Performance Task: Unit 4: School Garden

Name: ______

Some seeds were planted in our school garden outside. Out of all the seeds that were planted, 24 of them never sprouted. If we have 47 plants now, how many seeds did we plant in our garden?

  1. Solve this problem using an open number line.
  1. Explain how you used the open number line.


  1. Solve this problem using one more strategy of your choice.

  1. Out of the two strategies above, which strategy did you find most efficient? Explain why.



Problem / Points Possible / Points Earned
  1. Solve this problem using an open number line.

Answers will vary based on how the student jumped on the number line. As long as they have a correct answer using the number line, they earn the point. / 1
  1. Explain how you used the open number line.
Answers will vary based on how the student used the number line. In their response they should be able to explain the steps they took to arrive at their final answer.
2 points: Students explain every step/jump they took on the number line.
1 point: Students explain some parts of how they used a number line.
0 points: Students didn’t explain how they solved the problem with an open number line. / 2
  1. Solve this problem using one more strategy of your choice.
Students can choose any strategy they wish to solve this problem. Check for accuracy of strategy. / 1
  1. Out of the two strategies above, which strategy did you find most efficient? Explain why.
Answers will vary based on the strategy the student thought was most efficient. Remember, the strategy most efficient for one kid may not be the most efficient for another kid. As long as their explanation justifies their thinking, they should get full credit.
2 points: Students explain why they strategy they chose is most efficient.
1 point: Students have little explanation of why the strategy they chose was most efficient.
0 points: Students didn’t explain which strategy was most efficient. / 2