St. Bede Church – Lector Procedural Information January, 2015
- There should be 2 lectors scheduled for all masses. The 1st lector listed will read the 1st reading and carry the Book of Gospels in the opening procession if there is no deacon, otherwise the deacon will carry the Book. The 2nd lector will read the 2nd reading and the petitions when there is no deacon. The cantor will announce the songs. The presider will read the announcements after communion.
- Arrive at church at least 15 – 20 minutes before mass so you are prepared and others know who will be reading. Please sign in on the sheet provided on the vesting table in the priest's sanctuary.
- The Lectionary should be in the sacristy. Lector 1 should place it open on the Gospel ambo and check that the ribbon is in the right place for the first reading. Please don’t move the ribbon as you are reading since this could cause a problem at the next mass. If there is no deacon, Lector 2 will read the petitions - place the Lector binder on the ambo shelf so it is available when it is time.
- Please sit in one of the pews close to the front and on the aisle. You should sit with your family, if they are present. It is symbolic that we come from the Assembly so it is best if you reserve a seat in the congregation.
We should only be in the sanctuary at the time we are needed. It is fine if you are asked to help in a special way, for example, if Fr. Fitzpatrick needs your help. Return to your seat when you are done.
- Opening Procession – If there is no deacon present, Lector 1 will carry the Book of Gospels, walking just in front of the presider and holding the Book of Gospels high. When you reach the step before the sanctuary, step up immediately, proceed around the altar from the right side and place the Book of Gospels on the middle of the altar with the edge protruding slightly over the side of the altar so it can be picked up easily without pulling on the altar cloth. Then go back around the altar, take your place by the priest, bow with him and return to your pew.
- After the “Gloria,” the Presider says the Opening Prayer. When the people respond with “Amen” Lector 1 should walk up to the ambo for the 1st reading. Approach the ambo from the right side. Only bow to the altar if you cross in front or behind the altar on your approach. Adjust the mic, if necessary and turn on the light. DO NOT INTRODUCE THE READING AS SOON AS YOU GET TO THE AMBO. Give both Father and the congregation time to be seated and to settle down before you begin reading. In order for the message to be heard, people must be ready for it.
Just say “A reading from … .” Pronounce the ‘a’ like the ‘a’ in cat, not as a long ‘a’.
- After the 1st reading, bow your head slightly, pause about 5-10 seconds (or the time it takes to say the first half of the Hail Mary) before you say “The Word of the Lord.” Enunciate each word and don’t have any long pauses or over emphasize any of the words within the phrase; it is one unit. The people respond, "Thanks be to God." Step back and go to bow in front of the altar before you return to your seat. If the cantor agrees, you can both meet at the center of the altar and bow together. This makes for a nice flow and coordination. Confirm this with the cantor before mass.
- After the cantor sings the Responsorial Psalm and begins to leave the ambo, Lector 2 should proceed to the altar to bow, perhaps meeting the cantor as described above, and move to the ambo for the 2nd reading, in the same manner as described for Lector 1. After the 2nd reading, bow your head slightly, pause about 5-10 seconds before you say “The Word of the Lord.” Then close the Lectionary, place it on the shelf below the ambo and return to your seat.
- After the Creed, the Presider picks up his binder and gives the invitation to the General Intercessions. If there is no deacon, the lector should walk up to the ambo before the conclusion of the Creed. You begin the Intercessions as soon as Father has finished the introduction. Continue standing at the ambo until Father finishes the closing prayer for the Intercessions. (You should have placed the Lector binder on the ambo shelf before mass so it is there for you.)
- At the end of mass the Book of Gospels and the Lectionary are not carried out. Both lectors remain in their pew and do not process out with the priest.
- As a courtesy to lectors who will minister at the next mass, return the Book of Gospels, Lectionary and commentator binder to the sacristy. Check that the ribbon is in the right place for the readings.
- Take the collection basket to the sacristy, place the monies in the envelope(s) provided, seal and put your initials on the envelope
Other Important Information
- The 3rd Sunday of each month during the school year is Religious Education mass and the 4th Sunday is Family mass at 11:00 mass. Children are assigned the readings and no lectors are scheduled. It’s always good to be prepared to read, just in case the assigned readers do not appear.
- Points about the READINGS
- All readings must be well rehearsed. Most people will know if you don’t rehearse.
- Your ministry is to proclaim the Word, not to read it out of a book. Please, read slowly; pronounce/enunciate well all words and syllables. Do not drop your voice at the end of lines.
- Be loud enough – PROJECT. Yes, you have a microphone, but without projecting your voice, people still will not hear you. Speak DIRECTLY into the microphone. The further away from your mouth the microphone is, the less it will project. Glance side to side, but do not turn your head side to side or your voice will get lost.
- Pause longer at the end of sentences than you do after commas.
- Read for sense first. Practice your reading for a few days. Read the instructions in the Lector Workbook. Go over it one more time before mass by reading it in the Lectionary.
- Always prepare both readings in case the other scheduled lector is absent.
Since all eyes are on you when you proclaim God’s word, please dress appropriately for the role. Modesty is the rule. - Ladies: no skirts above the knee, shorts, strapless tops, tight sweaters; no t-shirts, tank tops, jeans, jogging wear, beachwear, or gym shoes. Your clothing should not be casual. Preference: suits, dresses, blouses, skirts, slacks that are appropriate for a business office.
- Men: no jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sweat shirts, shirts with words on them, jogging wear, or beachwear or gym shoes. Preference: a suit with a tie or dress pants and dress shirts; wear what would be appropriate for a business office.
According to the Roman Missal, two lectors are to be assigned at a mass. If you cannot keep your assignment, try to find someone to take your place. You should notify the other lector to let him/her know you will not be there and who will be subbing for you. Also, please let me know as soon as you know so the change might make it into the bulletin. If you are unable to find a sub on the weekend you are scheduled, please call the rectory and leave a message. Please don’t leave me a message as I may not receive it until after mass has occurred.
If you have any questions about lectoring, please call me, Ann Wach, at 847-546-0929, or e-mail me at . Thank you for all you do for St. Bede!