Coach Meeting Agenda

September 1, 2016

9:30 – 12:30

Attendance : Kelli Lee, Stephanie Magula, Marcia Barnett, Brianna Gerten, Rochelle Penn, Suzanne Lyons, Julie Bauer, Julie Bauer, Miranda Meffley , JackieBlosser, Laura Warnement (arrived at 10:30 )

Absent – Jackie Boatman

  1. Celebrations – Liberty – music teacher had kids learn the alma mater on the bells and performed for the rest of the building this morning, LSH – the start of the school year has started off the best ever and the social committee did wonders bringing the staff together, team teaching with freshman is off to a good start,West best start ever and the team leaders are making a huge difference, SPARTANS for PBIS is new this year and off to a strong start. Alternative – have a ton of kids and lots of seniors, started Wed. advisory with different focus each week, and attendance is really good so far.
  1. Schedule for the year - Each month one of the two meetings will be held in a location other than LSH A9 in order for coach meeting work to be visible in the buildings. Coaches signed up for the month they will host. Not all buildings have a space available with tech. set up etc. for the group to meet during the day. Principals/coaches will be given an updated scheduled with the host building listed. Feb – May are open still for hosting. If none are available the meetings will remain in A9 at Lima Senior.
  2. Title I binder details

Binders for documentation were shared. IF coaches need a bigger binder they will be ordered.

  1. Title I services and documentation to be kept

Title I teacher schedules are to be collected on the template that will be provided. Title teacher duties and planning should be included. In a program review, comparable schedules planning and duties are checked to ensure they align with classroom teacher expectations. For example, the reviewer will look to ensure that a Title I position is not spending more time doing assigned duties as compared to a regular classroom teacher. Coaches will collect these schedules and send them to Jackie in the Title I office.

  1. CEU tracking and distribution from last year

All CEU certificates from last year have been distributed. If there are questions contact Karlyn in the Title I office. All certificates for teachers no longer in the district should be sent back to the Title I office. The process for tracking CEUs for the year was discussed and a reminder on what constitutes professional development was shared.

  1. Accessing student test results from TIDE online reporting

Shared how to access spring test results in on line reporting system. Coaches and principals have access to their building. In order to sort so teachers have their own results, the data file that was sent to building principals/coaches has to be used and sorted by teacher/subject. This cannot be done in the online reporting because students were set up with test proctor rather than classroom teacher/subject in the online system for Middle and High School especially. If support is needed in sorting by teacher contact Lee Stockhaus.

  1. HMH programs and where things stand with current issues

There remains issues with iRead and Math 180 course 2 licenses. Jackie is working with HMH to get it resolved. It is an issue on their end with the buyout from Scholastic and the lack of an executive account manager for this area of Ohio. Much time has been spent trying to resolve this and a regional manager for HMH is working directly with Jackie on the problem.

  1. Math Solutions Proposal for 2016-17

Cathy shared the proposal for this year and explained what PD the principals will receive and what the coaches will be doing for the year. For inservice some coaches are assigned to groups to assist the Math Solutions facilitator with logistics and collect the sign in sheet. Coaches will assist with lesson studies with the Cohort 1 teacher using a gradual release model with the cohort 1 teacher.

The coach and cohort 1 teacher will plan with the Math Solutions facilitator PD sessions for quarter 1 and 2 to deliver on a Wed. and then 3rd and 4th quarter the coach and cohort teacher will do it on their own. Cathy shared the list of cohort 1 and 2 teachers on her list and updated the list with the coaches.

  1. Updates from DLT
  1. Protocol sharedshared the from that could be a RESOURCE, but not required by the district
  2. Tool for looking at year end datashare the coaching questions but again not required to use. Just a tool
  3. Read 180 growth data and scattergramdata shared that was shared at DLT on growth for Read 180 and the analysis of spring testing scores as compared to lexile level
  4. Next steps with growth assignment shared the principal assignment from DLT to identify students not making growth and the action plan in place to support those specific students. Several coaches indicated that they were aware of this because principal had come to them for assistance in getting this information.
  1. Assessment Schedule and Assessment Timeline

Schedules emailed to coaches and principals previously. No questions on timeline

  1. ESSA webinars and survey available for feedback

Coaches are encouraged to share the location and topics for these webinars on ODE website with staff and take the online survey. ODE is required to get public feedback in advance of writing their plan for ESSA implementation to be approved by the Feds. All webinars are available on ODE. Of particular interest may be the n size and teacher equity webinars.

  1. Curriculum Guide Work update

ELA update on progress and the work completed during the week long PD event before school started. Volunteers were secured to do much of the elementary work and also grade 6. A meeting will be set to get the ELA volunteers together. Social Studies is waiting for all textbooks to arrive to begin revisions. Science and Math are in progress with the CTLs.

  1. Exit Ticket Feedback from inservice day ELA work

Exit tickets for the ELA content PD were shared since several coaches worked in facilitating these sessions. Overall feedback was very positive. AIMSweb training was well received as was morphology. Next steps based on teacher requested feedback will be to plan additional after school training sessions for Connect Ed use, Orton Gillingham, morphology, and AIMSweb. These dates will be shared in the upcoming week with coaches and principals.

  1. ADC documentation needs
  1. Goalbook Pathways training plan – coaches will document their roll up plan for Lee to upload to the ADC documentation
  2. Google Calendar coach activity tracking calendarCoaches will track their coaching activities daily through their google calendar shared with Jackie and Lee and data collected monthly to be shared with DLT and uploaded to the ADC documentation file
  1. AIMSWEB training needs and issues with the new platform

Lee is working diligently with tech support at Pearson to get the student file correctly loaded for grades K-2 use. It has not been a smooth transition to the new platform. Access to the online training modules was shared with coaches to roll out with teachers. Once the student file is successfully uploaded then the teacher file will follow. We are hoping to have this all completed by Tuesday and will keep coaches notified on the progress

  1. SRI/SMI

Systems are reading to go for benchmark testing using the default class. Lee is working to set up teacher classes. Once SRI testing is complete, coach/Read 180 teacher will schedule a time to meet with Jackie to select students for Read 180/System 44 programming.

  1. CTL updates

Joel shared that he has goggles one per grade level at each building to share.

Harmony shared that the social studies books arrived yesterday but all were delivered to the high school so she will have to sort them before sending them out.

Cathy shared the math proposal for the year and what the expectation for coaches is for this PD.

  1. Concerns/QuestionsRan out of time for additional questions.

Meeting finished at 12:45.

  1. Next Meeting – September 15 9:30 – 12:30

To be held at Unity - This meeting will be work on the Coaching eCourse ONLY.