BC Hydro F2006 Open Call for Power - Small Project Bid Price/Options Form



Issued 08 December 2005

Revised 17March 2006

Note: Only one Bid Price/Options Form per Tender is permitted. This is a form field document. Enter data only in the form fields. Make selections from the drop down menu, where applicable. All other text is in read only format. Follow the instructions under “Description of Data”. Enter permitted data only under “Tendered Data”, and do not enter any other conditions, qualifications or other data. Do not otherwise modify or supplement this document. This form must be initialed on each page, and signed, by a person authorized to bind the Bidder. If this form pertains to an Alternate Tender, add the word “Alternate” to the Project name below.

TO:BC Hydro

10th Floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street

Vancouver, BC

V6B 5R3

Attention: CFT Records Manager

Full Legal Name of Registered Bidder:

Project Name:

Plant Capacity:MW [Note to Bidders: Round to two decimal places.]

The form sets out the Bidder’s tendered Bid Price, together with other tendered data. Information contained or referenced in this form as indicated below will be used to complete an Awarded EPA, if any, awarded to the Bidder.




Description of Data


Tendered Data

1. / Two-Part Term Pricing: Complete this item only if tendered datum for TO#2 - Term is more than 15 years.
Select “Yes” if Bidder tenders the Two-Part Term Pricing option. Select “No” if Bidder does not tender the Two-Part Term Pricing option.
For information on the Two-Part Term Pricing option, see CFT, section 11 – Tendered Information and Options – Two-Part Term Pricing. / (blank)YesNo
2. / Two-Part Term Pricing – Terms: Complete this item only if tendered datum for BP#1 – Two-Part Term Pricing is “Yes”.
State the duration in years using whole integers of the Initial Period and the Remainder Period of the total Term.
The Initial Period must be a minimum of 15 years.
The duration of the sum of the Initial Period and the Remainder Period must be equal to the total Term tendered under TO#2 – Term below. / Initial Period: years
Remainder Period: years
3. / Two-Part Term Pricing – Bid Prices: Complete this item only if tendered datum for BP#1- Two-Part Term Pricing is “Yes”.
State the Bid Price, expressed in Canadian $/MWh for each of the Initial Period and the Remainder Period of the Term, as tendered under BP#2. Round data to the nearest cent. / Initial Period:
$ per MWh
Remainder Period:
$ per MWh
4. / Bid Price – (No Two-Part Term Pricing): Complete this item only if tendered datum for BP#1 – Two-Part Term Pricing is “No”.
State Bid Price applicable to the entire Term, expressed in Canadian $/MWh. Round data to the nearest cent. / $ per MWh
5. / Escalation: State a percentage in whole integers (between 0% and 50%) of the Bid Price(s) that will be subject to annual escalation at CPI from 1 January 2006. Note that if Two-Part Term Pricing is selected, then this percentage applies to both the Initial Period and the Remainder Period Bid Prices tendered in BP#3. / % of Bid Price(s)




Description of Data

/ Tendered Data
1. / Target COD: State month and year. Target COD will be the 1st day of the tendered month.
Target COD must be the first day of any month from 1 October 2007 to 1 November 2010. / Month: (blank)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
2. / Term: State the number of years of the EPA Term, commencing on COD – one of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 only. / (blank)152025303540 years
3. / BC Clean Electricity: Select “Yes” if Project qualifies as BC Clean Electricity. Select “No” if it does not qualify as BC Clean Electricity.
If “Yes”, include in the Project Submission either (i) letter from TerraChoice, or (ii) letter from Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources of British Columbia, as required by the CFT, section 11 – Tendered Information and Options – BC Clean Electricity Projects.
If neither required letter is attached, the entry in the right column will be disregarded and this item will be deemed to be completed “No”, and the Tender will not be considered BC Clean Electricity for Tender evaluation purposes. / (blank)YesNo
4. / Green Project: Select “Yes” if (i) Project is eligible for EcoLogoM Certification and(ii) Bidder elects to transfer Green Attributes to BC Hydro under the Small Project EPA. Select “No” if (i) Project is not eligible for EcoLogoM Certification or (ii) Bidder elects to retain Green Attributes.
If “Yes”, include in the Project Submission a letter from TerraChoice as required by the CFT section 11 – Tendered Information and Options – Green Projects. If the required letter is not attached, the entry in the right column will be disregarded and this item will be deemed to be completed “No”, and the Tender will notbe considered Green for Tender evaluation purposes.
Note that regardless of EcoLogoM Certification, if this item is not tendered “Yes” so that Green Attributes are transferred to BC Hydro, then the Tender will not be considered Green for Tender evaluation purposes, but may be considered BC Clean Electricity for such purposes if the requirements in TO#3 are satisfied.
Note that if “Yes” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part A of the Small Project EPA will be included in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)YesNo
5. / GHG Emission Offsets: Select “Transfer” if GHG emission offsets obligations will be transferred to BC Hydro under the EPA. Select “Retain” if Bidder will retain all GHG-related obligations under the EPA.
Guaranteed GHG Intensity: If “Transfer” was selected above, state Guaranteed GHG Intensity, expressed in tonnes CO2e/MWh per year. Note that the Guaranteed GHG Intensity must be equal to or greater than 0.3 tonnes CO2e/MWh per year. Round data to four decimal places.
If “Transfer” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part B of the Small Project EPA will be included in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)TransferRetain
tonnes CO2e/MWh
per year
6. / Optional GHG Compliance Commitment: Complete this item only if tendered datum for TO #5- GHG Emission Offsets is “Retain”.
Select “Yes” if Bidder tenders a GHG Compliance Commitment (i.e. beyond those required by all applicable laws and regulations). Select “No” if Bidder does not tender a GHG Compliance Commitment.
GHG Compliance Commitment: If “Yes” was selected above, state the annual GHG Compliance Commitment, expressed in tonnes CO2 e/MWh. Round data to four decimal places.
If a GHG Compliance Commitment is tendered, Appendix 9, Part C of the Small Project EPA will be included in any awarded EPA. / (blank)YesNo
tonnes CO2e/MWh
per year
7. / Direct or Indirect Interconnection: If the Project will have a direct interconnection to the Integrated System, select “Direct”. If the Project will have an Indirect Interconnection, select “Indirect”.
If “Indirect” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part D, F or G of the Small Project EPA will be included, as applicable, in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)DirectIndirect
8. / Transmission System Interconnection: If the Project will be connected to the Transmission System, select “Yes”. If the Project will be connected to the Distribution System, select “No”.
If “Yes” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part E of the Small Project EPA will be included in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)YesNo
9. / Joint Venture/General Partnership: If the Bidder entity is a joint venture or general partnership (i.e. not a corporation, limited partnership or other legal entity), select “Yes”. If the Bidder entity is a not joint venture or general partnership (i.e. not a corporation, limited partnership or other legal entity), select “No”.
If “Yes” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part H of the Small Project EPA will be included in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)YesNo
10. / Limited Partnership: If the Bidder entity is a limited partnership, select“Yes”. If the Bidder entity is not a limited partnership, select “No”.
If “Yes” is tendered, Appendix 9, Part I of the Small Project EPA will be included in any Awarded EPA. / (blank)YesNo

Signed on behalf of the Bidder:






Revised 17 March 20061