Developmental Disabilities Providers:

Please Join Us for the Next

Developmental Disabilities Division Meeting

Thursday, April 19, 2012

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at CT Nonprofits

(All DDS funded Providers, serving individuals with

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities are welcome!)


We will be joined by Special Guest Presenter:

Peter Mason, Acting Director, DDSOperationsCenter

Agenda on Reverse Side

 Directions to the Connecticut Association of Nonprofits 

90 Brainard Road, Hartford, CT06114, 860-525-5080

I-91 North: Take Exit 27. Exit ramp merges – stay in center lane and take a left at first light onto Brainard Rd.

CT Nonprofits is located on the right at 90 Brainard Rd., immediately before McDonald’s.

I-91 South: Take Exit 27. (Please note that exits from this direction are not in descending order – Exit 29, Exit 27, Exit 28.) At end of exit ramp (at light) take a left onto Airport Rd. At next light (over hill,) take a right onto Brainard Road. CT Nonprofits is located on the left at 90 Brainard Rd., immediately after McDonald’s.

I-84 East: Take I-91 South and follow I-91 South directions listed above.

I-84 West: Take Exit 57 (a left exit onto a short extension highway) for Rt. 15 & I-91 South. Stay to the left. Take Exit 87. At the fork bear left toward Brainard/Airport Roads. Exit ramp merges – stay in center lane and take a left at first light onto Brainard Rd. CT Nonprofits is located on the right at 90 Brainard Rd., immediately before McDonald’s.

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Developmental Disabilities Division Meeting

Thursday,April 19, 2012- 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  1. Introductions & Announcements: (Mary Pat Decarlo,Division Co-Chair Julia Wilcox, CT Nonprofits)

CT Nonprofits’ Legislative Reception: 4.26.12, 5 PM, Old Judiciary, (East Side of the Capitol, 3rd floor)

“Elder Ready Communities and Aging in Place” 5.04.12; 8:30AM -2:30PM, KeeneyCenter, Wethersfield

Upcoming Guest Presenter: 5.17.12: Terrence Macy, Ph.D., Commissioner, DDS

2. Special Guest Presenter: Peter Mason, Acting Director, DDSOperationsCenter:

Rate Transition Process Discussion: Mr. Mason & CT Nonprofits Representatives:

Report of the DDS Day Rate Transition Committee & Sub-Committees

(Day Rate Transition Steering Committee: Katie Banzhaf , Janice Chamberlain, Elisa Velardo & Julia Wilcox)

Future Objectives of the DDS Residential Rate Transition Committee & Sub-Committees

(Residential Transition Committee: Mary Pat Decarlo, Chet Fischer, Paul RosinJulia Wilcox)

DDS Plans to Postpone Deadline for Op Plan

OLR Research Report 2012-R-0142: HUSKY Nonprofit Employers (Julia Wilcox)

3. DDS / Provider Trades Meetings: (Julia Wilcox)

Previous Trades Meeting: 4.04.12: South Region: Cancelled (Due to availability of Commissioner)

Upcoming Trades Meeting: 5.02.12: West Region: Waterbury Arc, (coordinated by Arc of CT)

Agenda Recommendations & Representatives

4. DDS Trades Business Managers’ Forum: (Jim Traester, Anquillare, Ruocco, Traester & Co. & Attendees.)

5. Topics and Questions for Meeting with Commissioner Macy, 5.17.12

6. The Step Up Program - Subsidized Training and Employment Program

Initiative administered by the CT Department of Labor and the 5 Workforce Investment Boards.

7. State Government / Public Policy Updates:(Ron Cretaro, Julia Wilcox, Public Policy Council Members)

Legislative Session Updates; CT Nonprofits’ Advocacy Initiatives

Bill Tracking Review: DD Specific & Cross-Sector Legislation Proposed

Final Legislative Strategies – Regular Legislative Session Adjourns May 9th

Governor’s Cabinet on Nonprofit Health & Human Services

Next Meeting:Developmental Disabilities Division of CT Nonprofits: May 17, 2012

Guest Presenter: Terrence Macy, Ph.D., Commissioner, DDS

90 Brainard Road♦ Hartford, CT06114♦ Tel:860.525.5080 ♦ Fax: 860.525.5088 ♦