JULY 17, 2001

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to the recess of July 3, 2001 at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on July 17, 2001. The following members were present: Virgil Klatt, Loren Lein, Paul Meyer, Ralph Prescher, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor John Thompson was also present.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lein.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Klatt/Meyer motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of July 3, 2001 regular meeting.

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Meyer/Prescher motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of July 17, 2001.

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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.

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Data Processing/Personnel Manager Brenda Ripley met regarding office business.

Meyer/Warmka motion carried unanimously to hire Lorrie Zierke of Elmore as secretary in the Recorder’s office.

Klatt/Prescher motion carried unanimously to hire Barry Meyers of Blue Earth as deputy sheriff in the Sheriff Department.

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Tom Kopp of Minnesota Valley Action Council met to discuss agency business.

Meyer/Klatt motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 01-CB-27 authorizing Minnesota Valley Action Council, Inc. to administrate the funds made available through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Community Fix-Up Fund Loan Program in Faribault County. Commissioners Klatt, Lein, Meyer, Prescher, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, State of Minnesota, has been authorized to undertake a loan program to provide loans to property owners for the purpose of housing rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Valley Action Council, Inc. has developed an application as an administering Entity for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Community Fix-up Fund Loan Program; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Valley Action Council, Inc. has demonstrated the ability to perform the required activities of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Community Fix-Up Fund Loan Program;

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that Minnesota Valley Action Council, Inc. is hereby authorized as an entity to be charged with the administration of funds made available through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Community Fix-Up Fund Loan Program, in Faribault County.

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Treasurer David Frank met regarding office business. County deposits, investments and collateral were discussed.

Meyer/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve the following ISTS loans and grants: loan of $2,227.52 to James Deutsch on Parcel No. 09.002.0100 in Foster Township; loan of $1,777.30 and a grant of $2,221.63 to Marlin Krupp on Parcel No. 07.018.0301 in Elmore Township; and loan of $4,989.83 to David Rynearson on Parcel No. 18.004.0900 in Verona Township.

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Jeff Hilgent of Region Nine and Jack Quinlivan of Faribault County Local Redevelopment Agency met to discuss the Rural Empowerment Zone program. Region Nine’s time for grant writing could range from $7,500 to $10,000.

Prescher/Warmka motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 01-CB-28 to begin the application process for Rural Empowerment Zone status. Commissioners Klatt, Lein, Meyer, Prescher, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, the Faribault County Board of Commissioners desires to apply for Rural Empowerment Zone status under the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faribault County Board of Commissioners do hereby authorize Faribault County Local Redevelopment Agency Director Jack Quinlivan to submit a letter of intent to participate in the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000, Round III Rural Empowerment Zone application process; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that Jack Quinlivan and the Region Nine development committee is hereby authorized to seek the appropriate nominations and other necessary tasks to complete the application.

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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business.

Meyer/Klatt motion carried unanimously to accept the quote from Independent Salt of Kanapolis, KS for the 2001-2002 winter salt supply at a cost of $36.50 per ton. One other quote was received from Central Salt of Overland Park, KS for $41.28 per ton.

McDonald updated the board on construction progress throughout the county.

Warmka/Meyer motion carried unanimously to approve final payment of $9,500 to Gene Schroeder for the Pihl’s Park shelter house.

Warmka/Klatt motion carried unanimously to advertise bid letting for spraying of road ditches on August 17, 2001 at 11:00 a.m.

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Mark Bauman of Prairieland Solid Waste and Tom Osboda of E4 Partners met to discuss Solid Waste Plan update.

Meyer/Warmka motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 01-CB-29 approving the draft Solid Waste Plan for public review. Commissioners Klatt, Lein, Meyer, Prescher and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, Faribault County (the “County”) has drafted a Solid Waste Management Plan update for submission to the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (“OEA”) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115A and 400; and

WHEREAS, the draft Plan describes current programs and projected solid waste management needs, related to public education, waste reduction, recycling, household hazardous waste, resource recovery through composting and waste energy and other issues; and

WHEREAS, the draft Plan also describes potential new initiatives, including increased collection of solid waste in rural areas of the County as well as potential for public collection of solid waste, among other new initiatives.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Faribault County hereby approves the draft Solid Waste Plan for public review, discussion and input and directs staff to seek comments from the public, including solid waste haulers, businesses, and residential waste generators as well as public institutions regarding the plan before it is revised and finally adopted by the Board for submission to the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance.

Warmka/Klatt motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 01-CB-30 that the County fully explore and consider development and implementation of a public collection system for solid waste. Commissioners Klatt, Lein, Meyer, Prescher, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, Faribault County (the “County”) desires to continue to benefit, protect and ensure the public health, safety, welfare and environment of the County’s residents and businesses through sound management of solid waste generated in the County; and

WHEREAS, public collection of solid waste could provide such services in a more cost effective manner and better allocate the costs of solid waste management among generators of waste based upon the volume of waste generated; and

WHEREAS, public collection could reduce the impact of solid waste collection vehicles on roads, alleys and bridges, and reduce noise and traffic impacts in the County, and could improve collection of solid waste in rural areas of the County; and

WHEREAS, the County seeks to manage the potential long-term financial liability on its taxpayers, including the environmental liability associated with disposal of solid waste; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, including Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115A, 145A, and 400, grant the County the authority to establish and conduct solid waste management programs to protect the water, air and land resources of the County thereby promoting the public safety, health and welfare of its residents and businesses; and

WHEREAS, the County has approved a draft Solid Waste Plan (“Plan”) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 115A and 400 that seeks to implement solid waste management in a manner fully consistent with the waste management hierarchy prescribed by the State of Minnesota, including reducing the amount of solid waste generated, maximizing recycling and converting waste to compost and energy; and

WHEREAS, the draft Plan contemplates exploration and potential implementation of public collection of solid waste and increased collection of solid waste in rural areas of the County; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Chapters. 115A, 145A, and 400 grant the County the specific authority to provide for and regulate the collection, management and disposal of solid waste and other refuse; and

WHEREAS, the process to develop and implement public collection of solid waste should ensure participation of County residents and businesses.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Faribault Board of Commissioners that the County fully explore and consider development and implementation of a public collection system for solid waste, including increased collection of solid waste in rural areas of the County, in light of the potential benefits described above, and that the County engage participation of residents, municipalities, solid waste haulers, businesses, and citizen groups as it considers development and implementation of a public solid waste collection system.

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Warmka/Meyer motion carried unanimously to approve a lawful gambling permit for Stateliners Snowmobile Club of Bricelyn for February 2, 2002.

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Set date for a joint meeting with the Faribault County Soil & Water Board of August 21, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. at the Ag Center in Blue Earth.

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Prescher/Meyer motion carried unanimously to send a letter to surrounding county boards and planning & zoning boards to consider surrounding counties set backs on feedlots.

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Warmka/Prescher motion carried unanimously to direct the auditor to proceed with quotes to demolish a tax-forfeited house in Walters and work with the city to clean up other buildings.

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Meyer/Prescher motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $ 73,233.14 as follows:




DITCH FUNDS 4,778.92


$ 73,233.14

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The meeting was adjourned for the month.


Loren Lein, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor

