Minutes of the Annual Meeting Mo Chapter of SWANA - June 19, 2012
The annual meeting of The Missouri Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America was held in conjunction with the Missouri Waste Control Coalition at the Lodge of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, MO. Breakfast was provided for attendees in the Escollo Room of the Main Lodge.
Chapter President Chris Snider called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. with 18 MO Chapter members, two visitors and Brian Tippett, SWANA International Secretary present. A Quorum was established.
Attendees introduced themselves.
Cynthia Mitchell moved and Keith Connor seconded that the minutes of the last meeting of the Missouri SWANA Chapter meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Cynthia Mitchell gave the Treasurer's report. The Chapter has assets totaling $41,535.33 and zero liabilities. The balance in checking on June 15, 2012 is $ 19,784.34. Scott Martin moved and John Haasis seconded that the treasurer's report be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes from the SWANA International Board mid- Year meeting in Niagara Fall, Ontario were available to Chapter meeting attendees. Charlie Wade mentioned that the 2013 SWANA International Board Mid -Year meeting would be in Puerto Rico next April. The Group was reminded that Waste Con would take place in National Harbor, MD - Washington DC area- this August.
Keith Connor reported on the Solid Waste Technician re-certification program that took place in April. He said that they had 12 attendees. The Chapter is required to put on at least two educational events each year. The second educational event will take place at MWCC.
Ron Darling was unable to attend the meeting. John Haasis reported that the Allan Ollar scholarship application is online. There were no applicants this year so far. The deadline for the National Scholarship was May 1, 2012. Laura White volunteered to be the new chair of the scholarship committee. The application process will remain open as long as funds are available.
Ricky Roberts reported on the Equipment Rodeo we almost had this year. He said that facilities weren't the best and that we didn't have enough participant interest. He will try again for next year possibly with a different venue - the Columbia Landfill. The National Rod-e-o is in Lexington KY in September. It was decided that we would send someone to check it out. Brian Tippett said that his Wisconsin Chapter and the Minnesota Chapter did a joint Rod-e-o that was fun and quite successful. Cynthia will attend the National Rod- e- o and report at the next meeting
Scott Martin Volunteered to be the MWCC Solid Waste Tract Coordinator for 2013. Scott is already a MWCC Board member.
John Haasis gave an update on the Chapter website. John said that the cost is $9.95 per month. The site log on is MOSWANA.org and is linked to SWANA National.
Information was provided on the e-session program being offered by SWANA National. Last year our chapter purchased a 50-session package - 38 sessions have been used. Cynthia Mitchell moved and Charlie Wade seconded that the chapter purchase another 50 sessions at a cost of $2,000.00 Motion carried unanimously.
Chris is looking for a volunteer to head the membership recruitment committee.
Chris Snider presented the slate of officers for the next year. The term of the new officers will run from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013. Chris asked if there were other nominations from the floor.
By unanimous vote, Board members and Officers for the coming year:
Chris Snider, President
John Haasis, Vice President
Cynthia Mitchell, Treasurer
Lynda Roehl, Secretary
Richard Weiman, Past President
Keith Connor, IB Representative
Charlie Wade, Director
Frank Dolan, Director
Rickie Roberts, Director
Laura White, Director
Charlie Wade said that all of the Chapters have been urged to set up a booth at Waste-Con to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SWANA. The cost of the booth is roughly $300. Cynthia Mitchell moved and Richard Wieman seconded that we budget up to $500 for a booth at Waste Con. Motion carried unanimously.
The Mora Conference will be in St. Louis September 9-12, 2012. Lynda Roehl moved and John Haasis seconded that we budget $250 for a booth at that conference. Motion carried unanimously
John Haasis said that he knew someone that would do graphics and make a nice banner for the Chapter. John Haasis moved and Frank Dolan seconded that we budget up to $500 for the design and production of a banner. Motion carried unanimously
Brian Tippett, the SWANA National Secretary, spoke to the group about ways to increase membership. He said that if we are interested in returning Waste Con to Missouri in 2017 we should form a committee now to start working on the invitation package.
It was announced that Richard Wieman will receive the Life Member award at Waste Con. Several members will be there to cheer for him.
The by-laws of the Missouri Chapter of SWANA needed to be amended to comply with new SWANA requirements. Ballots were handed out to vote for or against the change. There were eleven yes votes from the meeting. Members will be able to vote for the amendment online for the next 60 days.
The next meeting was tentatively set for October 4, 2012 at a time to be decided later.
Adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Minutes submitted by Lynda Roehl