Regular Session December19, 2016

The members of Hubbard City Council met in regular session on Monday,December 19, 2016, in council chambers with President Pro tem Lisha Pompili-Baumiller presiding. Approximately6people were in attendance.

Roll call showed the following members in attendance:

B. Kyle T. O’Hara L. Baumiller M. Toda P. Gilliland J. Silvidi J. Crowe

It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara to excuse any absent officials. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous.

It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr.O’Hara to accept the minutes from the December5, 2016 regular meeting as presented to council. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous.


We received a letterfor a Zone Change from the Hubbard Planning & Zoning Commission stating that the commission voted 3-0 against the zone change and recommends to not allow the zone change for Parcel 02-006516, Lot 2063 and Parcel 02-332040, Lot 2062 in the Hubbard Manor Plat Number Three from Residential to Public Facility and that is all.

It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara to accept the communications and place them in their proper files. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous.


FINANCE- Mr. Kyle- No report this evening thank you

PARK & RECREATION- Mr. Gilliland- No report Mr. President

ECONOMINC DEVELOPMENT-Ms. Baumiller- Mine is not actually a report, I was at the commissioners meeting last Wednesday and I was really impressed. Prior to their meeting besides the Pledge of Allegiance, they say the Our Father. I don’t know if anyone would be against doing that or even if we are allowed to do it but it was really nice. It doesn’t matter what denomination you are. Everyone seems to do it. They said that they have done this always. Is this something we could vote on or look into? How would we do that Mark?

Mr. Villano- I would have to look into that. I think you may have some type of an issue with doing that here at a council meeting.

Ms. Baumiller- okay I didn’t know how that would work. Okay that is all I have.

PLANNING & ZONING- Mr. Toda- No report this evening

UTILITIES- Mr. Silvidi- Yes very briefly, I would like to acknowledge our three utility departments for the services they provide to us last year. Anytime there is a loss of service, the city is promptly to respond no matter the time or day for the problem. We are very fortunate to have our utility crews in house. Good job to them. That is it.

STREETS & SIDEWALKS- Mr. Crowe- I have no report tonight

SAFETY- Mr. O’Hara- Yes briefly, I just wanted to let everyone know that there hasn’t been any other further development regarding the investigations pertaining to the car break-ins. Information and evidence continues to be gathered and we will let you know once we have more information.


CEMETERY BOARD- Mr. Silvidi- No report

FIRE DISTRICT-Mr. O’Hara- As discussed during caucus, we have a vacancy on the Fire Board right now with two nominations. During caucus, we discussed whether there would be a conflict of interest with one of the candidates since he is a current fireman.

Mr. Kyle made a motion tonominated Ray Fallen for the fire district with a second by Mr. Toda.

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Mr. O’Hara- One more thing I would like to welcome Ray Fallen back to the Fire Board.

Ms. Baumiller- welcome

Mr. Silvidi- I didn’t get a chance to vote

Ms. Baumiller- I am sorry JD

Mr. O’Hara- I am sorry JD

Mr. Silvidi- I am a yes

Ms. Baumiller- You’re a yes

There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous.


AUDITOR- Mr. Villano- No report this evening Madam President thank you

LAW DIRECTOR- Mr. Villano- No report Madam President thank you

TREASURER- Ms. Ruha- Not in attendance

SAFETY DIRECTOR- Lou Carsone – Thank you Madam President, I have no report tonight. I would just like to wish for everybody a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thank you.

SERVICE DIRECTOR-Dan Livingston- No report other than as you know, we have been slagging roads and had the plows out. I think my crew did a really good job. I would like to echo Mr. Carsone and wish all you guys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will be reading a report or note from Mayor Darko under his report.

It was moved by Mr. Kylewith a second by Mr. O’Hara to accept the reports of standing committees, special committees and city officials.There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.


Mr. Livingston- Yes Mayor Darko is in Pasco, Washington visiting his grandchildren for the holidays. His plane did get delayed a day so he ended up going back home and didn’t go out until yesterday. He will be back home a day later than expected. This comes from Mayor Darko:

City Council it is hard to believe that we are at another year end. I want to thank everyone for your cooperation and understanding throughout 2016. We have all shared in shaping of the city and I do look forward to doing the same with you in the New Year. My wish to all of you is a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Mayor John Darko

It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara to accept the Mayor’s report. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.




Ms. Baumiller-if there is anyone who has anything?


It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara to have the law director to draw up the necessary legislation authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for sealed public bids for the sale of surplus equipment and vehicles.

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Ordinance 19-16 Third Reading


It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara that ordinance 19-16 be passed as read. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous.

Ordinance 20-16 Third Reading


It was moved by Mr. Kyle with a second by Mr. O’Hara that ordinance 20-16 be passed as read. There were no questions or concerns on the motion. Motion passed. Vote unanimous


Ms. Baumiller- If there is anyone who wishes to address city councilyou have three minutes

Good Evening, my name is Becky Edwards and I am from Trumbull Mobile Meals. I am The Director. This is Barb Petiya and she is our grant writer. First, I would like to apologize for my cell phone. I don’t know what happened I thought I had it on vibrate. Can you hear me?

Multiple yes

Ms. Edwards-

The reason why we are here this evening is we deliver meals in your community. We deliver to Bentley Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Forest Hill, Orchard Avenue and we are in dire need of volunteers. We have come for suggestions. If you have any ideas on how we can get volunteers to help us deliver meals in the community. They do not have to go all the way to Warren to get those meals. We have somebody bring them to the Liberty Administration Building. It is maybe an hour of their time. We work with a local church that provides volunteers two no one day a week I believe.

Ms. Petiya- St. Pat’s Church

Ms. Edwards- We are in dire need of volunteers.

Ms. Petiya- We had a lot of volunteers for Hubbard and we had some go out for health reasons and we have another couple who are in Florida all winter. Now we need drivers for Monday’s and Friday’s. We have nine people in Hubbard that are receiving meals that are shut-ins. We are at a quandary of what can we do? Do you have any suggestions? Is there any way you can help us out?Are there any service groups that could help us?

Ms. Edwards- We reached out to the Rotary here in Hubbard but did not get any results. There was no feedback from the Rotary. We sent out fliers to the area churches.

Mr. Toda- Marianne, could they run some kind of ad from you?

Marianne Hallapy- It is tough because we are trying to find volunteer drivers for our Senior Van. We have had it in the paper. We have put it on our website.


Ms. Hallapy- I think people have an issue with committing themselves.

Ms. Edwards- sure

Ms. Hallapy- Even when you say it is not all the time just hit and miss

Ms. Edwards- It is up to the volunteer how much they want to volunteer.

Ms. Hallapy-right


Ms. Hallapy- I will be more than happy to put it in the paper. We have reached out to the churches as well and the Chaplin’s. I think Lou has a suggestion.

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Mr. Carsone- How often do you do this?

Ms. Edwards- Monday through Friday

Mr. Carsone- Five days a week

Mr. Toda- Monday and Friday is what you need to fill?

Ms. Edwards- Yes we have Wednesdays and some Tuesdays but the bulk of them right now are Monday’s and Friday’s. We will work with you. Whatever somebody can do? We can call the other volunteer’s and say are you willing to switch? We will do whatever it takes.


Ms. Edwards-We provide up to two meals a day but we only deliver once a day.

Ms. Petiya-They get a hot meal and a cold sack lunch.

Mr. Livingston- When you reached out to Rotary ma’am, who did you talk to?

Ms. Edwards-We sent a letter to the Rotary.

Mr. Livingston- when did that

Ms. Edwards- It was about a month and a half ago.

Mr. Livingston- Okay, can you resend that?

Ms. Edwards- certainly

Mr. Livingston- because we have had transition in people in charge

Ms. Edwards- sure

Mr. Livingston- It may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Ray do you remember it being read at the meeting?

Mr. Fallen- It didn’t come up.

Mr. Livingston- It didn’t come up at the meeting so I am sure it got lost in the shuffle. So, if you could resend it?

Ms. Edwards- Yes, I would even be willing to come out and speak.

Mr. Livingston- Okay, after give me your phone number.

Ms. Baumiller- What time of day do they do that?

Ms. Edwards- They deliver probably around the noon hour is when they get picked up. Then it takes

Ms. Petiya- (quarter to twelve) they pick the meals up at the Liberty Administration building at 11:45 and then go from there

Mr. Toda- That is where the police department is right?The administration

Ms. Edwards-Right and that is where the bags get dropped back off is the Liberty Administration building.We have someone go there and pick them up. I am willing to work if that is not a good location. We will change.

Ms. Petiya- We will do whatever it takes!

Mr. Livingston- How many meals approximately again?

Ms. Edwards- Well there is 11 people on our route for Hubbard right now.

Ms. Petiya- two of them are off. We have nine active people on the Hubbard route that are getting one to two meals.

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Multiple thank you’s

Mr. Kyle- Definitely leave us your contact information and we will work at finding someone.

Mr. Carsone- Don’t leave for a couple of minutes.

Ms. Edwards- Okay that is fine thank you.

Ms. Petiya- We can just hand these out to you

Ms. Baumiller- Okay does anyone have anything else? If not we will go ahead and make a motion to adjourn


A motion by Mr. Todaand seconded by Mr. Kyleto adjourn for the year. There were no questions or comments on the motion. Motion carried. Vote Unanimous.

Lorrie Brown, Council ClerkWilliam Williams, President