“Please supply all items of information held in relation to Decision
This should include, but not be limited to, all information in all
correspondence with Scottish Ministers and all information held in
relation to the appeal initiated by Scottish Ministers at the Court of
Session against Decision 111/2012 and the withdrawal of said appeal.”
(Received 31 October 2012 at 12:51)

Note: some documents have an asterisk after them. This means that the document contains a lot of information which falls outwith the scope of the request and that the information which is not within scope has been redacted from the document.

Date / Document / Decision
1 / 14 Oct 2011 / Application from Ms Stihler / Redact full address and telephone numbers – s30(c)
2 / 24 Oct 2011 / Acknowledgement from Validation Officer (VO) - email / Disclose
3 / 24 Oct 2011 / As above – letter / Redact full address and telephone numbers – s30(c)
4 / 24 Oct 2011 / Email from VO to Ministers’ FOI Unit (FOI Unit) / Redact name and contact details – s38(1)(b)
5 / 26 Oct 2011 / Response from Ms Stihler / Disclose
6 / 31 Oct 2011 / Email from VO thanking Ms Stihler for 5 / Disclose
7 / 31 Oct 2011 / Further copy of 6 / Disclose
8 / 1 Nov 2011 / Internal administrative note / Disclose
9 / 1 Nov 2011 / Note of discussion with KD / Redact – s30(c)
10 / 1 Nov 2011 / Internal administrative note / Disclose
11 / 2 Nov 2011 / Email from Investigating Officer (IO) to Ms Stihler / Disclose
12 / 2 Nov 2011 / Letter from IO to FOI Unit seeking submissions / Redact name and contact details – s38(1)(b)
13 / 2 Nov 2011 / Covering email for 12 / Redact name and contact details – s38(1)(b)
14 / 4 Nov 2011 / Note regarding “Week in Westminster” programme / Redact – s30(c)
15 / 22 Nov 2011 / Email exchange between FOI Unit and VO / Redact name and contact details – s38(1)(b)
16 / 1 Dec 2011 / Submissions from FOI Unit / Withhold in full – s30(c)
17 / 1 Dec 2011 / Covering email for 16 / Redact name and contact details – s38(1)(b)
18 / 1 Dec 2011 / “Triage note” prepared by IO / Redact – s30(c)
19 / 1 Dec 2011 / File note / Withhold – s30(c)
20 / 1 Dec 2011 / Email to Head of Enforcement (HOE) / Disclose
21 / 9 Dec 2011 / Email from HOE suggesting way forward with investigation / Redact – s30(c)
22 / 9 Dec 2011 / Email from IO to HOE and response re investigation / Redact – s30(c)
23 / 9 Dec 2011 / Case update note / Disclose
24 / 12 Dec 2011 / Email from IO to Ms Stihler seeking further submissions / Disclose
25 / 16 Dec 2011 / Email from IO to HOE / Redact – s30(c)
26 / 16 Dec 2011 / Email from HOE to IO / Disclose
27 / 31 Dec 2011 / Letter from Ms Stihler in response to 24 / Disclose
28 / 31 Dec 2011 / Covering email for 27 / Redact name and contact details of ex-researcher – s30(c)
29 / 5 Jan 2012 / Email from IO to SIC / Redact – s30(c)
30 / 11 Jan 2012 / Email from SIC to IO / Redact – s30(c)
31 / 17 Jan 2012 / Case update note / Disclose – partly outwith scope
32 / 14 Feb 2012 / Draft decision[1] sent for first level approval / Disclose
33 / 5 Mar 2012 / File note – draft request for legal advice / Withhold in full – s36(1)
34 / 6 Mar 2012 / Case update note / Disclose
35 / 6 Mar 2012 / Email seeking legal advice / Redact – s36(1)
36 / 6 Mar 2012 / Acknowledgement from solicitors / Disclose
37 / 1 May 2012 / Legal advice in response to 35 / Withhold in full – s36(1)
37a / Undated / List of cases of interest to SIC* / Redact – s30(c)
38 / 1 May 2012 / Exchange of emails between solicitors and HOE, including covering email for 35; email from HOE to IO / Disclose
38a / 1 May 2012 / Internal blog post / Redact – partially outwith scope
39 / 17 May 2012 / Email from HOE to Deputy Head of Enforcement (DHOE) / Redact – s30(c)/s38(1)(b)
40 / 17 May 2012 / Email from DHOE to HOE / Redact – s30(c)
41 / 18 -21 May 2012 / Exchange of emails between SIC, HOE and DHOE re approving meeting note / Redact – s30(c)
42 / 18 May 2012 / Note of meeting: SIC, HOE and DHOE / Redact – s30(c)
43 / 28 May 2012 / Link to BBC News article / Disclose
44 / 29-31 May 2012 / Exchange of emails between Ms Stihler’s political researcher and IO / Redact name and direct contact details of ex-researcher – s30(c)
44a / Undated / Media Forward Planner* / Disclose
45 / 8 Jun 2012 / Case update notes / Disclose
45a / 5 Jul 2012 / Note of call from HOE to FOI Unit / Disclose
46 / 6 Jul 2012 / Letter to Ms Stihler including final decision / Disclose letter; decision exempt under s25(1)
47 / 6 Jul 2012 / Letter to Ministers including final decision / Disclose letter; decision exempt under s25(1)
48 / 6 Jul 2012 / Email from HOE to FOI Unit / Disclose[2]
49 / 6 Jul 2012 / Email from Head of Policy and Information (HOPI) to Ms Stihler / Redact email address of ex-researcher – s30(c)[3]
50 / 6 Jul 2012 / Email from IO to Ms Stihler with decision / Redact email address of ex-researcher – s30(c); decision exempt under s25
51 / 6 Jul 2012 / Email from IO to FOI Unit / Disclose – decision exempt under s25
52 / 6 Jul 2012 / Internal administrative note / Disclose
53 / 6 Jul 2012 / Note of call from Ms Stihler / Disclose
53a / 6 Jul 2012 / Internal blog post / Redact – s30(c)
54 / 9 Jul 2012 / Internal administrative note / Disclose
54a / 11 Jul 2012 / Note from P&I Monthly Team Meeting* / Disclose
54b / 11 Jul 2012 / News Release / Withhold – s25(1)
55 / 12 Jul 2012 / Internal emails re announcement of appeal / Redact – s30(c)
56 / 12 Jul 2012 / Email from FOI Unit re press line – and internal emails forwarding this / Disclose
57 / 13 Jul 2012 / Email from SIC to solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
58 / 13 Jul 2012 / Note of call from SIC to FOI Unit / Disclose
59 / 13 Jul 2012 / Note of call from SIC to solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
60 / 13 Jul 2012 / Internal exchange of emails with SIC / Redact – s30(c) and 36(1)
61 / 13 Jul 2012 / Exchange of emails between SIC and solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
62 / 13 Jul 2012 / Internal email re appeal / Withhold – s30(c)
63 / 16 Jul 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
64 / Undated / File note / Withhold – s30(c)
65 / 16 Jul 2012 / Email from HOE re copying file / Disclose
65a / 19 Jul 2012 / Commissioner’s update: NHS Scotland FoI Forum* / Disclose
66 / 20 Jul 2012 / Exchange of emails between HOE and solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
67 / 23 Jul 2012 / Exchange of emails regarding file / Disclose
68 / 13 Aug 2012 / Email from solicitors with grounds of appeal / Disclose email; withhold grounds of appeal – s25(1)/s37(1)
69 / 14 Aug 2012 / Email from SIC to HOE / Redact – s30(c)
70 / 15 Aug 2012 / Letter from Scottish Government Legal Directorate (SGLD) with grounds of appeal / Disclose letter; withhold grounds of appeal – s25(1)/37(1) and decision – s25(1)
71 / 15 Aug 2012 / Email from The Scotsman and internal discussion / Disclose
72 / 15 Aug 2012 / Comment from HOE on email / Redact – s30(c)
73 / 15 Aug 2012 / Email to The Scotsman / Disclose
73a / 15 Aug 2012 / Internal blog post / Redact – s30(c)/37(1)
74 / 16 Aug 2012 / Email to HOE from solicitors / Disclose
75 / 23 Aug 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Withhold – s36(1)
76 / 23 Aug 2012 / Email from HOE forwarding internal email / Withhold – s36(1)
76a / 24 Aug 2012 / OSIC update: SOLAR FoI Working Group* / Disclose
77 / 31 Aug to 3 Sep 2012 / Correspondence with solicitors and counsel re draft answers / Withhold – s36(1)
77a / Undated / Court of Session Update* / Disclose
78 / 3 Sep 2012 / Correspondence with solicitors re draft answers and motion / Withhold – s36(1)
79 / 3 Sep 2012 / Email from solicitors to HOE with revised draft answers / Withhold – s36(1)
79a / 3 Sep 2012 / Invoice from Anderson Strathern / Disclose
80 / 4 Sep 2012 / Internal email from HOE plus response / Redact – s30(c)
81 / 4 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Redact – s30(c)
81a / 4 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Redact – s30(c)
82 / 4 Sep 2012 / Email to HOE from solicitors with draft motion / Redact – email partially outwith scope; withhold draft motion – s36(1)
83 / 5 Sep 2012 / Email to HOE from solicitors plus revised draft motion / Disclose email; withhold draft motion – s36(1)
84 / 5 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to SIC / Disclose
85 / 5 Sep 2012 / Email from SIC to HOE / Disclose
86 / 5 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to SIC / Redact – s36(1)
87 / 5 Sep 2012 / Email from solicitors to HOE; email from HOE to SIC / Disclose
88 / 10 Sep 2012 / Internal email re blog post / Disclose
89 / 13 Sep 2012 / Email from solicitors to SIC and HOE / Disclose
90 / 14 Sep 2012 / Note of Scottish Parliament Official Report with highlighting / Disclose
91 / 19 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Disclose
92 / 19 Sep 2012 / Email exchange between HOE and solicitors / Redact – s38(1)(b)
93 / See note below / Newspaper articles[4] about the case / Withhold – s25(1)
94 / 6 to 19 Sep 2012 / Exchange of emails between SGLD and solicitors re dates for hearing; confirms motion unopposed / Redact – s36(1)
95 / 19 Sep 2012 / Email from counsel to solicitors / Withhold – s36(1)
96 / 19 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors and counsel / Withhold – s36(1)
97 / 20 Sep 2012 / Email from HOE to SIC confirming motion granted / Disclose
97a / 20 Sep 2012 / Internal blog post / Disclose
98 / 21 Sep 2012 / Email from solicitors to HOE enclosing letters of instruction to counsel and interlocutor / Disclose email; withhold letters of instruction – s36(1) and interlocutor – s37(1)
98a / Undated / Court of Session Update – September 2012* / Disclose
98b / 2 Oct 2012 / Invoice from Anderson Strathern / Disclose
99 / 2 Oct 2012 / Internal email regarding newspaper article / Disclose
99a / 18 Oct 2012 / SIC Update: NHS Scotland FoI Forum* / Disclose
100 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email from solicitors to SIC and HOE with email/letter from SGLD / Redact email – s36(1); redact letter – s30(c)
101 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email from HOE to solicitors / Withhold – s36(1)
102 / 23 Oct 2012 / Link to twitter / Disclose
103 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email from Scottish Government to SIC with copy of Deputy First Minister’s statement / Disclose
104 / 23 Oct 2012 / Internal email re DFM statement / Disclose
105 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email from HOPI to Scottish Government plus acknowledgements / Disclose
106 / 23 Oct 2012 / Internal email re expenses / Disclose
107 / 23 Oct 2012 / Internal emails re queries about costs / Disclose
108 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email from HOE to Ms Stihler / Disclose
109 / 23 Oct 2012 / Email exchange between SIC and solicitors / Redact – s36(1)
109a / 23 Oct 2012 / Internal blog post / Redact – s30(c)
110 / 25 Oct 2012 / Internal emails re destroying draft decisions / Disclose
111 / 25 Oct 2012 / Internal email re press statement / Disclose
112 / 26 Oct 2012 / Internal email regarding blog post / Disclose
113 / 26 to 27 Oct 2012 / Internal emails re BBC article / Redact – s30(c)
114 / 26 Oct 2012 / Email from solicitors with interlocutor / Disclose email; withhold interlocutor – s37(1)
115 / 29 Oct 2012 / Note of telephone call from Ms Stihler / Redact – s30(c)
116 / 29 Oct 2012 / Internal email re updating decisions database / Disclose
117 / 29 Oct 2012 / Email from Ms Stihler to HOE / Redact –private email address – s38(1)(b)
118 / 29 Oct 2012 / Internal blog post / Redact – partially outwith scope
119 / Undated / Court of Session update – October 2012* / Disclose
120 / 29 Oct 2012 / Note of Senior Management Team* / Disclose
121 / Undated / Analysis of media cuttings by month* / Disclose

[1] NB The SIC holds the draft decisions which were drafted in relation to this case – they were marked for destruction before your request was received, but have not in fact been destroyed. The draft decisions are being withheld under s30(c) of FOISA.

[2] The decision attached to this email contained, in error, the following text in the decision section on page 11: “Given that [reasons why no action required], the Commissioner does not require [name of public authority] to take any action in respect of this failure/these failures in response to [applicant]’s application”. This was rectified before the decisions were sent by letter – see also 50 and 51. The remainder of the decision is identical to that published version and is exempt under s25(1).

[3]As above.

[4] Courier & Advertiser 13/9/12; The Scotsman 13/9/12; The Times (Scotland) 14/9/12; Sunday Herald 16/9/12; Courier & Advertiser 14/9/12; The Herald 17/9/12; The Press & Journal (Highland & Islands) 18/9/12; The Times (Scotland) 19/9/12; Scottish Daily Express 19/9/12; Scottish Daily Mail 19/9/12; The Press & Journal (Highland & Islands) 19/9/12; The Scotsman 19/9/12