January 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0081r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
January 2010 Interim Meeting
Los Angeles, California, USA
Date: 2010-1-18
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Dave Stephenson / Cisco Systems, Inc. / 170 W. Tasman Dr.
San Jose, CA 95134, USA / +1 408 527 7991 /
Monday, January 18, 2010, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Secretary: Dave Stephenson (Cisco Systems)
Started meeting at 10:30 AM PST
Note: the Secretary was not present at the start of the meeting due to travel delays. The Chair took meeting notes until the Secretary arrived.
The Chair presented the agenda (11-10-0017r0). The Chair presented the IEEE patent policy and requested attendees to read the slide on “Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform”. The Chair requested information on essential patents, patent claims, and pending patent applications and called for letters of assurance from the group. No response was made to the call.
The Chair presented other guidelines and resources for the meeting.
The Chair reviewed the agenda for this week’s TGu meetings. The Chair asked if there were any requests to modify the agenda. Necati Canpolat (Intel) requested agenda time on Wednesday to present a submission. The Chair added this agenda item. The Chair asked for approval of the agenda by unanimous consent; no objections were raised. The Chair announced the agenda is approved (11-10-0017r1).
Summary of the November 2010 meeting
The Chair showed the Waikoloa (November 2009) closing report (11-09-1279r1). The Chair asked if there were any questions or comments resulting from this meeting. No comments were raised.
The Chair asked if there were any matters arising from the November 2009 minutes (11-09-1171r0). None were raised. The Chair asked if there were any objections to approving the minutes by unanimous consent. There were no objections. The minutes were approved.
Approval of teleconference minutes
· December 2, 2009 Teleconference minutes (11-09-1302r0). The Chair asked if there were any matters arising from these minutes. None were raised. The Chair requested approval of these minutes by unanimous consent. No objections were raised. The Chair announced that the minutes are approved.
· December 9, 2009 Teleconference minutes (11-09-1316r0). The Chair asked if there were any matters arising from these minutes. None were raised. The Chair requested approval of these minutes by unanimous consent. No objections were raised. The Chair announced that the minutes are approved.
· January 6, 2009 Teleconference minutes (11-10-0008r0). The Chair asked if there were any matters arising from these minutes. None were raised. The Chair requested approval of these minutes by unanimous consent. No objections were raised. The Chair announced that the minutes are approved.
· January 13, 2009 Teleconference minutes (11-10-0035r0). The Chair asked if there were any matters arising from these minutes. None were raised. The Chair requested approval of these minutes by unanimous consent. No objections were raised. The Chair announced that the minutes are approved.
The Secretary arrived at 10:53am PST and began recording minutes.
Initial Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Spreadsheet
The current version of the Initial Sponsor Ballot CRS is in 11-09-1120r12, which is on the server.
The Chair suggested we start discussing deferred comments. There was no objection. The CRC worked to resolve comments in the CRS as minuted below.
· Row # 182: The resolution status was changed to Accept.
· Row # 321: The resolution status was changed to reject and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 219, 220: Dave Stephenson (Cisco) asked whether human language negotiation was important/required aspect of EAS message. Paul Lambert (Marvell) volunteered to look into the CAP and OASIS documents to see if they discussed negotiation of human language. This straw poll was temporarily tabled while Paul Lambert did the research. Paul reported that the CAP XML schema provides the capability for an EAS message to carry multiple languages—but it’s not clear how it will be used in practice. The comment was left as deferred. Gabor Bajko (Nokia) took an action to produce a submission and will discuss this with Dave Stephenson.
· Row # 254: The resolution status was changed to accept in principle and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 306: The resolution status was changed to reject and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 255: The resolution status was changed to reject and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 261: The resolution status was changed to reject and the resolution detail was edited.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 12:29 pm PST.
Monday, January 18, 2010, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Secretary: Dave Stephenson (Cisco Systems)
Started meeting at 1:30 PM PST
The Chair showed the agenda, slide #15, which shows a list of presentations. The Chair asked if there were any other presentations. Necati Canpolat (Intel) said he had a presentation on TGu Single Information Query protocol which he would like to present on Wednesday. The Chair moved the TGz presentation on TDLS to Tuesday. The Chair asked if there was any objection to adopting the agenda shown on the screen (11-10-0017r1—which will be uploaded to the server after the session). There were no objections raised.
Technical Editor Update
The Technical Editor stated he has addresses all of the Initial SB editorial comments and incorporated the resolutions into 802.11u-d8.01, which is currently on the server in the member’s area. The Technical Editor stated he has accepted ~95% of the editorial comments and rejected ~2%. He stated he would begin this week incorporating the technical comment resolutions into the next draft. His objective is to have 802.11u-d9.0 ready a couple weeks after the session ends (for re-circulation SB). The Chair thanked the Technical Editor for producing 802.11u-d8.01.
Dave Stephenson (Cisco) presented 11-09-1266r1 on Initial Sponsor Ballot - Roaming Consortium Update.
Motion: Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-09-1266-01-000u-sb-roaming-consortium-update.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by Dave Stephenson (Cisco), seconded by Lee Armstrong (US DoT).
Bill Marshall (AT&T) asked if this motion also resolves the comments. The Chair explained that we usually have a separation motion for this, which will come later in the week.
For=9, Against=0, Abstain=0. Motion passes.
Dave Stephenson (Cisco) presented 11-09-1301r0 on Adding Dialog Token to IEEE 802.11u MLME Primitives.
Motion: Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-09-1301-01-000u-sb-mlme-dialog-token.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by Dave Stephenson (Cisco), seconded by Necati Canpolat (Intel). There was no debate on the motion. For=9, Against=0, Abstain=0. Motion passes.
Dave Stephenson (Cisco) presented 11-10-0051r0 on Initial Sponsor Ballot – Venue Info Update.
Motion: Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-10-0051-00-000u-isb-venue-info.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by Dave Stephenson (Cisco), seconded by Necati Canpolat (Intel). There was no debate on the motion. For=8, Against=0, Abstain=0. Motion passes.
Initial Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Spreadsheet
The Chair suggested we continue by discussing deferred comments. There was no objection. The CRC worked to resolve comments in the CRS as minuted below.
· Row # 331: This comment was discussed, but no resolution was reached; the TG decided to bring the comment back for discussion when Gabor Bajko is in the room (since he wanted the definition to include “access to emergency services”).
· Row # 256: Dave Stephenson (Cisco) volunteered to generate a submission for this comment.
· Row # 271: The Chair asked for volunteers to generate the text to address this comment on the MIB. No one volunteered. This comment was left as deferred.
· Row # 295: The Chair asked for volunteers to write this MIB table. No one volunteered. The Chair asked if there was any objection to deleting the NAI Realm Table from the MIB. There were no objections.
· Row # 297, 298, 299, 300: Dave Stephenson (Cisco) volunteered to generate a submission to address these comments.
· Row # 301, 302, 303: The resolution status was changed to reject and the resolution detail was edited.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 3:28 pm PST.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Secretary: Dave Stephenson (Cisco Systems)
Started meeting at 4:05 PM PST
The Chair reminded the group to record their attendance. The agenda on the screen is 11-10/0017r2. The Chair asked if there was any objection to adopting the agenda shown on screen. None was raised.
The Chair asked Dave Stephenson to be temporary chair while he gave the following presentation.
Stephen McCann presented 11-10-0026r0 on Revised Emergency Call Information. There were several comments made during the presentation. The presenter said he would update his document and bring it back for motion later in the week.
Dave requested the Chair to take back the chairmanship.
Dave Stephenson (Cisco) presented 11-10-0108r1 on Initial Sponsor Ballot – GAS MIB Update.
Motion: Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-11-0108-01-000u-sb-gas-mib-update.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by Dave Stephenson (Cisco), seconded by Allan Thomson (Cisco). There was no debate on the motion. For=6, Against=0, Abstain=0. Motion passes.
Dave Stephenson (Cisco) presented 11-10-0109r0 on Initial Sponsor Ballot – GAS MIB Update. During the presentation, several comments were made. The presenter updated the submission on screen to address the comments. After the presentation, the presenter uploaded the revised document, 11-10-0109r1, to the server.
Motion: Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-11-0109-01-000u-sb-location-by-reference.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by Dave Stephenson (Cisco), seconded by Allan Thomson (Cisco). There was no debate on the motion. For=6, Against=0, Abstain=0. Motion passes.
Initial Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Spreadsheet
The Chair suggested we continue updating the CRS. There was no objection. The CRC worked to resolve comments in the CRS as minuted below.
· Row # 251, 259: The resolution status was changed to accept and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 332, 204, 205, 206, 207, 278: the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 297, 298, 299, 300, 256: The resolution status was changed to accept and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 331: we discussed the comment and decided to take a straw poll (#1 below). The resolution status was changed to accept and the resolution detail was edited.
Straw Poll #1: Which definition of advertisement protocol do you prefer:
1. IEEE native query protocol and higher layer protocols defined external to 802.11 that can be used for network and service discovery and access to emergency related information.
2. IEEE native query protocol and higher layer protocols defined external to 802.11 that can be used for network and service discovery.
3. IEEE native query protocol and higher layer protocols defined external to 802.11 that can be used for network and service (including emergency) discovery.
4. Something else/don’t care
#1=2, #2=3, #3=0, #4=1. Most popular option is #2.
Gabor Bajko (Nokia) request to discuss the following comments:
· Row # 196: The Chair displayed 11-09-1231r0 on screen, which was approved during November 2009 session. Gabor stated he was satisfied with the resolution.
· Row # 222: The Chair displayed 11-09-1267r0 on screen, which was approved during November 2009 session. The resolution status was changed to defer; Gabor Bajko, Stephen McCann and Dave Stephenson agreed to investigate further whether IEEE 802.11-2007 specifies that the AP must transmit a group addressed frame twice or not (once encypted for STAs having an RSNA and once un-protected for the emergency-STA).
· Row # 238: we discussed this comment but did not come to any resolution.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 6:02 pm PST.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Secretary: Dave Stephenson (Cisco Systems)
Started meeting at 7:34 PM PST
The Chair reminded the group to record their attendance. The agenda on the screen is 11-10/0017r2. The Chair asked if there was any objection to adopting the agenda shown on screen. None was raised.
The Chair asked Dave Stephenson to be temporary chair while he gave the following presentation.
Stephen McCann presented 11-10-0026r1 on Revised Emergency Call Information. There were several comments made during the presentation. The presenter said he would update his document and bring it back for motion later in the week.
Dave asked the Chair to take back the chairmanship.
Initial Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Spreadsheet
The Chair suggested we continue updating the CRS. TGu went through checking the resolutions confirm they are proper resolutions. The following comments were changed during these discussions.
· Row # 323, 328: the resolution detail was changed.
· Row # 212: the resolution status was changed to reject.
· Row # 213, 214: the resolution detail was changed.
· Row # 217, 218: The resolution status was changed to accept in principle and the resolution detail was edited.
· Row # 225, 231: the resolution detail was changed.
The session ran out of time after the completion of reviewing row # 233.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 9:30 pm PST.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Started meeting at 1:30 PM PST
Several TGu members were not in attendance (including the Secretary) as they were attending other task groups during this time slot. Therefore, the Chair recessed the session to go into Ad hoc mode.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Chair: Stephen McCann (Research in Motion - RIM)
Secretary: Dave Stephenson (Cisco Systems)
Started meeting at 4:02 PM PST
The Chair reminded the group to record their attendance. The agenda on the screen is 11-10/0017r2. The Chair asked if there was any objection to adopting the agenda shown on screen. None was raised.