The Messiah in the prophecies

The Jewish Messiah or Anointed one is the one referred to in DanielCh. 9, concerning the 70 weeks of years of the restoration of the kingdom of Judea. The prophecy mentions a long succession of Anointed ones, Christenedkings, starting at the end of the 7th week and lasting for 62 weeks. The same prophecy also says that at the end of these 70 weeks“all prophecy and all vision will be sealed until the End of Days”.

The last of these Anointed ones, both a High Priest and a King, was Hyrcanus II of the Hasmonean dynasty. The Holy kingdom was effectively brought to an end when Pompey conquered Judea in 67 BCE, the end of the 69th week. [The end of the Babylonian captivity was 550 BCE temple reckoning, (not 536 as calculated from the reigns of kings), as appearing in the minutes of Jesus’trial, which quote the date, the 17th year of Emperor Tiberius (30 CE), as 580 years from the end of the captivity and 97 years from the end of the Holy kingdom. (See page 3 of the article ‘Jesus’ account of his last Passover’).]

In the English Bible, the prophecy of the end of the Holy kingdom reads: “… at the end of the 62 weeks an anointed one shall be cut off …”. In the Septuagint Bible, the quotation reads: “… and after the 62 weeks the chrism will be brought to an end …”.So, the ‘cutting off’ refers to the end of the Holy kingdom and not to a particular king or Anointed one;ortheChrist. The mistranslation was a deliberate falsification so as to suggest that this ‘cutting off’ referred to the crucifixion of Jesus, as theChrist!

Jesus himself confirms the last part of the quoted Danielprophecy, that “… all prophecy and all vision will be sealed …”, in Matthews 11, 12-13: “From the days of John the Baptist*until now the kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force, for the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John”. So, neither Jesus nor hislifetime was covered by prophecy. (With “this statement”, Jesus makes it clear that hehad nothing to do with any past‘Messiah prophecy’and thatheis notthe Jewish Messiah).Jesus was never the Christenedkingof Judea. (*John the Baptist was bornin 61 BCE, end of the 70th week;he was43 yearsolder thanJesus).

However, there was a deliberate misinterpretation of the scriptures by fanatic zealots during the Messianic fever, in order to incite the Judeans to rise against the Romans.

This was also used by Hermes in order to substitute Jesus with hisChrist,Jesus’symbiote-overself, a top member of the Reptilian hierarchy in Shambala. The Christ of the Church has nothing to do with the Jewish Messiah. He is the AtlantianMermek, the prince of the destroyed5th planet of our solar system, christened as Christ by his fellow Atlantian Thoth-Hermes. Jesus is a Jew. Christ hates the Jews and all Adamites.

The spirit of Jesus was bound in limbo by the perpetualcrucifixionritualand the removal of hisname from the Greek and, in extension, all NordicChristian lists of given names. With Jesusbound in limbo, the prophecystalled and,instead of the enlightenment prepared by Jesus, Christianitybrought in its wakethe Dark Ages followed by conquering, rapine, genocide, slavery, colonization and exploitationof the rest of the World till today.

To protect the substitution of Jesus by Christ, the idea of the abominableAntichrist was created. If there could be an Antichrist, this would be Jesus himself or the Counselor that Jesus mentions in John 16as the Onethat will come to judge the World.

The Christ of the Church

Having established the fact that Jesus is not the Christ or theMessiah in the prophecies,we are going to add a few more lines on the identity of theChrist of the Church.

We have given plenty of information on the identity of this Christ in other articles, ‘Synoptic History’ and‘Reappraisal of Thoth’ and in our commentaries on various movies, but we are going to give a short resumé here, to help you zoom in on this important issue.

Christ’s original name was Mermek, (Arak-ThuroninAtlantis), thePrince of Nebadon, the5th planet of our solar system, that was destroyedaround 72 million years ago; (Nebadon’sdestruction resulted in the belt of Asteroids, the Comets and our Moon).

Mermek came to Earth,accompanied by other high Nebadoniansurvivors,wrongly referred to as ‘Venusians’; (Venus was never habitable).Hewanted to replace Calicastia, Earth’s Prince, upon the Earth’s human habitation,on the valid argument that Calicastia did not have any experience with humans, but Lucifer did notendorse this.

Mermek and some of his companions were among theNordic hierarchy in both Lemuria and Atlantis, which had a similar fate asNebadon. [Earth is heading for a similar fate, if hisrule over the planet, through hisfavouriteNordicwarrior race,(EuropeanChristianity), continues for another 150 years or so].Hehas persecuted the Adamites ever since the establishment of theircolony in Central Asia. [He is a vehementenemy of the Jews, Jesus and Zeus(Jhwh), the patriarch of the divine Adamites,(i.e., thefire-redheadPhoenicians or trueHellenes), whomhe considers as rivalto his own Nordic divine race.]

AsJesus’symbiote/overself, Christ acquired a transcript of Jesus'software, (notJesus’personality), and a key(Jesus-888) in and out of AiA. By keeping Jesus’ spiritin perpetual limbo(in AiA),through the perpetual crucifixionritual and removinghis name from the list of Christiangiven names,(especially inGreek*,Ιησούς-888),Christ(as Jesus-Christ) has exclusive use of theritual power of theCross-777.Jesuswas partly freed when the Spanish started takinghis name. He will becompletely free when thisblackwitchcraft against him is performed no more. (*Ionian/CadmeanGreekis the scientificcode language of the Adamitepriesthood; the Danaans never understood its scientific ideography).

TheCounselor will put an end to allmystic/ritualistic religions before establishing the Dominion of Man.