Small Group Discussion Questions

The Gospel of John, Week 4

“The Born Identity”

In John 3, a man named Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night. He was looking for more than just some answers – he was looking to have a long, private conversation about God, people, heaven…and how to get there. He came with credentials (Pharisee, teacher, member of Sanhedrin, rich, influential, etc.) yet Jesus Christ made it crystal clear that the only credential that counts is experiencing a “new birth.” This is a spiritual birth – by God’s grace alone, through belief in Jesus as Savior and Lord -- yet it has some similarities to physical birth. Nicodemus had to experience that new birth (and ONLY that new birth) in order to see the kingdom of heaven. And so do we.

In short, “you must be born again.”

Tune in to this story on “Nic at night,” and let God speak to you through His Word and the conversations that follow. You’ll find that you and I – like Nicodemus – can easily fall into the habit of trying to work for our salvation. Yet it has nothing to do with us…and everything to do with Jesus. He is gracious. And we should be grateful!

Warm it up

Share one of your favorite stories about a physical birth. What made it so special and/or spectacular?

If you have any experience (on either end) with an “It’s not you, it’s me” conversation…share it. Describe the situation, and what came of it.

Talk it Over

Read John 3:1-16.

  1. What do you think of when you hear the term “born again?” What do you think your neighbors think? Or your colleagues at work?
  2. We learn from the first few verses here that Nicodemus has some significant earthly credentials. Talk about a few of them.

a)Why are earthly credentials so alluring and addicting?

b)Why do you think the gospel message (that Jesus died for our sins, rose to new life, and thereby offers us forgiveness for our sins and eternal life with God through faith in Him…yet ONLY Him) can be ATTRACTIVE to some, and yet OFFENSIVE to others?

c)Use your imagination: How do you think the gospel message would go over at, say, Blackhawk Country Club….versus the Bay Area Rescue Mission?

  1. In the sermon, Tyler summarized Jesus’ words to Nicodemus with the phrase “It’s not you, it’s Me.” Why/how does this fit?

Work it Through

  1. Let’s discuss the “new birth” that Jesus talks about:
  2. In what ways is Jesus offering Nicodemus new life instead of new religion?
  3. What’s the difference between being “called out” on something…and being called to Christ? Which is more attractive to you, and why?
  4. Jesus, when talking about being born again by the Spirit of God (and not by religious efforts), isn’t talking about a tweak…He’s talking about a transformation. In what ways do we (or do you, if you want to answer personally) act as if all we need from Jesus is a tweak? Why do we/you think this way?
  5. In what ways does Nicodemus’ question, “How can this be?” strike at the core of the human condition?
  6. According to the passage how do experience this new birth? In what ways do we try to experience this “on our own.”
  7. How could this new birth – which is really a new way to heaven -- set Nicodemus free? In what ways should it set us free?
  8. If you have already trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life – and thus experienced this new birth by the Spirit of God – what “benefits” have you noticed in your life? (Freedom, peace, courage, joy, patience, etc.) What spiritual transformation are you still waiting for? (* These answers would make for great prayer requests. )
  9. If you have yet to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord, and you’re comfortable enough to share: what are some reasons that you’re not ready to take this step? (*This, too, would make for great prayer requests. )

Pray it Through

Pray for one another. Please be sure to thank God for the transformation He has brought…and pray for those close to you who have yet to experience this liberating, beautiful new birth.