Templates for Enquiry Skills

How Useful Questions

Source A is useful about …………………. to the extent that it is written/ made /taken by …………………….

The Source was written/made/taken in …………………………, at a time that ………………………..

It was written to give the facts/opinion about …………….

It tells me that ……………….

It is limited because it only mentions …………………………………..


Overall Sources A and B agree/disagree.

Source A says …………………. And Source B agrees/disagrees by saying ……………………..

Source A says …………………. And Source B agrees/disagrees by saying ……………………..

Source A says …………………. And Source B agrees/disagrees by saying ……………………..

Look at the opposite side

Only Source A states that ……………………………………..

Only Source B mentions that ……………………….

How Fully

Source A explains ………………………… to the extent that it says …………………………….. , …………………., and …………………….

Source A fails to mention ……………………………. , ……………………………… and ……………………..


The attitude of the writer of Source A is positive/negative.

The writer says …………………………… He then says ……………………. And finally he says …………………..

Organising Information

Take the question and decide the two sides of the table. Use all the Sources and make sure that both sides of the table are covered.






Conclusion Questions

Use the name of the issue from the top of the page. Use the positive side of the table. Use the negative side of the table. Come to a conclusion that takes account of both sides of the question.

…………………………………………….. to the extent that positive side of table.

However, negative side of table.

The Sources fail to mention …………………………………………

In conclusion, …………………………………… but ……………………………………….


Turn the question into a statement. List the points you will argue. Write a paragraph about each point. Come to a conclusion.

The reasons for ………………………….. were ……………... , ……………… , …………….. , …………………, …………………. and ……………………….. .

……………………… was a reason for.

This was because ………………………………

The evidence that supports this is …………………………..

For each point.

In conclusion the reasons that happened were ……………………… , …………………….., ………………………, …………… , …………………….. and ………………….. but the main reason was ………………………