Application form
Student mobility for Traineeship
ERASMUS+ Programme 2015/2016

(Student’s photo )

Student’s home Faculty at the UL


Name of study programme at the UL, from which the Student applies: ......
Year of studies at the time of application ......
Student’s ID number ......

Study programme at the UL (please tick the appropriate type and level of study programme):

□  Full-time, day studies

□  Extramural, evening or weekend studies

□  Bachelor’s degree

□  Uniform (5-year-long) Master’s degree

□  Master’s degree

□  Doctoral degree

Other kind of study programme at the UL (if applicable)


Student’s personal data (please fill in the application form in CAPITAL letters:)

Surname:...... Name/s:......
ID number or passport number ......
Date of birth:...... Place of birth:......
Current address: ......
Permanent address: ......
Current address is valid until ...... E-mail:......
Home phone number:...... Mobile phone number: ......

Application to traineeship abroad:

The Receiving institution
...... / Country, city
...... / The traineeship period
from: ...... until: ...... ……..
Number of months: ......

DOTYCHCZASOWY PRZEBIEG STUDIÓW (informacja dot. kierunku, z którego Student/ka ubiega się o wyjazd)

Średnia ocen, semestr zimowy 14/15:
Grade average from the 2014/15 winter semester: / Średnia ocen z całego cyklu studiów:
Grade average from the whole study cycle:

The grade average is confirmed and entered by the authorized Dean’s Office staff .
Średnią ocen wpisuje i potwierdza upoważniony pracownik Dziekanatu.

Statement of international mobility pursued to date

I declare that:
1) I previously pursued an LLP Erasmus/ Erasmus+/Campus Europae/Scholarship and Training Fund mobility for studies:

with / without scholarship grant in the …………………………………….. academic year;

in the period (according to Confirmation of Stay) between ……….………and………………… ;

in the host institution named …………………………………………………………………….
country: ………………………………………………………………during:
a) first-cycle studies at the UL / other institution …………………………………
b) second-cycle studies at the UL / other institution …………………………………………
c) third-cycle studies at the UL / other institution ……………………………………………
d) uniform Master's degree studies at the UL / other institution …………………..

2) I previously pursued an LLP Erasmus/ Erasmus+/Scholarship and Training Fund mobility for traineeships:

with/without scholarship granted in the ………………… academic year;

in the period (according to Confirmation of Stay) between ……….………and ………………… ;

in the host institution named …………………………………………………………………
country: …………………………………………………during:
a) first-cycle studies at the UL / other institution ………………………………………………………
b) second-cycle studies at the UL / other institution …………………………………………………………
c) third-cycle studies at the UL / other institution ……………………………………………………………
d) uniform Master's degree studies at the UL / other institution ……………………………………………

3) I have never pursued student mobility for studies or traineeships within the framework of LLP Erasmus/Erasmus+/Campus Europae/Scholarship and Training Fund
4) I have been qualified for Student mobility for Studies from the University of Lodz within the Erasmus+ in 2015/16 academic year to the host institution ………………...... in ...... (country name).

Date and signature of the Student: ......

Data of contact person staying in Poland, to be contacted in emergency:

Name and surname:......
Home phone number:......
Mobile phone number:......

date: ...... Student’s signature......


Decision on qualification for the Student mobility for Traineeship within the Erasmus+ programme in 2015/16 academic year

date: ......

signature of the Institutional Erasmus Coordinator