Health and PhysicalEducation

Course Syllabus2016-17

1/2 Credit Hour PE 1/2 Credit Hour Health

Mr. Ryan Booth

Room: Aux. Gym/ Room 13


Course Description:

A course providing insight into healthy living, including the structure and function of the human body, its systems, importance of physical fitness and sound nutrition. In addition, movement, sports, and physical activity are used as central ways to foster active lifestyles, and enhance the quality of life for the future.

Course Schedule:

August 18th-September 15th PE (20 Instructional Days)

September 16th – October 13th Health (20 Instructional Days)

October 18th- November 15th PE (18 Instructional Days)

November 16th – December 20th Health (19 Instructional Days) + (3 exam days)

January 3rd – February 2nd PE (22 Instructional Days)

February 3rd – March 6th Health (21 Instructional Days)

March 7th – April 18th PE (25 Instructional Days)

April 19th – May 26th Health (24 Instructional Days) +(3 exam days)

Course Texts:

  • Articles andhandouts (providedbytheteacher)
  • HealthyLifestyles Text Book

Required Materials (PE):

  • PE T-shirt (must be worn every day of PE)
  • Athletic Shoes
  • Athletic Pants/Shorts (No denim, or any pants or shorts that have a zipper. Must also comply with the school dress code)
  • Paper, pencils and pens

Required Materials (Health):

  • Binder or Folder to be kept in Health Room
  • Notebook or Loose Leaf Paper to be kept in Health Room
  • Writing Utensil
  • Box of Kleenex or Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

Course Outline: (Teacher reserves the right to change or modify course outline at his discretion)

First Nine Weeks


Activities/Sports: Team Building Activities, Soccer, Volleyball, Team Handball

Concepts: Components of Physical Fitness, Goal Setting, Body Systems Used in Physical Activity, and Skill Related Fitness Components


Components of Health, Influences of Health, Risky Health Behaviors, Personal Skills, Mental and Emotional Health, Eating Disorders, Bullying, Anti-Violence, Conflict Resolution, Systems of the Body

Second Nine Weeks


Activities/Sports: FitnessGram Fitness Test, Football, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Create Your Own Personal Work Out

Concepts: Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Why rules are Important, Social Benefits of Physical Activity


Disease, Nutrition, How Foods Can Help Prevent the effects of Environmental Toxicants

Third Nine Weeks


Activities/Sports: Badminton, Whiffle Ball, Student Created Games

Concepts: FIIT Principle, Relationship between Caloric Intake and Caloric Expenditure, Target Heart Rate, andUsing Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment to Analyze Skills


Alcohol, Tobacco, Human Sexuality, Healthy Visions, On Demand Writing

Fourth Nine Weeks


Activities/Sports: Pickle Ball, Tennis, Golf, Archery, FITNESSGRAM Fitness Test, Bowling, and PE Challenge

Concepts: Life Time Physical Activity, Proper Sports Etiquette, Bowling Scoring


CPR/AED Training, Illegal Drug Abuse, Home Safety, First Aide

Methods of Assessments:

  • Summative Assessments (PE Quarter Exams, Group and Individual Projects, Health Quizzes, Health Quarter Exams, Health, Mid-Term, and Final Exam)
  • Formative Assessments (PE Performance Assessments, Daily Classwork, Whole Group and Individual Learning Checks, Study Guides)

Grading Scale:


25% of your grade will be 20 point a day system.(Please note: Daily Point grades will be posted every 2 weeks)

-10 points for participation and attitude: To get full credit you must get your clothes changed and be in gym area sitting down 5 minutes after class started. 1 point will be deducted for every minute that you are late unless a note is submitted. Most importantly you must participate in every activity for that day. You also must show appropriate attitude, sportsmanship, and respect to everyone and everything in our class. Participation is a huge factor in this course. If a student is not giving what I perceive as appropriate effort or they are behaving in a way that is disrupting the activity they will lose points!

-10 points for appropriate PE dress: The 10 points will be divided by 5 points for PE shirt and 5 points for the rest of the appropriate attire (shorts, athletic pants, shoes)

10% of your grade will be from class assignments: These assignments can include: peer evaluations, self-evaluations, quick write activities, exit slips, entrance slips, and review assignments.

10% of your grade will be from 1 PE Quarter Exam: We will have 1 PE exam every 4 ½ weeks over the concepts, activities, and sports that we covered in PE.


20% of your grade will be from In Class Assignments: These assignments will vary and they will almost always be completed in class.

5% of your grade will be from your Health Notebook: There will be a daily journal assignment where you will respond to an article, question, or thought provoking statement in your health notebook that is kept in our room. You will also keep all class notes in this journal and this will be checked for a grade periodically.

10% of your grade will be from either 1 or 2 In-Class Quizzes: These will be given halfway during the 4 ½ weeks of health.

20% of your grade will be from 1 Health Exam: This will be given at the end of the 4 ½ weeks. A study guide and review session will be offered before each exam.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. RESPECT yourself, your peers, all adults, and equipment.
  2. Bring required materials to class every day.
  3. Keep all papers (handouts, notes, worksheets, quizzes, and tests) throughout the year in your folder in the classroom.
  4. Follow allactivity rules for your safety and the safety of others. Display sportsmanship, rule following, and fair play during all activities.
  5. Work in groups. Each student is required to participate during group assignments in order to receive credit for the assignment.
  6. Projects are to be finished in the designated time and presented in a professional manner.
  7. Turn in completed assignments and homework on time.
  8. Keep all cell phones and electronic devices turned off and put away.(see cell phone policy below)
  9. Therewill be absolutely no food, drink, candy, orgumallowed in theclassroom, gym, orlockerroom. Ourlearningenvironmentis a “Legume Free Area” and violationby a studentwillresult in seriousconsequences. A waterbottlemay be brought in,butit can onlyhavewater.

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is very important. It is YOUR responsibility to make up work when you have an EXCUSED ABSENCE. Failure to make up work missed within 3 days will result in a zero. It is in your best interest to attend every day.

Note to Parents:

It is my goal that all my students be successful in my class. I will assist your child in any way that I can. However, I alone cannot assure success. Please encourage your child in assuming responsibility for his/her learning. Please encourage your student to complete his/her assignments on time. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Cell Phone Policy


Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school; however, they are to be kept Off/Silent during the day and stored out of site (locker, purse, backpack). If a student is caught using a cell phone, the cell phone will be collected, turned over to an administrator, and the student will face disciplinary actions in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Parents are asked to comply with school cell phone/texting policies and NOT text their children between the hours of 8:00-3:00. If a parent needs to send a message to a student during the school day, please contact the front office at (859) 331-1220, extension 2, and we will see that your child receives the message. Students using cell phones during the school day, even when communicating with parents, will be disciplined according to the school’s discipline code.

Thank you,

Mr. Ryan Booth

Health and PE Student Contract

By signing this I am agreeing to the terms set forth by the syllabus and I understand all of the information. If I ever have any questions about this class then I will immediately notify Mr. Booth.

I am also agreeing to show everyone and everything in our class the respect that they deserve. I will not disrespect anyone in any way; which includes: foul language, name calling, inappropriate comments, negative reactions, poor sportsmanship, destruction of property, verbal threats, bullying, and/or physical violence. If I do violate these terms then I will be subject to consequences by Mr. Booth or our school’s administration.

Furthermore, I agree to put forth my best effort and always continue to try my hardest at everything that I do in attempt to learn how to achieve a lifetime of health and wellness.






1.)Writedown 2 of yourfavoritethingsabout PE.

2.)Writedown 1 goalforyouthatcould be achieved in thisclass.



1.)Writedown 2 of yourfavoritethingsabout PE.

2.)Writedown 1 goalforyouthatcould be achieved in thisclass.