Easter Flowers


The Parish Church of
St Laurence, Ludlow

Easter Flowers

Throughout the year St Laurence’s provides a focus for thousands of people, visitors and tourists alike, as part of their daily lives and at times of crisis or celebration.

During Lent there are no flowers in church as we contemplate Christ’s journey to the Cross. At the end of Holy Week the St Laurence flower arrangers prepare to decorate the churchwith hundreds of blooms to reflect the triumph and joy of Easter Day.

As is our custom, at the start of Lent, we invite you to contribute to the Easter flowers in memory of a friend or a family member. All the flowers in the church will celebrate the lives of these departed loved ones; their names will be displayed in the church and prayers will be offered for them.

Should you wish to remember someone by contributing to the Easter flowers, please complete the attached form and return it to the Parish Office by Tuesday, 11April, so that names may be included in the Record of Remembrance. For further information please contact Barbara Atkin(01584 879380).

We hope that you will be able to join us at some of our Easter services. Choral Matins on Easter Day will include prayers for those loved ones whose lives are to be celebrated by your flowers.

Times of Holy Week and Easter Services

Maundy Thursday – 13April

7.15 pmSolemn Eucharist

Good Friday – 14April

9.30 amProcession of Witness (from Ludlow Mascall Centre)

12 noonPreaching of the Cross– Canon Chris Pullen

2 pmLiturgy of the Cross– Rev’d Kelvin Price

Holy Saturday – 15April

7.00 pmService of Light and Easter Vigil – Rev’d Kelvin Price

Easter Day – 16April

8 amHoly Communion (BCP)

9.30 amChoral Eucharist– Rev’d Kelvin Price

11.30 amChoral Matins – Rev’d Kelvin Price

Easter Flowers Dedication

Sponsor Form

Name/events to be remembered:

I enclose a donation of £

Please make cheques payable to Ludlow PCC

Name of sponsor:

Address (inc postcode):

Contact Number:

Gift Aid Declaration:

I am a UK tax payer intending tax to be reclaimed on the enclosed donation made under the Gift Aid Scheme. The giver must have paid a tax amount that at least equals the tax being reclaimed on the donation. This will allow us to reclaim £2.50 for every £10 donated.



Please return this form by Tuesday, 11April for inclusion in the
Record of Remembrance to the:
Parish Office, No 2 College Street, Ludlow

How fresh, oh Lord, how sweet and clean

Are thy returns! even as the flowers in spring;

To which, besides their own demean,

The late-past frosts tributes of pleasure bring. Grief melts away

Like snow in May,

As if there were no such cold thing.

from The Flower by George Herbert