DRB Meeting of December 6, 2017
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Board Present: Bob Ayres, Lawrence Caron, Howard DeMars, Francis LaFromboise,
Stuart Jay Robinson; Donna LeClair, Clerk
7:01 PM Chair, Howard DeMars, called the DRB meeting to order and took roll call. Clerk noted she had a Decision and a Mylar to be signed under Administrative Business and the project map for Hearing #11-17FP – Haeger has been signed so it should be deleted from the Agenda. S. J. Robinson made a motion the Agenda be adopted. H. DeMars seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote.
Tonight’s meeting was one for administration; there were no hearings. ZAO Jeff Parizo was not present.
Chair DeMars advised those present that he had gone before the Select Board on Monday, December 4, 2017, to relate difficulties the Board has had since Hearing #10-16CU – DeBono and the camping trailer storage that came before the Board last November 2016. He told the DRB members that he advised the Select Board he would not seek reappointment to a new DRB term. He further told the DRB members he had not told them when he was going before the Select Board because he thought they would all go, too, and he did not want that.
Clerk noted she had received two letters of resignation that day from Keith Hansen, Alternate, and from Larry Caron. She reported she also received an email from S.J. Robinson stating he will not seek reappointment to a new term.
H. DeMars brought a question concerning the Haeger property to the Board and advised the Board to have a copy of any permits (conditions) previously written. DeMars questioned whether the recent Hearing #11-17FP should have been reviewed as a major subdivision. F. LaFromboise said if Mr. Haeger stated it would be a single lot subdivision he made his own conditions. DeMars said Mr. Haeger had come before the Board for a major subdivision several years ago and last year had a hearing for a boundary adjustment. DeMars said there are four lots and questioned if the last hearing should have had the same conditions as those of the major subdivision. F. LaFromboise looked at the application and said it was for a single lot subdivision. The Board discussed it. The discussion caused S.J. Robinson to make a recommendation for the future regarding a divorce decree. He said he doesn’t think a divorce decree is enough to clearly indicate ownership of property and believes there should always be a deed with every application. He also recommended a checklist of basic documents that should come with each application and stated that these documents must be received on or before a certain date. The Board discussed a divorce decree compared to a deed. B. Ayres said, without the support of the Zoning Administrator, he feels like he’s making decisions blindly now. He stated he will be submitting his resignation shortly. H. DeMars strongly advised the Board take its time with all applications. S.J. Robinson said without the Town, the DRB is just a Board that gets together without any enforcement.
Minutes of November 15, 2017 were reviewed. S.J. Robinson made a motion to accept the Minutes of November 15, 2017, as presented. F. LaFromboise seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote.
S.J. Robinson noted that the Board had not, since he has been on the Board, ever had an appeal of any of their decisions. He stated they don’t have to be sorry about that.
He continued that he was surprised when H. DeMars stated he had three letters of resignation.
H. DeMars made a motion the Board not meet on December 20th. F. LaFromboise seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote.
H. DeMars spoke about the Jeannine Dubuque Trust for major subdivision on Pearl Street (Hearing #10-17SKP) and said he believes the Board should make a recommendation for a Recreation donation as part of the major subdivision decision process. He referred the Board’s attention to of the Bylaws, Payment in Lieu of Parks. He asked the members if they recalled that he had asked the Agent at that hearing if an area of land would be dedicated within the subdivision for recreation purposes and the Agent had stated there was none planned. Board members this evening spoke to increased use of the land. DeMars thought asking for a donation to the Town Recreation Department would be a good gesture to mitigate the development. An amount of $10,000 was mentioned. F. LaFromboise said he thinks the DRB should write a letter to the Select Board recommending the Dubuque Trust pay a fee for the Recreation Park.
The Budget was discussed briefly. F. LaFromboise feels $15,000 is appropriate to have on hand for legal fees. H. DeMars signed the budget for review by the Select Board. S. Robinson moved to submit the proposed budget for FY 2019 to the Select Board. H. DeMars seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote.
The Decision for Tri-Sky Holding Company was reviewed and H. DeMars made a motion the Board sign the Decision. S.J. Robinson seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote to sign the Decision.
The Mylar for Hearing #08-17FP – Ronald Dubuque, Administrator for Francis Dubuque Estate was signed by the Chair.
8:45 PM With the business of this evening concluded, H. DeMars made a motion to close the DRB Meeting of December 6, 2017, at 8:45 p.m. F. LaFromboise seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote.
Prepared by Donna LeClair, Clerk
DRB Chair / DRB Co-Chair / DRB Member Date