Sixth Grade Earth Science
Cluster 6-1:Gregg
6-2: Jenny
6-3: Kimberly
Course Description: Earth Science integrates scientific inquiry with a thematic approach for teaching science in the context of personal and social issues. By the end of the sixth grade each student will be able to collect scientific data, analyze the evidence, build knowledge of scientific inquiry and make connections.
Course Outline:
A - Studying Soil Scientifically 4 weeks
B - Rocks and Minerals 5 weeks
C - Erosion and Deposition Topography 5 weeks
D - Plate Tectonics 5 weeks
E - Weather and Atmosphere 6 weeks
F - Earth in Space 5 weeks
G - Exploring the Solar System 5 weeks
Rules and Expectations: At HowardMiddle School we follow the PAWSSchool Expectations. Each student is expected to:
P: Be prompt and prepared
A: Accept Responsibility
W: Work hard
S: Show Respect
Daily Requirements and Materials:
Each day students are expected to bring the following items to class: Science Journal, blue or black ink pen, 2 glue sticks and color pencils.
Textbooks: We have a classroom set of textbooks for use. These books do not go home. Your student will have a journal that will be used for classroom “note-taking” and responses to analysis of information.
Homework: Homework is very minimal in earth science. We are a “lab based” inquiry method of learning. Primarily, your student’s homework will be to write analyzing what they learned that day so that connections can be made to other science topics and other disciplines.
How will my student be assessed?
Test and Projects / 50%Homework / 10%
Classwork (lab/group work) / 40%
Make up Work and Late Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to turn work in on time and to be prepared to turn work in following an absence according to school policy. A student will have three days to turn in work from an excused absence. Any materials or worksheets used during the class period the student missed will be placed in the “WHILE YOU WERE OUT” folder. Students should check with another student for missed notes. Homework is also posted on the HowardMiddle School website by teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to check for any materials on the day he or she returns to school.
Science Grading Policy Sixth Grade: It is expected that all work will be turned in on time; however, if it is not and the student has been present the following points are deducted:
Work turned in on time ……………… begins with 100%
Work turned in one day late………….. begins with 90%
Work turned in two days late………….begins with 80%
Work turned in three days late ………..begins with 70%
More than five days……………………the grade will be 0
Attendance: Regular attendance is expected of all students. Sixth grade science is lab oriented and very difficult to reconstruct when a student is absent. Attendance is one of the most important measures to achieve academic success. Remember that if you are not in class, you are absent -- regardless of the reason-- you are responsible for all missed assignments.
We look forward to a great year at HowardMiddle School! Feel free to contact us by email or phone.
(Please sign and return the bottom portion of this syllabus tomorrow.)
6th Grade Earth Science
Parent signature______
Student signature ______