Year 3/4 Creative Curriculum – Spring 2nd , Cycle 1
Theme: / Newsflash – WW2The children will develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of world history, establishing clear narratives of WW2. They will address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about significant individuals and their actions and significance. They will construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. They will understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
Driver: / History / To investigate and interpret the past:
Use evidence to ask questions and find answers toquestions about the past.
Use more than one source of evidence for historicalenquiry in order to gain a more accurateunderstanding of history.
Describe different accounts of a historical event,explaining some of the reasons why the accountsmay differ.
Suggest causes and consequences of some of themain events and changes in history.
To build an overview of world history:
Describe changes that have happened in thelocality of the school throughout history.
Give a broad overview of life in Britain fromancient until medieval times.
Describe the social, ethnic, cultural or religiousdiversity of past society.
Describe the characteristic features of the past,including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiencesof men, women and children.
To understand chronology
Place events, artefacts and historical figures on atime line using dates.
Use dates and terms to describe events.
Cross Curricular Opportunities: / Geography / To investigate places:
Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computermapping to locate countries
Name and locate counties and cities of the UnitedKingdom, geographical regions and theiridentifying human and physical characteristics,including hills, mountains, cities, rivers, keytopographical features and land-use patterns; andunderstand how some of these aspects havechanged over time.
Name and locate the countries of Europe
To investigate patterns
Describe how the locality of the school haschanged over time.
To communicate graphically
Describe key aspects of:
physical geography, including: rivers,mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes andthe water cycle.
human geography, including: settlementsand land use
DT / To master practical skills - Food:
Prepare ingredients hygienically usingappropriate utensils.
Measure ingredients to the nearest gramaccurately.
Follow a recipe.
Assemble or cook ingredients (controlling thetemperature of the oven or hob, if cooking).
Art / To develop ideas:
Develop ideas from starting points throughout the curriculum.
Collect information, sketches and resources.
Adapt and refine ideas as they progress.
Explore ideas in a variety of ways.
Comment on artworks using visual language.
Experiment with creating mood with colour.
Sketch lightly (no need to use a rubber tocorrect mistakes).
Use shading to show light and shadow.
Use hatching and cross hatching to show toneand texture.
Use different hardnesses of pencils, chalk and charcoal to showline, tone and texture.
MFL / Find out about country names in French.
Explore French foods.
Physics: To understand the Earth’s movement in space
Describe the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun in the solar system.
Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.
Working scientifically (see Milestone 2 objectives on long term plan)
Applied English
Examine Newspaper reports about different periods of WW2 history and collect the devices needed to present non-fiction material.
Collect facts from different sources before sorting and presenting these in a Newspaper report about The Battle of Britain / Applied Maths
Order key dates on a timeline
Use measures accurately to prepare WW2 recipes.
Use coordinates to map archeological surveys.
Retrieve information from various forms of data (bars, pie and line graphs). / Computing
Unit title: We are opinion pollsters – Creating an opinion poll
Communication and collaboration.
Select, use and combine a variety of software, including the internet, on a range of digital devices to accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Discrete subjects
MFL / Les animeaux – unit 4
Ask and answer questions about pets.
Understand masculine, feminine and plural forms of nouns and adjectives in relation to pets.
Write a simple description of their pet.
Understand and use numbers from 32-40.
(Year 3) / Adventurous Skills(A4L Year 3/4 Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, core task 1)
•Arrive properly equipped for outdoor andadventurous activity.
• Understand the need to showaccomplishment in managing risks.
• Show an ability to both lead and form partof a team.
• Support others and seek support if requiredwhen the situation dictates.
• Show resilience when plans do not work andinitiative to try new ways of working.
• Use maps, compasses and digital devices toorientate themselves.
• Remain aware of changing conditions andchange plans if necessary.
(Year 4) / Games Skills(A4L Year 4 Invasion Games, core task 2)
•Throw and catch with control and accuracy.
• Strike a ball and field with control.
• Vary tactics and adapt skills according to the needs of the game.
• Follow the rules of the game and playfairly.
• Maintain possession of a ball (with, e.g.feet, a hockey stick or hands).
•Move to find a space when not in possession.
• Pass to team mates at appropriate times.
• Lead others and act as a respectful teammember.
RE / Unit 2 (b) Meanings within Easter
Describe the story of Jesus from his entry into Jerusalem to the resurrection.
Name the symbols of bread and wine from the Last Supper.
Understand the basic beliefs about Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Understand why the cross is a significant symbol for Christians.
Music / To perform:
Sing from memory with accurate pitch.
• Sing in tune.
• Maintain a simple part within a group.
• Pronounce words within a song clearly.
• Show control of voice.
• Play notes on an instrument with care so that theyare clear.
• Perform with control and awareness of others.
Devise non-standard symbols to indicate when toplay and rest.
To transcribe:
• Recognise the notes EGBDF and FACE on themusical stave.
• Recognise the symbols for a minim, crotchet andsemibreve and say how many beats theyrepresent.
To describe music
• Use the terms: duration, timbre, pitch, beat,tempo, texture and use of silence to describemusic.
• Evaluate music using musical vocabulary toidentify areas of likes and dislikes.
• Understand layers of sounds and discuss theireffect on mood and feelings
SMSC / Theme 5 – Good to be me
*Managing feelings
Understand a range of faiths and cultures.
Compare and contrast faiths/cultures historically with modern day.
Accept that other people have different faiths or beliefs to oneself and show acceptance and tolerance of this.
Educational Experience: / Safety Works
*red font shows where the curriculum specifically seeks to promote fundamental British values, as set out by the DfE.