From Fr. Jim …

Ordinary Time

Today, January 24th we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, whom we follow as Oblates of St. Francis of de Sales. Because this is such an important time it will replace the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time we would normally use for this week. We are also having a second collection for the Oblate Appeal. These funds support the life, education, ministry, and retirement needs of the Oblates. Please be generous! Father Anthony Larry, OSFS, will be joining us for several masses to introduce our First Oblate Appeal. He will share what the oblates are all about and how you can help. Following the Noon mass today we are holding a lunch and presentation on Salesian Spirituality, sponsored by two local groups of the de Sales daughters. Please join us if you are able!

The first part of Ordinary Time is very short this year. Ash Wednesday is on February 10th. To help us prepare, please:

Bring your blessed palms from previous years for us to burn. They will become the Ashes that we use on Ash Wednesday. There will be containers for you to drop them offat the entrances to both Immaculate Conception and St. Jude churches next weekend and the weekend of February 6/7.

On February 7 we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during the 12:00 Noon Mass at ICC. Anyone who is in need of God’s healing of body, mind or spirit or who is advanced in age or preparing for surgery is welcome to celebrate this repeatable Sacrament. If you or a family member is in need of God’s healing, come to celebrate this important Healing Sacrament.

Masses and Ash Wednesday Schedule: please watch upcoming bulletins for information about Masses and Liturgies of the Word with distribution of ashes.

Celebrations of the Sacrament of Penance: please watch upcoming bulletins for thetimes when the Sacrament will be offered during Lent.

Sunday, January 31, begins Catholic Schools Week, in which we give thanks for the gift of Catholic Education in our own school and in all the schools that the Church sponsors and supports

Parish Lenten Mission with Very Rev. James J. Greenfield, OSFS will be held March 13-15, please plan to attend.

Parish Community News

We extend a warm welcome to new parishioners:

Ms. Ashley Tyson


If you are planning to have your baby or a child up to age 7 baptized in April or May, there is only one Baptism class before then. That class will be held on Monday, February 15 at 7:00 pm. Please call to register for that class. If no one registers, class will be canceled. There WILL NOT BE a Baptism Class in March.

The Year of Mercy

Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week:

Today we celebrate the feast of our patron, St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel for his feast calls us the light of the world. Pope Francis proclaimed: “Loving others is a spiritual force drawing us to union with God; indeed, one who does not love others ‘walks in the darkness’ (1 Jn 2:11), ‘remains in death’ (1 Jn 3:14), and ‘does not know God’ (1 Jn 4:8)” (Ad. [Pope] Benedict has said that ‘closing our eyes to our neighbor also blinds us to God,’ and that love is, in the end, the only light which ‘can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working.’” (EvangeliiGaudium“The Joy of the Gospel")

January25, 2016 -Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

8:30 AMOla Leugers

January 26, 2016 - Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops

8:30 AMWilliam Derbyshire

January 27, 2016 - St. Angela Merici, Virgin

8:30 AMRobert Gormley

January28,2016 -St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and

Doctor of the Church

8:30 AMGary Gregg

January 29, 2016

8:30 AMMarilee DeStefano

January 30, 2016

8:30 AMHelena Trzeciak

5:00 PM Brian Lilly

January 31, 2016-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:00 AMJames Bodsford

8:30 AMPeople of the Parish

9:00 AM SJMike Whitlock

10:15 AMHaydee Bonilla

12:00 PMJoseph R. Beau Biden III

Offertory January 17, 2016Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception $7,974.51 $7,949.60

St. Jude’s $1,470.00 $1,747.60

Online $2,300.50 $2,008.00

$11,745.01 $11,705.20

2015-2016 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Deficit) $9,301.88

Building Maintenance Fund:

Collected $255,944.09

Expenses $237,526.94

Balance $ 18,417.15


Readings for Next Week:


First Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19

God tells Jeremiah that he was chosen to be a prophet to the nations before he had even been born. He also promises him strength and protection, providing Jeremiah does as God asks.

Second Reading: I Corinthians 12:31—13:13

Paul discusses the importance of love and claims that one who possesses any gift, but lacks love, has nothing. He explains that true love never fails, although knowledge or other talents can fail to endure in the same manner. Paul says that three things last: "faith, hope, and love, the greatest of these being love."

Gospel: Luke 4:21-30

Jesus spoke in the synagogue at Nazareth, at first appealing to all who were present. But he knew that they would be expecting him to do the things he had already done in other towns. He reminded them of other prophets who had preached and gained acceptance in foreign places instead of their home towns. This angered the people, who expelled him from town.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) RCIA is the process by which baptized Christians and those who are not baptized become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation receive those sacraments. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process.


In today’s second reading, St. Paul writes, “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many are one body, so also Christ.” In the Body of Christ, some are called to be parents, some teachers, some doctors, some priests, some religious sisters and brothers, some deacons, some builders, some artists, some business leaders, and so on. What is God calling you to do with your life? If you think it might be to serve as a religious sister, religious brother, deacon or priest, then call or write Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, ). And don’t forget to visit our website:

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The ages of the children for Children’s Liturgy are: Ages 5 & 6 and Ages 7 & 8 ONLY. Children who do not fall into these categories are asked to remain in church.

Catechists for next Sunday, January 24th are:

CLW 1 –Lindsay WillisCLW 2 – Francis Capparnnici

Diocesan Vocations Guild is open to Catholics from within or with ties to the Diocese of Wilmington. Members pray for an increase in priestly and religious vocations, the success of priestly and religious ministry in the diocese and participate in a variety of programs to promote and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life.To join the Diocesan Vocations Guild, or for more information, please contact Mary Ann Peirson at 302-573-3113 , or visit “That the Body of Christ in our Diocese be blessed with many vocations to the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the Lord!”

Adoration for Vocations is usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The next Adoration for Vocations will be held Sunday, February 7th from 1:30– 6:00 PM. Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30 PM.

This week, St. Paul explains to the Corinthians that our bodies are made up of many different parts; and that each part has its’ own purpose and importance. The body’s health and well being are the responsibility of our own. Bring It Home this week by thinking about how you can protect the gifts God has given you. Are you protecting your body’s health and well being? Are you treating your body as the truly wonderful gift that it is?

Daily Mass Readings for this week:

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27; Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21


Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Mk 16:15-18


2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 3:31-35


2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20


2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25


2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34


2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41

Faith Formation

Immaculate Conception

School News

After months of work, our 8th graders are ready to present their science fair projects. They will be on display in the gym Thursday evening at 6:30.

This week, the students and staff are making final preparations for Catholic Schools Week. We invite you to attend any of our special events. Please see the flyer insert on our 9th Annual Waffles & Raffles. The theme this year is Minions! Please join us after Mass next Sunday for a delicious breakfast, raffles, silent auction items, and a celebration of community.

Here is a listing of our other scheduled events:

Monday, 2/1 – Open House from 8:30 to 11:00; Geography Bee at 1:00

Tuesday, 2/2 – Crazy Hat, Tie, and Sock Dress Down Day; Student assembly at 1:00

Wednesday, 2/3 – School Mass at 10:00

Thursday – SportsTeam Dress Down Day; 8th grade vs. staff volleyball game; No HW, No Backpack, No Problem!Talent Show at 6:00 in the gym

Friday, 2/5 – Blue/White Dress Down Day; First Friday Mass and Adoration; Blue & White Rally at 1:00; and the DE 87ers game at 7:00

If you can’t make the Open House during Catholic Schools Week, but you have any questions about the school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636. Applications for enrollment for new students for the 2016-2017 school year will be available beginning February 1.

Faith Formation

Religious Education & Sacraments

Religion Classes today Sunday, Jan. 24th for

Gr. K-8 at 8:30am.

Religion Classes this Wednesday, Jan. 27th at 6:15pm

Catechist Meeting:(Gr. K-6) Wednesday, Jan. 27th

Sunday, Jan. 31st

First Communion Program

Mark Your Calendar!

The Parent Orientation Meeting for First Communion will be held THIS Monday, Jan. 25th at 6:30pm in church.

*If for some reason a parent is unable to attend this meeting he/she Must contact the religion office in order for their child to be in this preparation program!*

Volunteers Needed!

We have an on-going need for catechists and assistants. Substitutes are needed periodically throughout the year. If you can lead or assist with a class occasionally or regularly, we want to hear from you! Please contact the Faith Formation office at or 410 392 3551. Thank you!

Youth Ministry & Confirmation

Please visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for more detailed information on YM events and opportunities. To contact the YM office, call 410 392 3551 or email .

High School & older Weekly Gatherings

Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join our Sunday gatherings in the Parish Center from 6-8 PM. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome.

Parents: Please donate some soda in cans or small water bottles for our teens on Sunday nights. Thanks!

January 24 – Gathering 6-8 PM

Service Hours

If ever you are in need of service hours, or if you’ve just been blessed with a servant heart, please scroll through the pictures on the parish website home page at Click on the one about “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed for each opportunity.

Confirmation 2016 Important Dates

February 6, 2016 – Confirmation Retreat

April 22, 2016 – Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors 6:30 PM in Immaculate Conception Church

April 23, 2016 – Confirmation and Mass 1:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church

Adult Education

Interested in a study group?

Several different opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at (410) 398-1100 for more information.


Thursday, January 28th: 3pm


ACTS. The Spread of the Kingdom

The next session will be held this Mon., Jan. 25th at 6:30pm and Tues. Jan. 26th at 9:15am.

The Topic : Convrts & Conflicts: Turning the World Upside Down: Acts 17



The next session will be Thursday, Feb. 4th at 9:15am. The Topic: Desert Wanderings: Book of Numbers

Weekly Family Video Reflection From Strong Catholic Families

Every Wednesday a video link and reflection question will be posted on the Strong Catholic Families Facebook page for families to watch, reflect, and discuss. This Facebook page is updated daily with articles, resources, videos and family-related information aimed at Catholic parents. For more family friendly resources, visit

Social Concerns

OUTREACH–We are so very grateful to all those who continue to support this essential ministry.Please consider making a donation of food or money to those in our community who are less fortunate.

Outreach is also asking for volunteers to come in and help. Volunteers must be able to do moderate to heavy lifting. Please call Dotty Fritz at 410-398-2110.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee: - Please join us for Parish Coffee onSunday, February 7th after the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.

The Parish Coffee at Immaculate Conception will be Sunday, February 14th after the 10:15 AM Mass. Hope to see you there!

Parish Events / Information

This Week’s Calendar

Sunday, Jan. 24

8:20 AMConfessions – SJ

8:30 AMRel Ed - S/PC

8:30 AMRCIA Dismissal

1:30 PMBaptisms - IC

6:00 PMHigh School Gathering – PC6

7:00 PMConfirmation - PC3/PCL

Monday, Jan. 25

9:00 AMNovena – Ch

6:30 PMActs of Apostles - PC

6:30 PMFirst Communion Parent Meeting - IC

8:00 PMAA - caf

Tuesday, Jan. 26

9:00 AMHoly Hour – Ch

9:15 AMBook Study - PC

9:15 AMActs of Apostles - PC

2:30 PMICS Talent Show Auditions - gym

6:30 PMPSO Meeting - gym

6:30 PMHandbell Rehearsal -IC

7:30 PMContemporary Rehearsal - IC

Wednesday, Jan. 27

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St Jude Novena – Ch

9:30 AMCantor Rehearsal – IC

1:00 PMLeisure Club - PC

3:45 PMChildren’s Choir - PC4

6:00 PMRel Ed - S/PC

8:15 PMKnights of Columbus Meeting - PC

Thursday, Jan. 28

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

3:00 PMChristian Formation Committee - PC

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

6:30 PMCub Scouts - caf

6:30 PM8th Grade Science Fair -gym

6:45 PMBoy Scouts - PC

7:00 PMRCIA - PC

7:00 PMChoir Rehearsal - IC

Friday, Jan. 29

9:00 AMRosary Crusade – Ch

Saturday, Jan. 30

9:00 AMRosary Crusade – Ch

10:00 AMDress Rehearsal for Parish Concert - IC

4:15 PMConfessions - Ch

7:00 PMNA – Caf

Mardi Gras concert!Please join us on January 31st at 3pm at Immaculate Conception Church for our parish Mardi Gras concert! The program will feature our four parish ensembles, as well as individuals within our parish community. A reception will follow the concert. Don't miss this afternoon of great music and fellowship!

Cemetery Notice: If you have any decorations that you wish to keep, you must remove them by February 1. Please remember that with the exception of flowers in memorial marker vases, no decorations of any type (wind chimes, statues, fencing, flags, potted plants, etc.) are permitted on the graves during the mowing season - April 15th to October 30th. Thank you for your cooperation!

Waffles and Raffles at ICS!January 31, 2016 from 8:00 to noon.Come have brunch with your favorite “Despicable Me” minion! Brunch is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and children, and kids 3 and under are free! Students receive a Jeans pass and raffle ticket with the purchase of a meal ticket; adults receive a free raffle ticket with the purchase of an adult breakfast. For more information please contact . Hope to see you there!

PRAYER PARTNERS - Next weekend during all of the Masses at Immaculate Conception and St. Jude you will be invited to become a Prayer Partner with one of our parish young people who attends either ICS or the Parish Religious Education Program. You will pick a child’s name and pray for his/her intention then in turn write your name and intention on a heart for the student to pray for you. We hope that you will be part of this wonderful Prayer Partner Project for this Jubilee Year of Mercy.

PALMS NEEDED - Please bring your blessed palms from previous years to Church next weekend, January 30-31 or the following weekend, February 6-7. Containers will be available at the entrances to both Immaculate Conception Church and St. Jude Church for them. We will burn them to become the Ashes that we use on Ash Wednesday this year. Thank you.

A New Division of the Ladies Ancient Orderof Hibernians is starting in Cecil County, Maryland. The LAOH is a National organization whose Mission is Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. The organization is open to women who are practicing Catholics and who are Irish by birth or decent or are the wife of a AOH member. For more information, please call Janice White at 410-378-3493

Mount Aviat’s Annual Cream Puff Day – February 5Delicious, homemade cream puffs, (a specialty of the Oblate Sisters) are available for pre-order only until January 29. Pricing is $2.50 each or $30/dozen. Pick up is Friday, February 5th at the MAA gym between the hours of 8 a.m.-3 p.m. MAA is located at 399 Childs Road, Childs, MD 21916. Delivery is available for large orders in Elkton and Newark. Order forms are available on the MAA website at

Community Events / Information

Knights of Columbus

Bishop Becker Council 2427


Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Meetings are held at McGlynn Parish Center

Membership Information: call 443-616-5370

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage!Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting or do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce?Retrouvaille may be the LIFELINE that you need! It is not just a series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage.The next program begins on the weekend of February 12 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. Additional weekends will be held in April and August. For more information, or to register for one of our weekends, please visit our web site: or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.