The MIMU Assessment and Publication Registry

The MIMU’s Assessment and Publication Registryisa list of Myanmar-focused assessments, surveys, reports and publications which are completed, ongoing or planned by agency or organization.

It provides, in one place, details of the implementing agency, the sectors/topics and geographic areas covered, the method by which information was gathered, products available for dissemination and how they can be accessed.

This Registry allows users - among them agencies, government counterparts, researchers, donors – to

-share assessment results and also, whererelevant methodologies and data,

-coordinate information gathering initiatives,

-benefit from expertise, knowledge and learning in other sectors,

-avoid duplication and gaps in assessment coverage.

WhichAssessments/Publications to include:

The Registry includes any planned, ongoing or completed assessments, surveys, research or publications which may be relevant to the humanitarian or development situation in Myanmar.

-An “assessment” could be a survey or other researchbased on data gathering - whether quantitative or qualitative, regardless of the methodology used. A single assessment activity may generate a number of datasets across different areas/sectors – the country-wide Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment, for example,would be included as one assessment since the information was gathered using one set of data tools,even though it covered a number of sectors. The next round of the IHLCA several years later would be registered as a “new” assessment. An assessment may also be published.

-A “publication” is any other report of information gathering or analysis that is published and distributed to the general public. This could include, for example, a desk review on donor policies or the situation in a particular area.

The aim is to bring together assessments and publications that provide useful information for inter-agency programming. Hence the Registry does not include internal reports or donor reports of individual agencies.

Who adds or updates assessment/publicationinformation:

The lead or partner agency provides information to the MIMU using the Assessment Data Entry Formeach time there is a new assessment or update to the existing information. This ensures thatinformation is complete and can be included in the searchable Registryshared throughthe MIMU website.

The MIMU will update the Registry weekly with any new information received, and make it available publically through the MIMUwebsite ( Users can search the Registryby agency, report name or report code, and sectors or geographic areas covered to identify assessments/publications. When the final assessment/publication has been made available through the MIMU, this is immediately available for download.

How to addyour Assessments/Publications:

Agencies can add or update information on their assessments and publications at any time by completing the MIMU Assessment Data Entry Form.

The Assessment Data Entry Form has 2 sections

-New Assessments/Publications – to register information on any initiatives not yet in the Registry.

  • Addthe required information in a new blank record/row

-Updates - to register changes or corrections to information already listed in the Registry.

  • Copy the existing record and MIMU Assessment Code from the Assessment and Publication Registry on the MIMU website, and paste this row into the data entry formusing paste by value and number format.
  • In the row underneath, note any revisions/changes that should be updated.

Use of the Assessment Data Entry Form: The Data Entry Form is aMicrosoft Excel file compatible with version 2003 and above. Macros must be enabled to use this form (see instructions to enable macros below.)

Open the data entry form spreadsheet. If macros are enabled “with notification”, you will receive a warning, usually at the top of the spreadsheet, that there are macros present in the spreadsheet (see Figure 1). If you receive this warning, select “Enable Content” to continue.

Figure 1.Macro security warning.

How to choose Multi-values from the drop-down list

Some columns allow you to select more than one value. Click on the drop-down and choose the most appropriate values.In the case of needing to select values from the drop-down list and also type a value, you should choose the value "Other" first and type the new value.

Description of Data Fields to be completed:

Assessment Data Entry Form / Description
MIMU Assessment Code / A unique code added by the MIMU to identify each new assessment/publication listed. You should use this code whenever notifying of updates/changes to the information already submitted.
Agency/Dept. / Lead Agency / Department (full name) / Type the full name of the lead agency/ department
Partner agencies/departments / Type the name(s) of partners involved in the assessment (more than one partner can be listed)
Can this record be shared on the MIMU Website? / Select “Yes” if this record can be shared publicly through the MIMU website.
Select “No” if your record is restricted and cannot be shared publicly and can be used only for a specific purpose. The restricted information can be only seen by specific authorized persons (for example, HCT members, members of dedicated working group, etc.) by accessing through the MIMU website with authorized user name and password when needed for emergency interventions.The status of entries can be changed from “Restricted” to “Public” at any time by updating the data entry form
Entry Date / Select the date of completion of this Assessment Data Entry Formusing the dd/mm/yy format.
Assessment/ Publication Title / Insert the Name of the Assessment/Survey/Publication.
Type of assessment / Select the type of Assessment- -Emergency – post natural disaster, Emergency – post conflict or man-made disaster, Early warning/preparedness, Development focused, Other.
New or Existing Assessment/Publication / Select whether the assessment/publication is New (not yet included in the Registry) or an Update (updating information on an assessment/publication already listed)
Sector(s) covered (several sectors can be selected) / Use the drop-down list to select the sector/sectors. More than one can be selected. Where the sector is not listed, it can be typed in.
Sub Sector(s) covered / Type the sub sector(s) related to the selected sectors.
Location and Assessment Coverage / State/Region / Select the States/Regions in which the Assessment was conducted. Add new rows for many States/Regions.
Townships covered / Select the names of townships appearing alongside the names of States/Regions. Add new rows for many townships.
# of villages / Type the number of villages or IDP camps/sites covered by the Assessment where relevant.
# of IDP camps/sites
# of Households / Type the overall number of households.
Assessment/Survey Methodology / Methodology / Text field for specifying the method(s) by which the assessment was conducted.
Survey Unit (several can be selected) / Select the type(s) of survey respondents - Individual, Household, Community, Market, Key Informants – or add the respondent type.
Mode of Data Collection (several can be selected) / Select the type(s) of information gathering tools used - Interview (unstructured), Questionnaire (structured interview), Focus group discussion, Observation- or add the specific tools used.
Status / Select whether the initiative is Planned, Ongoing, Field-work Completed, Final Report completed.
Period Covered / Start Month/ End Month / Select the month and year in which the data gathering was or will be started.
Start Year /End Year / Select the month and year in which the data gathering was or will be completed.
Frequency (if to be repeated) / If the assessment is intended to be repeated, what is the intended frequency.
Accessing Information / Report Availability / Select the category that best describes availability of the assessment/publication: Publicly available, Available on request, Restricted distribution, Not available.
Type of Information Available / Select the level of information that users can request - Questionnaire, Data, Full Report, Summary.
Language of the report/summary (More than one can be selected) / Select the languages in which the report/summary is available - English, Myanmar, or Other, and type in other languages.
Instructions to access Report / Information / Select whether information is available through a WeblinkHard Copy, or Soft Copy.
Weblink / Type the weblink where the document can be downloaded.
Contact / Contact Name and Position / Type the name/position of contact person to access the information on this particular assessment/publication.
Organization's email / Type the organization's email address.
Remark / Comment / An optional field in which any further relevant information can be added.
Return Completed Assessment Data Entry Forms to

For Support and Assistance:

Please contact the MIMU directly for support and advice in use of the Assessment and Publications Registry and the Assessment Data Entry Form:

Ms. Ei Ei

01-2305663 (ext.105), 09450039934/5.

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