Market Development Approaches in support of Sustainable Markets

By addressing the underlying root causes of market failure, a Market Development Approach, or MDA, presents the potential to deliver sustainable health impact at scale. MDA have been widely used in poverty reduction, agriculture, and education for years – this session helps us apply systems thinking within the unique challenges presented by the health sector.

With lower levels of funding, ambitious targets, and persistent gaps between current use of products and services and targeted need, MDA presents an approach to transition programs to support long term sustainable use. This week we will discuss why MDA should be considered in the design of market interventions, and factors to consider when doing so. We’ll introduce the core concepts that underpin a MDA, including market systems, frameworks to understand MDA in application, and the principle steps to implement an MDA. We’ll also cover the relationship of MDA to Total Market Approaches (TMA).

We bring some of the sectors leading experts to kick off the series, including Amy Lin from USAID’s Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact, and Patrick Aylward from Population Services International.

After Week 1 participants will:

  1. Understand why market development approaches & systems thinking are an opportunity to achieve health goals & objectives in the current environment of declining resources
  2. Walk away with firm grasp of concepts underpinning MDA & systems thinking;
  3. Feel excited to learn how to apply a MDA in their countries

Required Reading / Resources / Optional Reading / Additional Resources
  • Intro to Market Systems Video (5 min)
  • Executive Summary (pp 5-8) & Introduction (pp 9-13,& 16) from Healthy Markets for Global Health: A Market Shaping Primer, USAID
  • Strategy-is-as-strategy-does blog
  • Selections from Operational Guide for the Making Markets Work for the Poor Approach (Springfield Centre)
  • M4P Operational Guide: Context
  • M4P Operational Guide_diagnosis
  • Operational Guide for the M4P Approach 2nd addition – all sections
  • A market shaping primer – all
  • Resource materials on the BEAM website, including links to papers, presentations, and projects. While the exchange focuses on systems thinking over all – not linmited to health systems – many resources available.
  • USAID’s cite – in depth (and detailed!) resources and overview of value chain analysis - helpful in supporting market analysis.

Week 2: Guidance in Support of Market Development Approaches

Introducing the Tool Kit developed for Market Landscaping supporting a MDA

This week we’ll focus on a critical step in support of the market development approach - understanding the market. Market analysis, also referred to as market landscaping, is fundamental to understanding market underperformance, market constraints, or failures inhibiting target populations from consistently using priority health products and/or services. Market landscaping efforts also inform root cause analysis of identified market failures / constraints.

We’ll introduce a tool kit and tested approaches curated to understand market constraints and performance. The tools introduced during this week were informed and refined by recent condom market landscaping efforts supported by USAID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in eight countries of Sub Saharan Africa, including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. We’ll use market specific examples of how the tool was applied in different contexts, which will support application in your country.

After Week 2 participants will:

  1. Have clarity on the specific steps supporting market landscaping efforts
  2. Feel confident market landscaping/analysis is possible in their context, through knowledge and tools to support market analysis for a specific element of the market, and ideas on how to apply to the health areas they work;

Guest Presenters include ___

Required Reading / Resources / Optional Reading / Additional Resources
Required Reading / Resources
  • Using Total Market Approaches in Condom Programs (Abt Associates)
  • Brady C, Weeden L, Hutchings J., Parks, J. 2016. “Planning Guide for a Total Market Approach to Increase Access to Family Planning. Planning Toolkit.” And with companion toolkit Seattle, WA: PATH and Washington, DC: The Population Council, Evidence Project
  • UNFPA 2010 Comprehensive Condom Programming: A guide for resource mobilization and country programming
  • TMA Stewardship Capacity Assessment Report – assessment tool to measure readiness of government to steward markets.


This week we’ll dive deep and unpack key market constraints using data and findings from recent condom market landscaping efforts. We’ll run through findings of a study recently supported for USAID and the BMGF, and use country data and case studies to explore market failures common to condom markets. We’ll also take a look at other common market failures in product markets such as FP markets.

After Week 3, participants will:

  1. Understand root cause analysis and how to apply to prioritized market constraints
  2. Understand common market constraints in health product markets, particularly condoms, and their impact on use
  3. Feel comfortable in use of the tools to analyze market constraints

Required Reading / Resources / Optional Reading / Additional Resources
Required Reading / Resources
  • Mann Global Health Condom Market Landscaping Studies (Main report) pp 1-27
  • Mann Global Health Condom Market Landscaping Studies (Case Studies)
  • Botswana Case study
  • Tanzania Case Study
/ The health systems hub compiles resources, project descriptions for health specific projects.


Intervention Design and Solutions in Action, and Best practice in Market Development.

During week four we’ll review specific guidance to USG programs in the management of existing programs supporting sustained condom use. Best practice considerations for condom interventions will be introduced, as will underlying principles to consider when designing, implementing, and evaluating health commodity interventions. We’ll cover the Condom Commodity Fund, how to ensure USG condoms are complimentary to existing interventions in country.

After Week 4, participants will:

  1. Understand best practice recommendations in designing interventions to address market constraints or weaknesses, and understand how to apply in their own market/context
  2. Feel confident in applying e-learning sessions to their own markets, including integration into existing USAID processes such as the COP process, and weaving into existing interventions they support on the ground.

Required Reading / Resources / Optional Reading / Additional Resources
Mann Global Health Condom Market Landscaping Studies (final landscaping report, pp 27 – 47) /
  • Mann Global Health Condom Market Landscaping Studies (Case Studies: Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia)
  • Dalberg_Report Market Shaping for Family Planning Analysis of current activities and future opportunities to improve the effectiveness of family planning markets.