CTE 1: Career and Technology Exploration
Metro Tech High School
Teacher: Ms. Lane
(602)764-8000 extension 48067
Department: BusinessCourse Title: CTE 1 Code: 6098000
No. of Credits: 1/2 Grade Level(s): 9 Prerequisite(s): None
- Course Description:This course is designed to give students an exploration of a variety of occupational areas which will assist them in the development of career and education goals & plans. Students will utilize technology-based research tools to locate and collect information and demonstrate computer literacy skills by communicating using e-mail, Internet, and other technology tools with an emphasis on word processing and presentation software. All students must provide parental/guardian approval for Internet use.
- Materials Required:The textbook, “Career Choices”, will be provided in the classroom. Students should come to class prepared to take notes. Additionally, students will utilize the following: A two-pocket folder, pens and pencils, binder & lined paper, highlighters, ruler, markers, and colored pencils.
- Grading System:
YourFinal Semester Gradewill be determined as follows:
- Classwork 90%
- Final Exam 10%
standard being assessed):
10 = Exceeds
8 = Proficient
6 = Approaches Proficient
4= Some Evidence of Learning
2= No Evidence of Learning / Your grade consists of the following:
Activities/Participation/Quizzes/Assignments 80%
Final Project 20%
If you earn a grade lower than 8 (proficient), studentswill have an opportunity to provide further evidence to demonstrate proficiency.
- Earn your grade honestly:Please complete your own work. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism may result in receiving no credit.
- Accommodations and modifications will be incorporated within the grading system as designated by IEP and 504 Plans.
- Parents will be receiving information regarding our computerized Parent Experience. One of the features of this program provides a link that allows both the parent and student to view the student’s information, academic progress and missing assignments. Parents and students will be notified by administration when the site is ready.
- Parents and students may access grades at ParentVue:
- Title I Program:Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Bryan Reynoso or Assistant Principal for Instruction Shawna Wrightfor additional information at 602-764-8004.
- Make-up Policy:Missed or incomplete work must be made up to document student learning. Both excused and unexcused absences must be made up. Tutoring assistance when assigned by the teacher is mandatory during advisory. Students are also responsible to attend advisory tutoring when absent or for academic support. If additional tutoring is needed, communicate with the teacher to determine tutoring availability during lunch and/or after school.
- Attendance:“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures Handbook page 22)
The policies outlined in the Metro Tech Student Guide will be followed. Students that are tardy in a morning class (period 1, 2, and/or 4) will attend a ½ hour detention (MART) in the assigned location before their lunch. A tardy in an afternoon class requires the student to attend a ½ hour detention (MART) immediately after school in the assigned location.
7. Metro Tech CTE 1 Expectations:
- Be at school every day
- Be in your seat on time, prepared and ready to learn from bell to bell.
- Actively participate and try your best daily.
- Respect everyone and everything/Actively listen without speaking.
- Follow district-wide, MTHS-wide and classroom procedures.
- Food, gum, drinks, etc. should be consumed before/after school, during passing periods, and at lunch.
- Keep your work area neat and clean.
- Commit to a safe school environment and maximize your academic achievement.
- Your parents/guardians are expected to be involved in your education and the Metro Tech school community.
- Technology, Internet, and Electronic Devices:Utilize technology in accordance with district and MTHS and class policies/procedures for educational purposes only. To respect other’s privacy, unauthorized personal video and voice recording is expressly prohibited and will result in disciplinary consequences. Unauthorized visible electronic devices will be collected and turned into administration. Report misuse of technology to your teacher immediately.
Parent/Guardian and Student Acknowledgement
Career & Technology Education 1
Metro Tech High School
By signing below, both student and parent(s) take responsibility for the content of the Plan for Student Success. This includes following the Use of Technology Resources Electronic Information Services User Agreement and acknowledges the responsible use of the digital tools provided through Gaggle
Student name (printed): ______Student ID #: ______
Class Period: ______
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Parent name (printed):______
Parent signature: ______Date: ______
Daytime phone number: ______
Evening phone number: ______
Parent Email address: