/ Irish Posture & Mobility Network (IPMN)
in conjunction with
/ Engineers Ireland Biomedical Engineering Division
Seating & Mobility Interest Group
Posture & Mobility
Day of Shared Learning
Thursday 28th January 2016
Dublin City University
Cost €50 (€15 student) (including membership & lunch!) / More Information www.ipmn.ie
» / # / Schedule Summary (draft: subject to change)
09.20 / Opening Address
09.30 / 01 / Spinal Orthotics and Casting in Management of the Paediatric Spine: The Surgeon’s Perspective / Pat Kiely
10:00 / 02 / Complexity of Motor, Spasticity and Postural Management in Children with Cerebral Palsy: the Central Role of Orthotics and Seating / Denise McDonald
Amanda O’Sullivan
10:30 / 03 / Domestic Assistant Robots for All Who Need Them: a Roadmap / Kevin Kelly
10:50 / 04 / Lower Limb Prosthetic Design Considerations in Relation to the Bariatric Amputee / Michael Fouhy
11:10 / Coffee
11:20 / 05 / Doing the Right Thing Correctly / Noel Joyce &
John Horrigan
11:40 / 06 / The Influence of AFOs on Paediatric Gait / Donna Fisher
12:00 / 07 / 24 Hour Postural Management for Community Dwelling Adults with Learning Disabilities: an OT Service Evaluation / Shelley Crawford
12:20 / 08 / Early Intervention and Prevention of Asymmetry of Posture in the Young Child with a Physical and Neurological Disability / Gillian O’Dwyer
( colleagues)
12:40 / 09 / Duty of Care and Its Relationship with Risk Management / Dora Sneddon
13:00 / Lunch
14:20 / 10 / The Development of a Standardised Approach to Specialised Seating Assessments and Handover Documentation within 11 Irish Acute Hospitals / Joan Elliott
14:40 / 11 / Development of a Wheelchair Head Restraint to Reduce the Risk of Whiplash / Conor Young
15:00 / 12 / Positioning the Patient with ABI: “How does he Look!” / Catherine Cornell
15:20 / 13 / Building Sustainable Infrastructures to Support the Provision of Posture and Mobility Technologies: A Programme for Government / Rosie Gowran
15:40 / Closing Address
15:50 / IPMN AGM
» / # / Schedule Detail (page 1/3) (draft: subject to change)
09.20 / Opening Address
09.30 / 01 / Spinal Orthotics and Casting in Management of the Paediatric Spine: The Surgeon’s Perspective
Pat Kiely (Orthopaedic Consultant, Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin)
10:00 / 02 / Complexity of Motor, Spasticity and Postural Management in Children with Cerebral Palsy: the Central Role of Orthotics and Seating
Amanda and Denise lead the regional motor management service in Kildare/West Wicklow. This presentation addresses the complexity of motor, spasticity and postural management in children with cerebral palsy, and demonstrates the central role of orthotics and seating. Children with varying degrees of motor involvement will be discussed, with a focus on specific clinical challenges. The presentation aims to encourage audience participation to optimise the opportunity for mutual learning and sharing of experience.
Denise McDonald (Paediatrician) & Amanda O’Sullivan (Physiotherapist)
10:30 / 03 / Domestic Assistant Robots for All Who Need Them: a Roadmap
Kevin is the principal investigator in the Robotics research group in the Mechanical Engineering dept at Trinity College Dublin. He is active in teaching and research in design, being TCD’s representative to the CDIO organisation, and leading TCD’s participation in the international innovation network SUGAR (with current collaborators including Stanford, USP, KIT universities and companies such as Netposa, SAP, Panasonic, Swisscom and Media-Saturn). He won the 2014 Engineers Ireland Technological Innovation of the Year award, for the design of a prototype robotic platform for Cork teenager, Joanne O'Riordan. This presentation will give an update on the current status of the robot.
Kevin Kelly (Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Trinity College Dublin)
10:50 / 04 / Lower Limb Prosthetic Design Considerations in Relation to the Bariatric Amputee
Michael is looking at how Bariatric Amputee Rehabilitation presents many unique challenges for the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. The presentation will highlight the issues that limit successful prosthetic limb fitting, and suggest strategies that may improve outcomes. The presentation will also discuss how these particular types of prosthetic limb are designed and constructed, to ensure patient compliance and safety.
Michael Fouhy (BSc Prosthetics & Orthotics; Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist, American Board of Certification in Orthotic & Prosthetics; MBA)
11:00 / Coffee
11:20 / 05 / Doing the Right Thing Correctly
The importance of gaining deep user understanding in the design of assistive technologies, and the importance embracing change. Other topics include: the importance of honesty, determination and, importantly, collaboration in the design of products which offer real value to the end user.
Noel Joyce & John Horrigan (Engineering & Design) ()
10:40 / 06 / The Influence of AFOs on Paediatric Gait
Donna has a special interest in Paediatric Orthotics and complex orthotic clients and rehabilitation of young active amputees. This presentation explains the influence an Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO) can have on the gait of children with a disability, focusing on the effect of the Ground Reaction Force (GRF).
Donna Fisher (BSc P&O; MPhil; Clinical Specialist in Orthotics & Prosthetics in IDS/Otto Bock, Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital)
12:00 / 07 / 24 Hour Postural Management for Community Dwelling Adults with Learning Disabilities: an OT Service Evaluation
Twenty four hour postural management is an increasingly utilised intervention for those with severe motor impairment, who are at risk of postural deformity. A new OT postural management service was established for individuals with learning disabilities. This service was evaluated using a carer feedback questionnaire after 12 months. The results found that this service offered a hugely positive impact on both the clients and their carers, and as such the model of service delivery has been widely disseminated.
Shelley Crawford (PhD; BSc Hons OT; Lead Postural Management Occupational Therapist) ()
» / # / Schedule Detail (page 2/3) (draft: subject to change)
12:20 / 08 / Early Intervention and Prevention of Asymmetry of Posture in the Young Child with a Physical and Neurological Disability
This presentation shows a team approach which looks at prevention and management of posture through our Orthopaedic Care Pathway. Case studies will feature in the presentation. We are a dynamic group of clinicians who work within a wider interdisciplinary team, as well as specialised clinics developed for the paediatric physical disability population. Our philosophy is a modern Bobath/NDT therapy approach, with a strong history of developing relationships and shared services with local, national and international centres of best practice. Today, we represent our Orthopaedic Care Pathway Team.
Gillian O’Dwyer (Physiotherapist) Physiotherapy colleagues (representing Orthopaedic Care Pathway Team, Enable Ireland Cork Children’s Services) ()
12:40 / 09 / Duty of Care and Its Relationship with Risk Management
Amongst medical devices, wheelchairs present unique challenges with regard to risk management, due to the levels of vulnerability of wheelchair users, the infinite number of environments in which wheelchairs may be used and the numbers of people who may be involved in their use and management. Gillian’s talk examines and clarifies the role of the practitioner. She delineates pathways to ensuring practitioners involved in wheelchair assessment, prescription and provision understand the scope and limits of their role. She offers guidelines on how to comply with and communicate clearly about risk and responsibility, when wheelchairs and associated equipment are prescribed and issued, referring to HSE and other guidance documentation.
Dora Sneddon (BSc OT)
13:00 / Lunch
14:20 / 10 / The Development of a Standardised Approach to Specialised Seating Assessments and Handover Documentation within 11 Irish Acute Hospitals
OT Managers from 11 acute hospitals throughout the country are members of an Acute Hospital OT Managers Network (AHOTMN). The assessment process and handover documentation involved in the provision of specialised seating systems was identified as a common area of practice in need of development and standardisation across the hospital sites. An AHOTMN Seating Group was established. This presentation will provide an overview of how the group worked together to achieve standardised documentation across the sites.
Joan Elliott (Occupational Therapy Manager, Naas General Hospital; co-chair of Acute Hospital OT Managers Network (AHOTMN) Seating Group) ()
14:40 / 11 / Development of a Wheelchair Head Restraint to Reduce the Risk of Whiplash
This presentation will discuss the findings of a project carried out at TCD in association with SeatTech, Enable Ireland. One of the most common car accident injuries is whiplash. It is important to ensure that those who travel in wheelchairs receive the same level of safety given by commercial vehicle seats. This project uses a combination of experimental data and computer simulations to help develop a head restraint to reduce the risk of whiplash.
Conor Young (MAI student in Mechanical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin)
15:00 / 12 / Positioning the Patient with ABI: “How does he Look!”
Catherine qualified as a physiotherapist in 1980, and gained experience in neurorehabilitation in both the UK and Ireland. She has worked at the National Rehabilitation Hospital Dun Laoghaire since 1995, and is currently Clinical Specialist in Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). She has a particular interest in promoting interdisciplinary postural management education. This session will outline the evidence, rationale and clinical practice of postural management in the bed implemented with adults with ABI at the NRH.
Catherine Cornell (Physiotherapist)
15:20 / 13 / Building Sustainable Infrastructures to Support the Provision of Posture and Mobility Technologies: A Programme for Government
Rosie’s interests are occupational empowerment, human rights and sustainable healthcare provision. Her doctoral thesis ‘Building a Sustainable Wheelchair and Seating Provision Community, Meeting Peoples’ Primary Needs Now and in the Future’, was funded by the HRB. In 2013 Rosie was awarded ‘Clinical Research Associate of the Year’ at the Irish Healthcare Awards. As an action academic Rosie promotes stakeholder centred research, committed to finding sustainable solutions involving community of practice partnerships locally, nationally and internationally.
Rosie Gowran (PhD; Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at University of Limerick)
15:40 / Closing Address
» / # / Schedule Detail (page 2/3) (draft: subject to change)
15:50 / IPMN AGM
All are invited, and encouraged to participate.
16:45 / Finish
» / # / IPMN AGM Agenda (to be decided)
IPMN Day of Shared Learning (2016) - Registration & Useful Information


To register to attend the IPMN Day of Shared Learning 2016, please visit www.ipmn.ie and follow the onscreen instructions regarding signing up or logging in and purchasing a ticket.

Register early to guarantee your place at this popular event!

We anticipate that the website will be ready to accept registrations after approx 07/12/2015.

Useful Information

Please see below for some important information relating to the venue and the format of the day.

·  This year’s venue is the School of Nursing in DCU (the same building as last year).

·  When you come into DCU via the Collins Avenue Extension entrance,
the entrance to the School of Nursing is immediately on your left.

·  For the multi-storey car park you turn right at the roundabout, and it’s on your right.

·  See the maps below for more information, or visit www.dcu.ie/info/get_to.shtml.

·  Once in the building, please sign in and we will direct you to the seminar room.

·  Parking is provided, at a discounted rate of €3 for the day.

·  You take your ticket as normal upon entering the car park, and then exchange it for a reduced price ticket at the IPMN registration desk.

·  Lunch is provided, included in the ticket price.

·  We will issue a voucher to attendees on the day.

·  We will guide you across the campus to the restaurant, or check its location on the map below.

·  The event will run from 09:00 – 16:30.

·  Presentation slots are 12 mins, with 5 mins for questions, and 3 mins for switchover between presenters. Please make every effort to adhere to these times (programme attached), by being in your place on time for the start of the day and following breaks, and by cooperating to keep Q&A sessions within the time.

·  The IPMN AGM will take place after the presentations – agenda to follow.

·  Please factor this into your travel plans.

·  All attendees are encouraged to attend and to participate in discussing the development of IPMN.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries ().

Thanks again for supporting this important yearly event!

Kind regards

IPMN Committee