M.A.D. Programme – 11th March, 2018
Theme – Captain Birdseye Team Leader =
Time / What’s Happening / Who’s doing it? / MusicMulti-Media / Resources
20 mins / Registration – please tell the children that they have to make sure they go and sit in the groups straight away.
Intro Song (Children come in to the song and join in either on the boys or the girls side of the hall) All Leaders to be joining in with the song and encouraging the children.
Pray with child asking God to be here and to teach us something new today.
2 more songs
Welcome & Rules
Announce team leaders, WIN, Points, Red & Yellow cards. Introduce theme. / Whistle
Red & Yellow Cards
20 mins / Panto:
Fish comes on and tells us that the captain is still delighted from the award the crew won last week for being the best ship and crew in the harbour. He’s so delighted he wondered if I might be able to rustle up some foodie games to keep the celebration going. Well I’ve got a few ideas and wondered if you might like to try them. The captain has been going for ages about these fish biscuits his granny used to make and he said the making of them is just as much fun as eating them. So why don’t we give it a go? / You will need:
In this game have two teams of 4. They will each take in turns to run to the back of the hall and collect a handful of the “fish cake mix” (playdough) they need to run back to their team and fashion a fish shaped biscuits from it onto a tray. Then the next person will go. Whichever team makes the most and best looking fish biscuits are the winners. / You will need:
2 tubs of play dough, 2 toy rolling pins
Fish thinks the captain will be impressed with the kids fish biscuits. Talking about eating nice things. I remember a few years back we visited this port were they played a game were they had to try and eat a jelly fish with chopsticks I tried it and was rubbish! Do you think you could do any better?
In this game choose 4 boys and 4 girls to take part, they will each be given a small paper plate with a small jelly on it, who can eat it the fastest. Whichever team eats the most in the time are the winners. / You will need:
8 sets of chopsticks, 8 small jellies, 8 paper plates
Fish thanks their kids for their enthusiasm and looks forward to seeing them again soon.
20 mins / Tune In / Overall =
Girls =
Boys = / Tune In sweets
Memory Verse Challenge – part 2:
Every week in M.A.D the kids are going to be learning a new memory verse. They will get given this verse to take home to learn for the next week. Introduce this week’s memory verse and practise with the kids. Have the verse “I am the good Shepherd, I know my own and My own know Me: John 10:14” up on the screen. You could ping pong between words so the girls say one word, then the boys, then girls and so on. You could also see which team can read it the fastest, in Sherlock’s accent, and so on to briefly get the verse in the kid’s heads before the story starts.
Bible Story: John chapter
Last week we saw from chapter 10 how Jesus transformed the life of a man born blind, the man received his sight but more than just being able to see, he could see that Jesus was sent from God and was the true Son of God. Following on from this Jesus makes another bold statement about himself and his followers. Jesus claimed to be the Good Shepherd.
Well, there doesn’t seem to be much controversy in claiming to be a good shepherd. Maybe it was because he had never shepherded a sheep in his life before, was he just mixed up?!
No it wasn’t that. When Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd he was making references to God, throughout the Old testament God often referred to himself as the Good Shepherd the one who looks after his people just like a shepherd looks after his sheep. Jesus was saying that he is the one and the same. He was saying, listen I am the One who truly cares for you, I will guide you and protect you. These religious leaders who lord it over you and boss you around, they are not your true shepherds. God is. So much so that I am prepared to lay down my life for you. That’s how much I love you. Listen to my voice, let me lead you and guide you. Don’t be fooled by any others. Kids, nobody loves us like Jesus, he promises to lead us well and guide us in a way no one else can. He cares for us so much that he died for us. Don’t be fooled by any others, keep trusting in Jesus. / Memory Verse =
“I am the good Shepherd, I know my own and My own know Me: John 10:14”
Object lesson 1:
Have a MAD leader come on who starts boasting to the kids about how great a MAD leader he/she is and that because they are a MAD leader all the kids should be doing things for him/her. The Mad leader could make some silly requests of the kids like “I’m having a party next week so I will need somebody to bake me a cake. I’ll need somebody else to clean up afterwards. Oh yeah, I saw this great pair of shoes the other day that I really want I’ll be expecting all of you to chip in towards buying them for me. We could use the collection spot for that, never mind Melanie, give your money to me. After all I am the MAD LEADER!
(Just then, have Jesus come through the door, and interrupt them, . . .
Jesus: Excuse me, but what are you doing?
MAD Leader: Excuse me, but I’m the Mad leader around here, look I’ve got the T-shirt!
Jesus: Yeah, and I’m the King of Kings, and I wont have anyone treat my kids like that, you were given that T-shirt to look after these kids. Not to be a show off, and expect them to do things for you. You’re here to serve them, not them serve you. I think you better take that T-shirt off for now. Lets go have a chat.
(Jesus escorts the MAD leader off.)
Have another Mad leader come on and explain the point. . .
You know kids when ????, came on they completely forgot what they were all about. They thought that they were given the role of a leader so they could be a bossy boots and get everyone to do things for them. They forgot that Jesus isn’t anything like that. We follow and trust Jesus because he loves us and promises to lead us to his kingdom. He is the good Shepherd who cares for us. He wants the best for us. / You will need:
2 characters.
1. A bossy MAD leader
2. A character portraying Jesus, have a label on their t-shirt titled Jesus to make it obvious.
Object Lesson 2:
Have two characters come on who are campaigning to become prime minister. Have one come on who is full of themselves and delivers their policies and promises for becoming Prime Minister. The first one says that he deserves to be Prime Minister because he is so much cleverer than everyone else. He is used to having an expensive lifestyle and thinks living at No. 10 Downing street would really suit them. The most important thing about being Prime Minster for them is to make sure that they personally have a flash car, plenty of famous friends, lots of servants and maybe write a book about being Prime Minister and make lots of money for themselves.
The second candidate explains, that he got into politics to try and make a difference to help people, he doesn’t expect it would be an easy job, but he will do his best to create jobs for everyone, help the elderly have better and cheaper health care. Get people out of poverty but I’m gonna need God’s help to do it. All I ask is that you give me a chance to serve you.
Ask the kids to vote, and hopefully the more humble and selfless candidate will win the votes.
Have another Mad leader come on and explain that Jesus is a bit like the candidate, he cares about us, we are like his sheep he doesn’t want to lose or see any of us get hurt in life.
He wants us to listen to his voice and not be tricked or conned by anything or anyone.
We know that we can trust Jesus because he died for us, just like he promised in his statement so many years ago, and just as surely as he died, he rose again and promises to lead us into his kingdom if we follow him. / You will need:
2 characters wearing suits (if possible), holding leaflets.
15 mins / Response time
1. Have a time of reflection and prayer whereby the kids could be encouraged to consider who they could serve this week.
Winners for quiet seats
Gunge the Leader
For this term, the team captain will have to dip their hand into the “barrel” to pull out a forfeit. It might be nice or it might be nasty. It’s at team’s discretion what might be in it this week.