Virtual Field Trip to Learn More About Managing Your Stress
You can't be a college student and avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it. There are many sites on the Internet that may help you examine the causes and management of your stress.
One comprehensive web site dealing with stress management is Optimal Health Concept's The Web's Stress Management & Emotional Wellness Page which includes a comprehensive list of stress links
You are already familiar with Links to Better Education which also has links about stress
Choose four places to visit. Keep a travel journal( sheets of paper you will turn in as assignment) toevaluate each site you visit as you look for what you consider the best advise for you. In addition to your journal you will be asked to make a travel poster displaying some useful things you learned about managing stress.
Name of site Title and URL
Explain what makes this site easy of difficult to understand.
Explain why you think the information here is reliable or not reliable source of information.
What information does is contain it that I can actually use?
List what you consider the best information contained on the site. (You will end up with a list of useful things you learned from the site—not a description of what appears on the site. You will need more space that is provided here.)
Explain why you consider it the best information.
Site #2
Name of site Title and URL
Explain what makes this site easy of difficult to understand.
Explain why you think the information here is reliable or not reliable source of information.
What information does is contain it that I can actually use?
List what you consider the best information contained on the site. (You will end up with a list of useful things you learned from the site—not a description of what appears on the site. You will need more space that is provided here.)
Explain why you consider it the best information.
Site #3
Name of site Title and URL
Explain what makes this site easy of difficult to understand.
Explain why you think the information here is reliable or not reliable source of information.
What information does is contain it that I can actually use?
List what you consider the best information contained on the site. (You will end up with a list of useful things you learned from the site—not a description of what appears on the site. You will need more space that is provided here.)
Explain why you consider it the best information.
Name of site Title and URL
Explain what makes this site easy of difficult to understand.
Explain why you think the information here is reliable or not reliable source of information.
What information does is contain it that I can actually use?
List what you consider the best information contained on the site. (You will end up with a list of useful things you learned from the site—not a description of what appears on the site. You will need more space that is provided here.)
Explain why you consider it the best information.
Don't Forget to design your Travel Poster displaying some useful things you discovered about managing stress.
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