Culver City High School 2017-2018
Course: [Biology] Teacher: [Dr. Della Donna] email:[
Course Description:This year long course will be both interesting and challenging. In this course we will explore the nature of the biological sciences according to facts, theories, history, phenomena, themes and applications. Students will learn essential observational, investigative, and analytical skills. Topics include: ecology, biochemistry, cells, DNA, geneticsand evolution. We will cover a lot of information in this course following the California’s Next Generation Science Standards. Students will also learn and develop effective study habits and scientific reading/note-taking skills. A Students success depends on their performance in and out of class.
Though more will be covered over the course of the year, the following essential standards/skills are what every student must master in order to be considered minimally proficient in this course.
1. Science and engineering practices, such as graphing, experimental design, and data analysis are important in communicating scientific ideas.
2. Homeostasis, including membrane transport, maintains an internal balance in organisms. (HS-LS 1-3)
3. Living things are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen that can be formed and rearranged into different macromolecules. (HS-LS 1-6)
4. Biodiversity and populations in ecosystems are affected by many factors. (HS-LS 2-2)
5. Matter and energy move through organisms and nonliving components in an ecosystem. (HS-LS 2-3 and HS LS 2-4)
6. Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon (HS-LS2-5)
7. Molecules of DNA code for proteins that express different traits. (HS-LS 1-4)
8. Sorting and recombination of genes during sexual reproduction increases variation in offspring. (HS-LS 3-2)
9. The process of evolution results from genetic variation, competition, survival and reproduction of the fittest in their environment. (HS-LS 4-2)
10. Design, evaluate and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity. (HS-LS2-7)
11. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection leads to adaptation of population. (HS-LS4-4)
Textbook(s) & Supplementary Materials Provided:
Biology by Prentice Hall 2007
Materials Needed Every Day:Loose leaflined paper, pens (at least 2 colors), pencils, binder/folder, glue sticks, color pencils, highlighters and erasers.
Homework: Homework is part of a student’s grade and certain assignments will be expected to be completed at home. It is also recommended that students spend at least 20 minutes at night reviewing material for the class. Students will be expected to complete any work they were unable to complete in class, and to make-up any work from when they were absent.
Make-Up Work/Tests: It is YOUR responsibility to find out about what you missed in class from either the class website, a classmate, or through emailing me directly. As long as your absence is excused, you may have as many days as you were absent to make up the work/test. It is advised to make it up as soon as possible, so as not to fall further behind. It is your responsibility to set a date/time for make-up tests. Tests must be made up on your own time (before or after school, or by other appointment—Centaur Plus or lunch).
Grading Policy:
Assessments 55%A = 92 - 100% C = 72 – 77.9%
Classwork/ Project/ Labs30%A - = 90 - 91.9% C- = 70 – 71.9%
Homework 5% B+ = 88 – 89.9% D+ = 68 – 69.9%
Final10%B = 82 – 87.9% D = 62 – 67.9%
B - = 80 – 81.9% D- = 60 – 61.9%
C+ = 78 – 79.9% F = below 60%
Classroom Behavior Standards and Expectations:
Biology courses require the student to become physically and mentally involved with the learning process on a daily basis. Here are the simple rules that must be followed at all times.
1. Respect yourself, your teachers, your classmates and your school. Any and all forms of disrespect (including foul language) will not be tolerated.
2. Conduct yourself as a student who is here to learn. This means being in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Any behavior that is detrimental to learning (excessive talking, grooming, reading non-course materials, disrespecting other, etc.) is unacceptable. Focus your attention on the topic directly related to class lectures/ discussion.
3. Safety comes first! Follow all safety rules as discussed in class.
4. There is no food or beverages (except water) allowed in class, this includes gum.
5. Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and put away before entering the classroom. Hats should also be removed and dress code followed. School protocol will be followed regarding these items.
6. Be on time and come everyday. Being tardy 3 times results in 1 detention to be served on the students time, after 10 times of being tardy there will be contact home.
7. Clean up your workspace before leaving the class. Students will remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class. Failure to do so will lower your grade and or be rewarded with undesirable consequences.
8. Hall pass usage is very limited. If a student always needs to leave or leaves for a long period of time this privilege will be revoked.
9. No fragrance products should be used in class or used right before class. Many students have health conditions that can be triggered by fragrant products.
10. All work is your own unless it is a group project assignment. Copying or cheating will result in zeros on the assignment for both the giver and the receiver of the work. Parent contact will be made to all students involved. The second offense will result in school disciplinary action.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT for Dr. Della Donna’s Biology Class:
I have reviewed the course syllabus and I clearly understand and will abide by it.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Name: (Print) ______Period: ______