
10.00 - 12.00

In attendance

Chair Bev Giarraputo

Note TakerHolly Sorce

BromleyCollegeKeith Prince

KingstonCollegePat O’Neill/Jo Dallal

KingstonUniversitySt George’sLinda Burke

MertonCollegeLyn Faller-Fritsch

RoehamptonUniversityLiz Kinsman

SL LLN Sector ManagerSarah Adibi

SL LLN IAG ManagerMark Kiernan

WestThamesCollegeBarbara Jephcott

WL LLNDigby Ingle


KingstonUniversityLucy Jones

OrpingtonCollegeHelen Walsh

RoehamptonUniversityRichard Bailey

Sue Greenfield

Royal HollowayRuth Temple

Skills for HealthKathy Tyler

St Mary’sJane Chambers

Ann Price

Tony Forrest

SL LLN ConsultantRay Field

University of GreenwichVeronica Habgood

Introduction and welcome from Chair

1.1 Bev Giarraputo introduced herself as the new chair for the following academic year of the Sector Group and welcomed all those present to the Sector Group meeting.

1.2 One by one the group members briefly introduced themselves and stated which institutions they were representing.

1. Apologies

As above

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1. To receive minutes of the meeting held on the 16th Oct 2007

Minutes were approved as an accurate representation of previous meeting

3. Matters Arising

3.1 To review matters arising from previous meeting on 16th Oct 2007

Details of Staff Development Events to be circulated to the Sector Group

Action: S.Adibi

Recommendations for a biomedical science consultant to help develop progression agreements for SL LLN; Christine Chapman, Cheryl Walmer, Kevin Bryant Action: S.Adibi to follow up

DI gave an update on Pan London LLN Health Sector Collaboration currently 5 applications were successful and accepted. 1 of these 5 approved projects was from South London partner institutions St George’sUniversityLondon, KingstonUniversity and Wandsworth PCT( £20K awarded). Pan London Health small working group are meeting on 10th December 2007 to further plan and discuss governance of the projects.

Sector Group Priorities agreed(Minutes 16th Oct 07). Suggested to hold a Pan London Day with NHS London to encourage dialogue and increase awareness. EQUIP- QA Framework next year will be central to work done by WL LLN and SL LLN. Action: S.Adibi/DI

SL LLN conference will be more interactive next year. The chair commented on it being a successful event for first attempt.

4. External Evaluation Reports

4.1. To share and discuss the external evaluation reports of the 06/07 SL LLN projects

The external evaluation report was written by Dr Graeme Atherton. Recommendations include;

  • Further clarification on the differences between Aimhigher and LLN needed

Action: S.Adibi

  • Closer working relationship with Aimhigher with potential co-funding of projects. Aimhigher London South have agreed to co-fund Bromley project, contributing £4k if proposal clearly specifies Aimhigher cohort of learners

Action: S.Adibi

  • Highlights within the report areas of development. Requirement to tighten up on funding and more detailed financial spend. Highlight proposals that are ‘value for money’.
  • Initial funded project should be further funded for sustainability if requested and if project indicates a positive impact

Agreed report made valuable comments. Report will be presented to the Steering Board on 17th December 2007. There was some confusion on terminology used such as distance traveled (value added).

Sector Group requested further background information on Dr Graeme

Atherton. Action: S.Adibi

Sector Group members felt that some comments made in the report seem to be measured against unclear criteria. For future bids the specific outcomes/expectations need to be clearly stated so that they can be measured against. However, explicit criteria does not allow for some things which occur that is difficult to quantify. It is difficult to measure value added in some instances.

Further comments on the evaluation report to be emailed to Sector Manager by 10th Dec 2007

Action: Sector members

WL LLN to share evaluation criteria used with SL LLN Action: D.Ingle

Sector Manger to feedback to Steering Board comments made by Sector Group Action: S.Adibi

Other recommendations to the Steering Board;

  • Clarification between various pots of funds i.e. curriculum development/sector funds
  • Include on evaluation reports criteria that will be measured against and ensure clear objectives/outcomes captured in project proposal and subsequent project meetings
  • Penalties for projects that do not deliver. Recommend holding back third of funds till end of project similar to LSC funding.
  • Sharing of resources, lessons learnt, wider dissemination
  • Request to see the full evaluation report

Action: S.Adibi

5. Autumn 07/08 applications for funding

5.1 To consider the Autumn 07/08 application for funding

Agreed the large number of bids received under this sector indicates good engagement with partner institutions.

Total funding available for project proposals is £172K.

See attached bid summary with sector comments

6. Progression Agreements

6.1 To update the group on progression agreement work

SA gave an update; PAG (Nursing) are now working with Director of OCN LR (Maree Walker) in tweaking the agreement for Access learners.

Suggestion for SL LLN representation (Tricia Johnson) to attend event in London on 29th Feb attended by all HEI’s from London delivering Nursing. Addresses key issues such as literacy and numeracy.

Action: S.Adibi/L.Burke

PAG (Social Work) had its first meeting which was very successful and well attended.

7. Progression Agreement Learner Brochure

7.1 To discuss running focus groups to review the SL LLN learner progression brochures in Sport and Health

1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 18th and 19th of Feb 2008 are suitable dates for Hazel Manley and Sarah Adibi for focus groups. Interested parties to contact sector manager with appropriate cohort of learners

Brochures generally very well received.

8. AOB & Date of next meeting

8.1. Revised HSC Apprenticeship Framework Issue 7

8.2 Date of next meeting

Friday 15th Feb 2008 at KingstonUniversity, Millennium House from 15:00 to 17:00