Prepared Thursday May20th 2010Sunday school lesson of May 23rd, 2010

The Lord Christ appears to St Paul

Reference: The bible: Acts 9

Tools: movie

Verse: Lord what do you want me to do? (Acts 9:6)

The Lesson

1- St. Paul was born in Tarsus, from the tribe of Benjamin, and he was called Saul in memory of Saul the 1st king of Israel.

2- He was sent to Jerusalem to be taught by a teacher called Gamalail.

3- After Jesus’ ascension into the heaven, the apostles started to preach the Gospel.

4- People believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and became Christians.

5- Saul hated Christians and persecuted them; he would put them in prison and kill them.

6- One day, Saul was travelling to Damascus to kill all Christians there.

7- On his way, the Lord Christ appeared to him as a bright light much brighter than the Sun. He fell from his horse to the ground, so as all the men who were with him.

8- A voice came from heaven saying Saul Saul. Why do you persecute me?

9- Saul heard the voice,but he could see nothing, he was blinded and was trembling of fear. He asked “who are you Lord”.The voice replied I am Jesus whom you persecute. Saul asked “Lord what do you want me to do?

10- Jesus told him to get up, go in the city, see Ananias who is one of Jesus’ disciples and he will tell him what to do.

11- Jesus appeared to Ananias and asked him to go to Saul and heal him.

12- Ananias went to Saul, placed his hand on his eyes and prayed, and the Lord healed him from blindness. Saul believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

13- Ananias baptized him, and all the men who were with him.

14- Saul became Christian and his name changed to Paul.

15- St. Paul loved the Lord Christ, wenton preaching the gospel and made the Lord’s name known to all people. Many people became Christians because of his preaching.

16- St. Paul endured many sufferings, and tribulations for the sake of Christ. He wrote almost half of the New Testament. The Coptic Church reads his epistles every Sunday in the liturgy.

Main points and Conclusion

1- The Lord Christ is in control, if God is with us who could be against us.

2- God prevented Saul from killing the Christians. God transformed the evil to good.

3- God changed the heart of Saul the persecutor to St Paul the great apostle, who was persecuted and martyred for the sake of Christ.

4- Jesus appeared to Saul, in the mean time appeared to Ananias, Jesus is present everywhere, He is in the Father filling Heaven and Earth with his Holy Spirit. Jesus is God.

5- God always honor his saints, that’s the reason the church remembers the Saint apostles,and all the Saints who loved and served the Lord Christ from all their heart.

6- The apostles’ fast is approaching; we need to fast with the church at least one week.


1-If we really love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we should tell everybody about him.

2-Invite others to come to Sunday school, and the church, to know how Christ loves them and us.

3-Don’t be discouraged by people’s reaction. Just sow the seed and Christ will make it grow and bring fruits.

4-Be prepared to accept and endure troubles, for Christ. It’s a sign of Love.

5-Pray for those who don’t love us. Have faith in the Lord, He is able to create in them a new heart, filled with love to the whole world.