No. 8)1)Gen/Security,C&G/2006-057th March 2006


M/s. Nirman Advertising Pvt. Ltd.

K-14, Jangura Extension

New Delhi-110014.

Subject: Publishing of Notice Inviting Tender


I am directed to enclose herewith the a Notice Inviting Tender which may kindly be published in the Delhi edition of the Times of India (English) , Hindustan Times (English) and Nav Bharat Times (Hindi), strictly as per DAVP rates only .

It may please be ensure that the above notice may be published on any day between 8.03.2006 to 09.3.2006 in the display columns.

Yours faithfully,

(Naresh Pal)

Sr. Controller of Administration

Encls: As above






Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed professional and experienced Security, Cleaning & Disposal of Garbage Agencies, who have valid registration & Licence under the relevant/Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 and have also successfully carried out minimum 3 jobs for CSIR or its National Laboratories, Govt./Semi Govt. organizations, Institutional Campuses or reputed private industries having an area of 5 acres and above.

Tender form alongwith terms & conditions would be issued from 08.03.2006 to 27.03.2006 from the Bookshop of NISCAIR, Pusa New Delhi during working days from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on payment of Rs.500/- in cash or demand draft in favour of Director, NISCAIR and to be received back by 3.00 p.m. on or before 30.03.2006. The tender document can also be downloaded from NISCAIR website at whose case draft of Rs.500/- may be submitted separately in the envelop marked “Draft of Rs. 500/- as Tender Cost”. The same will be opened at 11.00 a.m. on 03.04.2006

Sr. Controller of Administration


Bid Document


Security, Cleaning & Disposal of Garbage

atPusaCampus & S.V. Marg

(i)Last date of collecting Tenders:27.03.2006 upto 4.p.m.

(ii)Last date for submission of Bids : 30.03.2006 upto 3.p.m.

(iii)Date of Opening of Technical Bid: 03.04.2006 at 11 a.m.

Cost of Bid Document: Rs. 500/-




(Near Pusa Gate)



Bid Document No:………………………..

Date of Issue:……………………………..

Name and address of the Security and Cleaning ( including Garbage Disposal) Agency :




Important Notice

This Bid document is a one unit/contract and non-transferable.
An incomplete offer and/or late bid is liable to be ignored.

Issued by:

Sr. Controller of Administration




1. Security, Cleaning & Disposal of Garbage at Pusa Campus & S.V. Marg (both locations)

1.1Sealed tenders in two parts: (i) Technical Bid plus EMD and (ii) Financial Bid are invited for Security and Cleaning job as a one unit/contract including disposal of Garbage of both the premises (Pusa Campus and Satsang Vihar Marg).

1.2Eligibility of Bidders:

(i)Only the registered contractors under the relevant Contract Labour Act, who are also holding valid licence under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act. 1970, are eligible for submitting the bids.

(ii)The bidders must have successfully carried out minimum of three contract jobs of providing minimum 30security guards and 25 safaiwalas for CSIR or its National Laboratories/Institutes, Govt.Deptts., Semi-Govt. Organizations, Institutional Campuses or reputed private industries having an area of 5 acres and above.

(iii)The Contractor will have to employ ex-servicemen or the persons trained as Security Guards, Security Supervisors for security work and trained civilians as Safaiwalas on job contract basis to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority, who have experience of cleaning of bathrooms, toilets, open areas/carpet areas with electrical gadgets, and clearing of sewer lines/ disposal of garbage etc.

(iv)Tender document will not be considered if earnest money is deposited with Financial bid.




The National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) is a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). The R & D Programs being undertaken at NISCAIR are geared towards meeting the information needs of the different segments of the society. Apart from bringing out a variety of scientific and technical publications, providing information services and training in science communication, NISCAIR undertakes consultancy work in designing, editing and publication of journals, books, reports, etc. NISCAIR has also an active program in electronic publishing and IT facilities are also being developed.

NISCAIR is situated in two campuses : (1) Pusa Campus (near Pusa Gate), Dr K S Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110 012, and (2) Satsang Vihar Marg Campus, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067.

The Security and Cleaning work is a one unit/contract including Garbage disposal of sister laboratory, the National Institute of Science Technology & Development Studies (NISTADS), located along with NISCAIR in Pusa premises.

Scope of the Work

It is proposed to award as one contract on job contract basis for services of Security and Cleaning work including Garbage disposal of both Campuses of NISCAIR. The specifications of the work involved are:

2.1Requirement of Security and Cleaning work (including Garbage disposal ) persons on job contract basis:

(i)The Security Guards and Security Supervisors should be Ex-serviceman or trained in the field.

(ii)Ex-serviceman or trained Security Guards and Security Supervisors should not be above the age of 50 years as on 01.04. 2006.

(iii)Present deployment of Security & Cleaning persons including Garbage disposal manpower are shown in table below:


Manpower deployment

Location / Security persons / Cleaning persons / Garbage Disposal persons
Supervisor Skilled / Guards semi-skilled / Supervisor Semi-skilled / Male safaiwala
unskilled / Female
unskilled / Male
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus / 01 / 10
+ *05 / 01 / 13
+*02 / 02
*01 / 02
S.V. Marg Campus / 01 / 18 / 01 / 09 / 02 / 02
Total / 02 / 33 / 02 / 24 / 05 / 04

+ * Additional manpower as per requirement and approval of the Director NISCAIR.

Note: Contractor has to use his own three/four wheeler vehicle for the disposal of garbage from the garbage pits from both the campuses/locations.




3.1Scope of the work

To provide security services for the protection of property against theft, pilferage, fire etc, safety of manpower, guiding visitors to the concerned officials, regulating entry of unwanted visitors/salesmen for maintaining office decorum, and maintenance of visitor register. To receive telephone calls after office hours and guide the callers accordingly. To prevent entry of stray animals like dogs etc. Round the clock patrolling of the campuses. Checking of gate passes and allowing the exit of material accordingly. To regulate the entry and exit of vehicles. For maintaining neat, clean and hygienic office environment, collect the garbage and its environment friendly disposal, clearing of internal sewer lines. Whenever additional manpower is required, the contractor will have to arrange it on the minimum wage rates, statutory charges, etc. quoted by the contractor in the financial bid.

3.2Eligible Bidders shall fulfill the criteria as laid down in bid along with thefollowing:-

3.2.1This invitation for bids is open to only registered contractors under the relevant Contract Labour Act, who are also holding valid license under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)Act. 1970.

3.2.2The bidder must have successfully carried out minimum of three job contracts of providing about 30 security guards and 25 safaiwalas for CSIR or its National Laboratories/Institutes. Govt. Departments, Semi-Govt. Organizations, Institutional Campuses or reputed private firms having an area of 5 acres and above.

3.2.3The Contractor will have to provide ex-servicemen or trained Security personnel for security work and trained Safaiwalas, who have experience in cleaning of office premises, clearing of sewer lines, garbage disposal, operating electrical gadgets for cleaning of carpet areas, etc.

3.3Preparation of Bids

3.3.1Technical and Financial Bids

The bids are to be submitted in two parts in separate sealed envelopes

(a)Technical Bid + EMD

(b)Financial Bid


3.3.2Technical Bid:

The Technical Bid document along with readable photocopies of all the required documents as per tender document should be provided/submitted.

3.3.3Financial Bid:`

The Financial Bid showing total monthly amount on job contract basis with item-wise break-up, which will include all mandatory, statutory payments including other percentage/expenses as per Annexure III, should be provided



4.1.Sealed tenders in two parts(Technical Bid + EMD and Financial Bid) are invited from eligible registered contractors, who are holding valid license under the relevant Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act. 1970 and who have successfully carried out minimum of three contract jobs of providing 30 security guards an 25 safaiwalas for CSIR or its National Laboratories/Institutes, Govt.Departments, Semi-Govt. Organizations, Institutional Campuses or reputed private firms having an area of 5 acres and above. The Contractor will have to provide ex-servicemen or trained Security personnel for security work and trained Safaiwalas, who have experience in cleaning of office premises, clearing of sewer lines, garbage disposal, operating electrical gadgets for cleaning of carpet areas, etc. The contractor is required to provide above manpower as per scope of the work given in sections 2 & 3.

4.2.The bidders shall deposit along with the tender, an earnest money of Rs.50,000/- for Security and Cleaning Services/Garbage Disposal by way of Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft in favour of "The Director, NISCAIR”, payable at New Delhi, which will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders within two months from the date of opening of the tenders.

4.3Tenders without earnest money shall be rejected summarily . Financial bids of only technically competent bidders will be opened.

4.4The Security and house keeping contract will be initially for a period of one year.

4.5.Tenders received after 3.00 p.m. on 30.3.2006 whether sent by post or delivered in person are liable to be rejected.

4.6 Sealed tenders in two separate covers superscribed on them (1)“Technical Bid + EMD for Security and Cleaning” and (2)“Financial Bid for Security and Cleaning”due to open at 11.00 a.m on 03.04.2006 should be submitted at the NISCAIR Book Shop (NISCAIR, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012) at Reception Hall. Tenders will be received up to 3.00 p.m. on 30.03.2006 and only Technical Bid will be opened at 11.00 p.m.on 03.04.2006 in Conference Hall of NISCAIR, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012 in the presence of the bidders, if any. Only one representative of each bidder will be permitted at the time of the tender opening.

4.7In the financial bid the bidder must quote the rates in figures as well as in words. The amount of each item should be worked out and the total given.


4.8The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance guarantee cum security deposit by way of Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR)/Bank-Guarantee of Rs.1,00,000/- ( Rupees one lakh only) from a nationalized Bank in favour of "The Director,NISCAIR”, payable at New Delhi valid for 15 months. Bank Guarantee/FDR will be required to be furnished within two weeks from the date of award of contract, failing which the work award order may be cancelled.

4.9Director, NISCAIR does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject or accept, in part or full, any or all the tenders received without assigning any reasons.

4.10Canvassing in connection with the tender is strictly prohibited and the tender of anyone resorting to canvassing shall be liable for rejection on that ground alone.

4.11The bidder shall specifically declare whether he is related to any officer of NISCAIR.

4.12 The tenders should be clear and without any conditions.

4.13 Earnest money shall be forfeited if the successful bidder fails to sign the formal agreement within seven days from the date of intimation to that effect or fails to start the work within seven days from the date of commencement given in the Work Order.

4.14 Tenders should remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening of tenders with provision for further suitable extension.

4.15The tender document duly signed on all pages shall be submitted along with the technical bid, failing which the technical bid shall not be considered.

4.16 The bidder shall enclose the following visible and duly signed documents along with the technical bid

a) Latest up-to-date Income-Tax Clearance Certificate or valid PAN No.

b) Experience Certificate of minimum three security & cleaning jobs separately by indicating clear cut dates of the required no. of persons.

c)Satisfactory completion certificates of the same above (b) firms at least of

three security and cleaning jobs.

d) Valid Registration Certificate as well as licence under the relevant Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition ) Act. 1970.

e) Valid EPF & ESI registration certificates.

f). Proof of valid Service Tax registration/No

Tenders without the required documents shall be summarily rejected.

4.17The bidder should invariably mention valid registration number in all their correspondence.

4.18Tenders which do not fulfill all or any of the above conditions or are incomplete/conditional in any respect are liable to be rejected.

4.19TDS/Income tax etc. are to be deducted at source from the monthly claim/bill of the contractor, as admissible under the rules.

4.20Service Tax is payable as admissible under the Rules.

4.21The contractor should submit the proof of his running office at Delhi with telephone facility for the smooth functioning of the contract.

4.22The above contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi/ New Delhi.

4.23Director NISCAIR reserve the right to terminate the work award order without assigning any reasons thereof.

4.24Unsatisfactory performance of contract at any stage of time shall be liable for termination of work award order and may also lead to forfeiture of performance guarantee cum security deposit.

4.25The manpower deployed shall work in 8 hours, 6/7 day a week basis as applicable for Security & Cleaning separately. There shall be no over time deployment, failing which necessary deductions will be made from the monthly bills.

4.26That the Contractor shall submit the proof of having deposited the amount of ESI & EPF contributions towards the persons deployed at CSIR Lab/Instt. in their respective names before submitting the bill for the subsequent month. In case the Contractor fails to do so, the amount towards ESI & EPF contribution will be withheld till submission of required documents.


  1. The contractor shall deploy the Ex-Servicemen or experienced Supervisors and Guards to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority for performing the security duty at both the Campuses of NISCAIR, which houses the offices of National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources and National Institute of Science, Technology & Development Studies (hereinafter referred to as NISCAIR and NISTADS respectively). They should not be above 50 years of age as on 01.4.2006
  2. The contractor shall make security arrangements for the proper protection of NISCAIR premises and equipment etc. as well as maintain the Reception office before and after office hours and on closed holidays.

3. The contractor shall deploy the required number of security personnel in each shift or as may be decided by NISCAIR according to exigency of work.

4. The contractor shall maintain register for marking the attendance by security & housekeeping personnel deployed by him, which can be seen/verified by the Security Incharge or an authorized officer of NISCAIR periodically.

5. The contractor shall furnish necessary certificate about police verification of character and antecedents of all the personnel to be engaged for security and housekeeping duty. He will also provide a complete list of the Security personnel and Safaiwala to be deployed in this office indicating their names, father's name, local address and permanent home address to the Security Incharge of NISCAIR. Any changes in the list will be immediately informed subsequently with all the above details.

6. The contractor shall issue photo-identity cards to his personnel deployed in the building for performing duty, which will be signed by him and displayed by them on their person while they are in the premises of NISCAIR.

7. The security personnel on duty shall be rotated from one shift to another at proper frequency and reasonable time, and the contractor shall maintain a duty roster regarding deployment of security personnel in each shift which can be seen by the Security Incharge or an authorized official of NISCAIR periodically.

8. The contractor shall be responsible for proper maintenance of decorum, punctuality/ discipline and work output. The personnel so deployed should be in a proper and one colour neat and clean well-dressed summer/ winter uniform. Contractor should provide two sets each of summer and winter uniform to the security personnel as well as safai karmachari alongwith safety shoes & other items at his own cost. The choice of colour of the uniform will be decided in consultation with NISCAIR.

9. The contractor shall make payment of wages by cash or cheques to his personnel engaged by him by 7th of the following month in the premises of the NISCAIR in the presence of an officer designated for the purpose by Director, NISCAIR, so that there is no disruption in the performance of duties of the deployed personnel. Wages should be according to Minimum Wages Act and other Statutory Acts applicable for National Capital Region of Delhi. NISCAIR reserves the right to check periodically payment of wages made by him to security and housekeeping personnel deployed.

10.Terms of payment for wages etc once decided at the time of the award of the contract and included in the agreement shall not be subject to revision except that payment on account of enhancement/escalation charges on account of revision of wages by appropriate Govt. from time to time shall be payable by the NISCAIR/CSIR to the contractor.

11.There shall be three shifts, i.e. (a) 6.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., (b) 2.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m, and (c) 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. of the next day. Shift timing can be altered 0with mutual consent. However, the contractor shall provide complete and continuous security measures round the clock by changing personnel in rotation or replacement.

12.The contractor shall provide his security guards on duty with lathis (sticks) of adequate size, working torches, whistles etc. to enable them to perform their duties efficiently and effectively particularly during the night at his own cost. The contractor will ensure that the torches provided to security guards on duty are always in perfect working condition.