Investors in Diversity Initial Action Plan

Strand 1 - Committing

/ Destination
(What we need to do) / Current Position / Action Points / Reference
L&TS etc) / By whom / By when /
Committing / 1. Written Commitment:
Commitment to developing an organisational culture, in which equality, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and fairness for all are genuinely valued, is written into all appropriate documents. / ·  There is a recently reviewed Single Equality Scheme (SES) for which the AP is included in this document
·  The Strategic Plan (SP) and Learning and Teaching Strategy (L&TS) contain references to our commitment to EDI
·  EDI is considered when formulating college policy and decision making. The Equality and Diversity Consultative Forum (EDCF) meets regularly including equality objectives (EO)
·  College values are regularly referred to and published in a range of documents
·  The Web Site and Staff and Student Hub contain information and references to EDI.
·  EDI is part of the recruitment process and is referred to in advertisement, job descriptions and during interview
·  College website is being reviewed
·  Working towards IiD / ·  Review and update the Equality Impact Assessment Policy to reflect the latest EHRC Guidance.
·  Ensure that equality analysis is carried out on appropriate policies, procedures and practices in accordance with that Guidance and the outcomes of this analysis are included in future reports
·  Review images used to ensure the reflect our student profile, particularly including more adult students
·  When collecting data from staff and students ensure they understand the reasons and that the language used is suitable to encourage wider disclosure
·  Improve the use of the plasma screens, web site, hub to promote equality diversity and inclusion. Ensure these media are accessible / SES
SWe / Ongoing
Dec 2012
Committing / 2. Effective Messages:
We have been effective in sending out strong, clear messages, internally and externally, to an appropriately diverse range of audiences about our commitment to diversity. / ·  Clear policies are available and publicised
·  Many policies mention EDI specifically
·  Use of signage
·  Anti-bullying and E&D week
·  Roll on roll off programmes provide flexible access
·  Embedded in SoW
·  Clear messages given in lesson observation feedback
·  Recently appointed student E&D Ambassadors
·  College chaplain forming links with Faith Groups
·  Well established college values / ·  Use IiD logo on college documents and publicity
·  Support and encourage staff to have the confidence to challenge students for inappropriate comments
·  Include E&D in new staff induction
·  Include Equality Ambassadors in EDCF
·  Look at signage and use of language
·  Further develop college theme weeks to include range of protected groups
·  Make links with external groups – Amnesty, Stonewall, Mind etc
·  Include targeted EDI objectives for staff in appraisal - what have staff done to make a positive impact
·  Renew and update displays around college values / SES
JJe RMa / July 13
Committing / 3) Practical Commitment:
Staff at all levels within your organisation have shown a practical commitment towards embracing equality, diversity and inclusion. / ·  Committed senior management and corporation
·  ECDF much more effective and engaged
·  Many staff are committed (but not all take this seriously enough)
·  Online staff training introduced (Disabled Go)
·  Accessibility survey carried out
·  Mind training for managers / ·  Widen E&D week to include staff
·  Roll out the online training to all staff
·  More “You said, we did” for staff and students
·  Improve communication to staff and students of what is in place/happening
·  Learning library activities on key issues
·  Staff training on key issues appropriate for individual needs
·  Deal with specifics raised by surveys – mental health issues, sexuality, trans-gender / EO
BC feedback
JJe initially / Nov 12
Committing / 4) IiD Steering Group:
A cross-sectional EDI/Investors in Diversity steering group is established, is fully functional, and has the willingness and the ability to be effective in taking action points forward. / ·  EDCF in place, and is becoming very effective
·  Strong involvement by Senior Managers, Union reps etc.
·  Remit of group agreed
·  Meets 3 times a year / ·  Review membership of EDCF for greater inclusion, particularly of young people and a wider range of staff
·  Communicate agenda, minutes and actions of group more widely. Arrange publication of minutes of main group and actions from sub-groups
·  Set up small action groups with a specific remit around mental ill-health and sexuality / EO SES / KDB JJe
JSu, JJe
RMa / Sept 12
Jan 13
Dec 12

Strand 2 - Learning

/ Destination
(What we need to do) / Current Position / Action Points / Reference
L&TS etc) / By whom / By when /
Learning / 5. Business Case:
There is a good awareness of the business benefits of EDI amongst staff at all levels.
/ ·  E&D already on the agenda for relevant meetings
·  Staff have been informed of this and other initiatives to promote E&D / ·  Ensure that the need to attract a diverse range of staff and students continues to be built into marketing and recruitment plans
·  Include diverse nature of college in marketing and publicity / SP
MHi / Jan 13
Jan 13
Learning / 6. IiD Action Planning:
The IiD action plan has been informed by a thorough EDI consultation and is understood by key members of staff and stakeholders. / ·  Staff and students are aware of this initiative and that an action plan will be developed
·  Previous E&D action plans have been widely published and communicated
·  The E&DCF has been instrumental in the implementation and monitoring of previous action plans / ·  Consider membership of E&DCF to produce a smaller, more representative group
·  Develop the role of the student equality advocates
·  If appropriate appoint staff equality advocates
·  Consult and inform all staff through briefings and operational reviews
·  Consult learners through student voice sessions and operational reviews / JJe
MHi/JoWi / Oct 12
Jan 13
Feb 13
Learning / 7. Formal and Informal Learning:
People at all levels within the organisation are enhancing their learning around EDI, in both formal and informal settings. / ·  E&D on the agenda for most college meetings
·  E&D included in operational reviews
·  Online training to be rolled out to staff
·  MIND training has taken place for line managers
·  E&D week held annually
·  All new staff have mentors
·  E&D is included in Governor induction/training / ·  Roll out online training to all staff
·  Roll out Mind training to wider group of managers and staff
·  Include E&D awareness in new staff induction
·  Set up Mental ill health focus group and Sexuality Focus group / JJe
RMa / Jan 13
July 13
Sept 12
Dec 13
Learning / 8. Paradigm Shifts:
There have been paradigm shifts in the thinking of staff at all levels, in relation to EDI. / ·  Operational reviews include a focus on E&D
·  Student Voice includes relevant E&D input / ·  Continue to work with the curriculum to increase awareness of naturally occurring opportunities to embed EDI
·  Use operational reviews to check and validate this work
·  Collate views collected from staff and student focus groups (related to operational reviews) and determine actions
·  Monitor the impact of the new Equality Ambassadors
·  Produce a display as part of Equality and Diversity week around equality issues particularly related to mental ill-health and sexuality
·  Link further work to the college values by holding a “respect” campaign / JSt and TDMs
JoWi, PMi
JJe, JSu
JBr, RMa
TPo / June 13
Jan 13

Strand 3 - Developing

/ Destination
(What we need to do) / Current Position / Action Points / Reference
L&TS etc) / By whom / By when /
Developing / 9. New Opportunities:
There is encouragement for all stakeholders to speak of new opportunities (both commercial and non-commercial), based on personal knowledge of diverse needs. / ·  Staff briefings held regularly. These include the opportunity for staff input and feedback
·  Student voice is sought regularly
·  Operational reviews
·  Management meetings are held regularly / ·  Include E&D on the Agenda for Management and course team meetings
·  Seek the views of each area/Faculty by carrying out an Equality Audit (already an Equality Objective)
·  Further develop staff and student forums with more EDI input
·  Set up specific forums around the protected characteristics / EO / All
Developing / 10. Accessibility:
The organisation provides a welcoming environment that is appropriately accessible and accommodating of all stakeholders’ diverse needs. / ·  Disabled Go audit of premises published on website for all learners and staff
·  Disabled Go have provided a good practice guide
·  A Family Flexibility policy is in place and implemented / ·  Implement actions from Disabled Go good practice guide
·  Continue to ensure accessibility to the campus / SES
Developing / 11. Influencing Change Externally:
The college makes it clear that it wishes to work, where appropriate, with organisations which are positive about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). / ·  We do make this clear in all our dealings
·  Financial regulations require organisations to clarify their position on E&D and supply copies of their E&D policy / ·  Through our dealings with external organisations monitor how we can influence change externally
·  Use Equality and Diversity week as scope for connection with our core partners / MHi, JCa
JJe, TPo / Ongoing
Jan 13
12. Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment:
The college does not tolerate bullying, discrimination and harassment. Handling procedures are effectively implemented and understood by staff at all levels. / ·  Anti-bullying week held annually
·  Policy and procedures reviewed annually
·  Results of “Bullying” questionnaire analysed and actions put in place
·  Options are explained to learners and staff where appropriate
·  Inappropriate behaviour is regularly challenged
·  Staff have received CEOP training in e-safety / ·  Develop role of equality advocates to ensure they can be proactive and monitor their impact
·  Continue to hold anti-bullying week
·  Ensure all personal coaches are trained in recognising signs of bullying and know how to deal with it
·  Continue to support and train all staff to ensure they have the confidence to challenge inappropriate behaviour
·  Introduce respect campaign following Equality and Diversity week in January and relate to the college values. / MHi
MHi, TPo
JJe. JSu / Mar 13
Nov 14
July 13
July 13
Mar 13

Strand 4 - Advancing

/ Destination
(What we need to do) / Current Position / Action Points / Reference
L&TS etc) / By whom / By when /
Advancing / 13. Using Data:
The college is effectively monitoring EDI data, and is striving to appropriately increase the diversity of staff and stakeholders. / ·  Recruitment and admissions policies reviewed and updated regularly
·  Recruitment data is carefully monitored
·  Schools liaison staff visit a wide range of schools
·  We provide buses so students can access the college
·  Vacancies are widely advertised / ·  Continue to ensure that there is no discrimination in admissions and recruitment processes
·  Introduce new HR system to improve data capture and monitoring of equality data
·  Carry out further analysis of learner data to cover a wider range of protected characteristics / JJe, MHi
JJe, RMa
MHi / Sept 14
Advancing / 14. Continuous Improvement:
There are perceptible signs of continuous improvement in attitudes, habits, behaviours and conduct in relation to EDI. / ·  Staff and student voice processes include Equality and Diversity
·  Appraisal includes E&D as above
·  / ·  Monitor the outcomes of learner and staff monitoring
·  Monitor the impact of all initiatives mentioned in this plan / E&D CF
Advancing / 15. Strategic Planning:
We are committed to continuous improvement and have built EDI into both long term strategic plans and shorter term goals and projects. / ·  Strategic aims 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7,3.2, 4.2, 4.3,
·  Transformational Project to promote equality and diversity within the staff and student body to maintain the progress in wider engagement and understanding
·  Development of E&D is a key them of the Learning and Teaching Strategy / ·  Strategic plan monitoring and updating
·  Achieve transformational project through a number of appropriate initiatives
·  Ensure a fair and transparent admissions procedure that values the diverse range of learning experiences of applicants
·  Ensure a broad-based curriculum framework that widens participation in FE and ensures the curriculum is relevant to the students
·  Recognise the diversity of students in curriculum delivery
·  Maximise opportunities in all learning contexts to promote equality of opportunity and awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity / L&T Strat / KBa
JoWi / June 13
Advancing / 16. Communicating Outcomes:
We have effectively communicated the outcomes of our Investors in Diversity journey so far across the organisation, with staff at all levels demonstrating an improved understanding of the importance and impact of EDI activities / ·  Briefings
·  Staff Training
·  Meetings
·  Operational Reviews
·  Boards of study
·  Review meetings
·  / ·  Celebrate success of staff and students by encouraging them to share their stories

10 September 2012

Updated 5 December 2012