Dedicated 1909
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10.00am.
Saturday Evening Vigil: 7.30. Sunday: 10.00am. & 12.00.
Confessions:Before Sat. Evening Mass
Adoration: Wed. & Thurs. 3.00 - 7.00pm. Fri. 10.30am - 8.00pm.
Newsletter on line: Parish website or
Web-cam: Parish website or
Parish Priest: Fr. Stephen Farragher 094-9630006 / 087-9210305
Emergency numbers: Knock: 094-9388100. Fr. Feeney, Ballinlough: 094-9640155.
Fr. McGuinness, Bekan: 094-9380203.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10.00am. Saturday 7.30pm.
Philomena & Robert Fox, Carrowreagh
Michael & Margaret Boyle, Clagnagh
Mary & Mido Cunningham, Abbey St.
Joe Stenson, Tooreen
Josie & Jack Eaton & decd. Main St.
Thomas, Ellen & Ned Carroll, Drimbane
Delia & John Comer, Killinaugher
Michael Morley & decd. Knox St. & Carrowreagh
Paddy Healy & decd. Manchester & Ballindrehid
Margaret Nolan, Cloongawnagh & Mary Nolan, Clooncan
Mary Kelly & decd. Bekan
Mary Browne, Coolnafarna
Sunday 10.00 Month’s Mind
Josie Ryan, Hazelhill
Mary Shaw, Beech Park & Island
14/15 APRIL / 7.30pm. / 10.00am. / 12.00MINISTERS
EUCHARIST / Jenny Glynn / Teresa Healy / Ann Carney
Tim Byrne / Geraldine Murphy / Rita Lundon
Frances Mulhern / Cait Webb (NH) / Eavan Caulfield
Mary Goulding / Dolores Byrne / Bernadette Lyons
Justina Lyons / Mary Sykes / Helene McCafferty
Readers / Emer Gallagher / Sonia Henry / Alacoque McManus
Monday: Mary Gormley
Tuesday: Sean Paul Tighe
Friday: Christina Concannon
Please pray for
Dave McGuire, Drimbane
Eileen Kearns, nee Culliney, Manchester & Johnstown
We welcome into the faith community
Oisín John Kilcourse, 14 Station Rise
Thomas Patrick Burke, Cheltenham
who were recently baptised
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME: ‘Do this in Memory’ will take place at the 7.30pm. Mass next Saturday, 14th April. See THUMB pages 26 - 27.
PRIESTS’ EASTER COLLECTION: Sincere thanks to all who contributed so generously.
TUAM DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK led by Archbishop Neary takes place on Sunday 6th May commencing with the Sacrament of Anointing at 2.30pm.
FAITH & LIGHT GROUP: The inaugural meeting of Ballyhaunis Faith & Light will be held on Sunday 15th April from 4.00 - 6.00pm. in Clare Court Communal House. Refreshments will be provided, all are welcome. Local organisers: Anne Lyons, Julia Kelly, Orla Phillips. Visit
Art as a Doorway to the Divine: A one day workshop with one of Ireland’s best-loved poets and fiction writer, John F. Deane, along with glass artist Roisín de Buitléar, will take place in Knock House Hotel on Saturday 14th April, 11.00am. - 4.00pm. The workshop will offer the chance to gain insights into writing and poetry and also to learn about the creative process behind the beautiful painted glass scenes at Knock Basilica. Fee €30 includes lunch. Book by calling 094 93 75355 (Places limited).
The Poor Clares in Galway are hosting a Cloister day on Saturday, April 21st from 10.00am. to 5.00pm. The day is designed to help young women between the ages of 21 and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life with a view to vocation discernment. To book a place contact Sr. Faustina at:
Citizens Information will be in the Family Resource Centre Office, Friary House on Monday April 9th from 10.00am. until 12 noon. Please feel welcome to come along if you have any questions, need advice or help in filling in any official forms.
“Welcome to Work” A 13-week programme aimed at helping unemployed, legally resident migrants find sustainable employment, improve their English, learn how to use a computer, and become more confident in their communities, starts on 26th April in Castlebar. Contact Sean Adair or Tracy Kelly in your local Seetec office on 094-9035442 for more information.
BALLYHAUNIS TIDY TOWNS: Meeting on Wednesday 11th April at 8.00pm. in the Parochial Hall. New members welcome.
BALLYHAUNIS FORÓIGE CLUB: Due to unforeseen circumstances the bake sale due to take place this Sunday 8th April in the Parochial Hall has been postponed to Sunday 15th April after 12 o’clock Mass. All proceeds to the Club, your support will be appreciated.
Basic Payments Scheme (BPS) If you have been informed by the DAFM that your application must be filed on line this year, contact Siobhan Ward on 087-9193371, available to help on Saturdays and Sundays.
Western Alzheimers Annual Tea Day - Friday 20th April. Western Alzheimers is asking people to support their local Alzheimer charity by either hosting or attending a Tea Day. Donations towards the Tea Day will also be gratefully accepted. Contact 094 93 64900.
Cyber Bullying & Internet Safety: Knock Counselling Centre is hosting two evening seminars for parents of primary school and post-primary school children and adolescents. Monday 23rd April - Parents of Primary School children. Tuesday 24th April - Parents of Post-Primary children, 7.00 - 9.00pm. each evening. Cost: €15. To book, please contact Knock Counselling Centre at 094 9375032, e-mail:
A Table quiz will take place on Friday 13th April at 8.00pm. in Frayne’s Bar, Tooreen. Proceeds in aid of Special Olympics, all are welcome.