Module: Tyler Content Manager
Topic: System Administration
Adding Barcodes for Use with Content CaptureMunis Version9/10
This document shows how to create barcode labels to be used with Content Capture.
To create a barcode that can be read by Tyler Content Manager’s (TCM) Content Capture program a mail merge from Munis into Microsoft Word needs to be completed. Once the mail merge is set up, the labels can be printed and placed ontothe documents. These labels will be read by Content Capture and the Munis metadata will be added to the TCM records.
Before starting ensure that the necessary settings and codes are in place. If settings and codes are not set up, or not set up correctly, a Munis system administrator or department manager can be contacted to assist with updating or adding them into the Munis system.
- TCM SE or EE version 3.8 or greater
- Munis version 9.3 or greater
- Access to the Munis data that will be included in TCM metadata
- Log in privileges to TCM
- Write permissions to the corresponding TCM document type
- Labels (there is no specific label needed)
- Microsoft Word
- Font 3 of 9 loaded in the Fonts folder
Setup Content Capture in TCM
Map Barcodes to Doc Types for use with Content Capture in TCM
Create Mail Merge from Munis Data
Create Mail Merge Documents
Scan Folder Contents with Content Capture
Appendix A
The first step of using Content Capture is to complete the set-up from within TCM. The person performing this procedure must be a system administrator to complete this section.
Setup Content Capture in TCM
- Log in as a system administrator to the TCM site then select Administration:
- Select System Setup..
- Expand iDoc Documents, then select Content Capture:
- Complete the System Settings as indicated in the table below the screen capture:
MFD Scan Folder / Folder where MFD scans are taken from.
MFD Archive Folder / Folder where past MFD scan sessions are stored.
User Scan Folder (called ‘User Scan History Folder’ in later versions) / Folder where the last scan session is stored.
Sessions to Archive / Number of MFD Sessions to store.
Recognize Batch Scanning Barcodes / Check for Content Capture to recognize barcode labels created through Munis.
Recognize Folder Scanning Barcodes / Check for Content Capture to recognize barcodes created through a Word Mail merge.
Enable Ropable OCR in Content Capture / Capture OCR in a specific area by drawing a box around it.
Scan to User Scan folder in Content Capture (called ‘Scan to User Scan History Folder in Content Capture’ in later versions) / Saves the current scan session to the User Scan History Folder if Content Capture is closed without creating documents from the scanned images.
New option in later versions: Scan to User-Specific Folder in Content Capture / If checked, MFD scans are saved in a user specific folder within the MFD Archive folder.
- Click OK.
Map Barcodes to Doc Types for use with Content Capture in TCM
Each document type must have a mapping created to link the doc type metadata to the barcode. If there is no linked data mapped, Content Capture will not auto-populate metadata and it will need to be entered manually.
The user must be logged in as a system administrator to complete these steps.
- Select AdministrationSystem SetupiDoc DocumentsContent CaptureBarcode Mappings
- Select the doc type that needs to be mapped.
- Select an unmapped field and click the right arrow to move the field to the Mapped Fields screen.
- Repeat the step until all of the desired mapped fields are selected. NOTE: The order of the mapped fields MUST match the order of the barcode fields in the mail merge.
- Click OK.
- Repeat the above steps for each doc type that will have labels created.
Create Mail Merge from Munis Data
- Open the Munis program that contains the data to be included on the labels.
- Find the record/s to add to TCM.
- Click the Export to Word/Mail Mergebutton
- Click Mailing Label and then the Create button.
- Select the same fields that were included in the Barcode Mappings.
- Click Save and Exit. This transmits the data to a Microsoft Word document.
Create Mail Merge Documents
With TCM’s Content Capture feature, TCM will recognize two different barcode formats:
- PDF14
- Code39
The Code39 barcode font can be used as a part of a mail merge according to the format below.
Note:You can have as many fields as the barcode space will allot.
for Example;
In this example the asterisks (above) happen to be a requirement of the Code39 font used to start and end the string, not TCM. Other fonts will automatically insert the start and end delimiters. If another font is used be sure to refer to the documentation. NOTE: An additional space in a font other than the Barcode Font (ex. Arial) must be the last entry of each barcode.
See Appendix A for more specifications.
Once Munis sends the data to Word, select the labels and setup the barcodes. The barcode font should already be loaded into the Fonts folder in the Control Panel.
- View the Word document that opened as a result of selecting the data to merge.
- Select the Product number from the menu (label information is found on the label box) and click OK.
(Note: If the gridlines are not displayed, click Show Gridlines on the Layout tab under Table Tools.)
(Note: If the gridlines are not displayed, click Show Gridlines on the Layout tab under Table)
- In the first box start by typing an asterisk and the Doc Type ID of the document type intended to link to, then locate and click theInsert Merge Field from the Mailing tab.
- The Insert Merge Fieldbutton offers a dropdown menu.Click on each field that you included in your Barcode Mappings in step three of the first section of this procedure. Note: Make sure to insert the fields in the EXACT same order that they were mapped in Barcode Mappings. The contents within the first box should appear as show in the box on the right below:
- Highlight the fields.
- Click the Home tab and select the barcode font from the drop-down menu.
Note:An asterisk needs to be included at the beginning and end of the barcode font to signal the start and finish of the barcode content and can be added manually if it does not get added automatically when selecting the barcode font. Also, themapping fields aren’t entirely barcodes at this point, they’ll be filled in when the mapping process runs from a step later in this section.
- Replicate the barcode within the remaining fields by first highlighting the content from the first field/box, and then paste it within the remaining fields.
NOTE: In the example below, the same merged fields are added as text so that metadata could be easily identified on the label. The top row is an example of what the copy/paste fields will look like before merge, the second row shows what it will appear like after the merge is complete:
- From the menu offered by clicking Finish & Merge select Print Documents to print the barcode labels. In the example below, the top row
- Place the labels squarely on the first page of each document.
Scan Folder Contents with Content Capture
This section assumes that barcode labels have been added to the documents. In order to complete these steps, the user must have permission to log into the TCM Client with permission to add documents to the doc type.
- In TCM, select Documents>Content Capture.
- Click Scan or Capture (depending on version)to import documents into TCM.
- Click the Create button.
- The Document Typewill be determined by the barcode, and the fields will be filled in based on the barcode mapping defined for thatDocument Type (page 7). If the document type is incorrect for any reason, a different one can be selected from the dropdown menu to the right of the Document Type fieldand it will use that mapping instead.
- Verify that all the fields were filled in correctly, make any needed corrections, and then click OK.
Appendix A
Code 39 and PDF 417 Barcodes are supported.
In order to support Code39 barcodes, the character set is limited to those characters supported by Code39: uppercase letters, numbers, and the symbols -, $, %, ., /, +, and space. * is used as both the start and stop code.
The format is this:
The document type is optional, so a barcode that does not specify a document type would begin with $$%. Spaces are allowed in the field values. Percent signs that are part of the data need to be written as /%.
Here's an example: a document type of DEED with field names "BOB SMITH",
"123 NORTH AVE.", and "100% COMPLETE"
Here's the same barcode with no document type:
The only character that is allowed in the document types that is not in the Code39 character set is the underscore. If there is an underscore in a document type ID, substitute a space in its place.
So, repeating the above example, except with a document type of Land_Deed, a barcode that reads:
will be interpreted as:
In testing, Code39 barcodes have been found to be consistently recognizable with low- to average-quality printers and feed scanners if they are scanned at 300 DPI and the barcodes have a maximum density of approximately 6 characters per inch. Using the free font Free3of9 from this translates to a font size of about 24. The reliability at smaller font sizes will of course be dependant on the quality of the printers and scanners used and the DPI the document is scanned at. Because the limiting factor is in the printing and scanning of barcodes, importing computer-generated barcodes (for example, an image that has been emailed instead of printed and scanned) will allow for much smaller font sizes, if such an option is available.
The minimum font of 24 should work for most setups, but if it doesn’t seem to be working or you’d like to try a smaller font size, that is included the following test page. The test page includes a series of barcodes at gradually increasing font sizes. Each line is in the format: *$$DOCTYPE%XXPT%FIELD2%FIELD3%*, (where XX is the font size of the line) except for the bottom line which warns that the page is upside down. Because TCM only recognizes one barcode per page, from top to bottom, this will result in the smallest barcode being set as the page’s index data, allowing you to determine the smallest font size that will work with your particular setup. Note the addition of the * at the beginning and end of each line. This is the start and stop code in Code39 Barcodes.
WARNING: In Microsoft Word, the newline character at the end of each line, which is normally invisible, is rendered in the free3of9 font. This adds a second * to the end of the barcode, making it unreadable. To avoid this, simply change the font at the end of a barcode to a normal font so the newline character is invisible.
Adding Barcodes for Use with Content Capture
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