4. Shree Cement Limited (India)


Write up:

1. Eligibility

(1.1) When did the Project go into service or start operations?

Mamta project started operation in July 2009.

(1.2) For Projects that did not start operations between January 2009 and June 2010, what were the enhancements that took place during this period? Please describe the materiality of these enhancements. If the enhancements you describe are not “material” in nature, the Steering Committee invites you to consider submitting your Project in the future after the implementation of material enhancements.


(1.3) Was this Project previously submitted as an entry to the Asian CSR Awards?


(1.4) If yes, did this Project previously win an Asian CSR Award? A project that previously won cannot be entered in again. However, a project that was a runner-up/merit/excellence awardee can be entered again.

2. Project Description

(2.1) What are the Project’s measurable objectives?

This project was started with an aim to provide safety to pregnant women and Infants of 0-1 age group. The location of the project is in a remote country area of India where development activities are still catching pace. Moreover the area experiences semi arid conditions, where malnutrition in pregnant women and infants is more common.

1. To maintain all data and numbers related to target group (pregnant women & children (0 to 1 year age group).

2. To provide Nutrition supplement to the target group.

3. To maintain the immunization status of the target group.

4. To provide knowledge about Govt. Schemes & support services i.e. Janni Suraksha Yojna (Mothers safety schemes) immunization etc.

5. To provide monthly health check up, medicinal & nutritional support to the target group.

6. To Provide ambulance services to the women at the time of delivery or any other complication.

(2.2) Why was the Project selected? What social issue(s) does it seek to address?

This project was selected for the welfare of pregnant women and infants of 0-1 age group. The area where the project has been implemented is inhabited by the group of poor population. The area comes under rural jurisdiction of district Pali, located in the remote parts of rural India so the reach out of every intervention is less than the other areas of the state. Moreover, this particular rural jurisdiction comprises of 23 villages making the area large enough for the state Govt. officials to intervene for various development activities. Considering this social issue to be of prime importance SCL took an initiative to provide maternal and child health care to pregnant women and infants.

The project addresses the following social issues

●Malnutrition in pregnant women and infants

●Infant mortality

●Unexpected miscarriages in pregnant women

●Health of infants and pregnant women

●Pregnancy awareness and education

(2.3) How does the Project go about addressing the above social issue(s)?

The project goes about addressing all the above social issues by

Malnutrition in pregnant women and infants

The project has special nutritional program for the target group which provides basic nutritional component of diet to pregnant women and infants.

Infant mortality

SCL has well organised and fairly equipped dispensaries with a team of five doctors and 12 qualified nursing staff. This team initiates immunization, vaccination and health check up programs in newly born babies.

Unexpected miscarriages in pregnant women

The team of doctors organise pregnancy awareness programs where the females are educated on safe pregnancy practices.

Health of infants and pregnant women

By organising regular infant and mother health programs & awareness camps.

Pregnancy awareness and education

Various pregnancy and education program are organised by SCL which involves regular health check ups, display of posters for creating awareness and organising nukkad nataks (Street side skits).

(2.4) Please briefly describe the Project’s implementation, including timeline, key tasks, financial resources, etc.

Time Line

Mamta project was started in July 2009 and since then it is working efficiently in 9 villages around the SCL premises. This project is a continuous intervention which has no dead line limit rather SCL aims to promote this project in more possible villages.

Key Tasks

The key tasks of this project are

●Organizing health camps

●Pregnancy and infant health education awareness programs

●Immunization and vaccination programs

●Construction of neo-natal and pregnancy wards in nearby hospitals

●Safe delivery practices.

Financial Resources

SCL is self sponsoring this program and no financial aid from the external parties has been obtained so far. SCL has spent Rs. 1800 thousand on this project.

(2.5) Were there significant roadblocks? What were these and how were they overcome?

There were no significant road blocks in this project. However, there are some isolated in-cooperation problems which are encountered some times due to religion and cultural beliefs & practices. These isolated problems are handled carefully and so far no disrespect for anyone’s culture and belief has been reported.

For this project, SCL has appointed 4Sakhis(female Community workers) which assist in implementing all field level activities and help to develop awareness among females with rigid cultural beliefs in a polite and convincing manner. SCL also has one female doctor among the team to encompass all sorts of safe delivery practices.

3. Results Analysis: Panel members assess the Project based on: (i) the significance of the results or outcomes, (ii) the measurability of these results or outcomes, and (iii) the availability of third party information and testimonials to show the Project’s impact on the beneficiaries.

(3.1) Who are the Project’s target beneficiaries?

The target beneficiaries of the project are

●Pregnant women and infants

●Community people

●Community workers

●Employees of SCL


●Government Bodies

●Non Government organisations (NGO)

(3.2) How many people have benefited from the Project?

The people who have been benefitted by this project are pregnant women and infants. There are 125 pregnant women300 children already benefited and 70 pregnant women135 infants currently being benefited from miscellaneous activities of this project. The other people who have been indirectly benefitted by this project are government personnel as Ras panchyat (Village jurisdiction) comprises of 23 villages, out of which 9 are being taken care by this project of SCL as this is helping government officials to implement their plans smoothly in these villages.

(3.3) What were the Project’s short-term and long-term qualitative and quantitative results or outcomes that generated benefits to the target beneficiaries? Please describe the relevance of these results/outcomes.

So far the project has been successful in providing support and care to 125 women and 300 infants in just one year time of its successful implementation. This has developed many qualitative and quantitative benefits which are as under

Satisfaction in Community people

This project has covered the most sensitive part of the society which is mother and child. Major satisfaction in the community comes from the fact that this project is helping the mothers and children to be healthy, which is an important factor to ensure a sustainable future and work force development country. Many families of employees (Especially labours) are also participating in this project. This has resulted in employee’s positive attitude towards work as the families are being taken good care of.

Satisfaction in customers

SCL has widely advertised mamta project due to which company has obtained fairly positive response from various ethically conscious customer from the local area.

Benefits to government.

SCL has collected and documented data related to women pregnancy, child birth and various complications (However if encountered), which has helped the local government to implement its strategies in a smoother way.

Benefits to Investors and shareholders

The company has been able to become more transparent with its social strategies among the community people, government and non government organisation. This has brought an image of socially responsible company in the market which has benefited a lot of stakeholders especially investors and shareholders.

(3.4) What qualitative and quantitative measures were used to track the impact of the Project? Are these the most objective measures available? If not, please explain why the objectives were not utilized.

The impact of the project was tracked by the following measures

Quantitative measures

●By keeping records of number of pregnant women and infants. In one year 125 women and 300 infants have been benefitted by this project.

Qualitative measures

●By obtaining comments and opinion from the people on success of this project.

●By obtaining comments from Sakhis (Community workers) about the problems being faced by pregnant women. This has helped in developing strategies for implementing changes in this project.

●By collecting data of any sort of complications if witnessed during the pregnancy period and child birth. This has helped in developing strategies for combating complications.

The measures which have been adopted are most objective measure.

(3.5) In addition to the sponsoring company, who were the other parties responsible for the Project’s results? Please describe their contributions.

Non Government organisation (NGO)

NGO supported SCL in various operations of the project. Community workers of NGO supported SCL community workers in connecting community people as the NGO were already active in promoting various social programs.

Doctors and nurses of Government Primary Health Centres (PHC)

There was continuous support from community doctors in motivating community people to avail facilities provided by the project. Moreover, these doctors also helped at the time of mother and infant vaccination programs.

Government functionaries

SCL was continuously benefitted by the strategies which were present with the Government bodies in implementing this project at community level

(3.6) How did the company benefit from the Project Please describe the nature and magnitude of these benefits. Please provide supporting documents.

The company has achieved a number of direct and indirect benefits by implementation of this project. However there had been no monetary benefit obtained from the project so far. The benefits are as under:

● A positive attitude towards work shown by workers, contractors and supervisors have helped the company to run all its operation smoothly. New projects of company (both technical and non technical) are being encouraged by community people.

● Company has built up an image as socially responsible company in the market due to which ethically conscious customers, investors and shareholders have started showing their interest in SCL.

●Company has developed special reputation among community people, government and non government organisation thereby improving the brand image which is compelling investors and shareholders to take more interest in other projects of company.

●Company has started getting government benefits such environment clearances, new license etc. without facing much legal complications due its image built by such social activities.

●Company has been able to achieve FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social Responsibility appreciation certificate in the Large Enterprise category by Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI).

SCL is only company in the area which has implemented this project from the grass root level thus differentiating it self from another competitor in the same area.

4. Other Analysis: Additional information below will help the Selection Committee look more favorably at your entry:

(4.1) Corporate Expertise Analysis: Panel members assess the Project based on its utilization of corporate expertise other than just resources.

a) Which areas of corporate expertise were applied to the Project?

SCL corporate Governance structure comprises of Environment Social and Governance committee (ESG committee). ESG consists of senior executives of the company. The company elects a chairman by majority vote. The Executive Director of the company provides necessary guidance and support from time to time. The committee organises meeting at least twice a year to discuss strategies to improve environment, enhance social welfare efforts and improve the governance levels. The ESG committee is responsible for deliberating issues concerning environment, social and governance practices of the company.

For this project also committee encouraged a candid discussion among the members to bring forth sincere ideas to deal with the issue of mother and child health.

b) What was the composition of the teams that planned, implemented and monitored the Project?

The team which planned implemented and monitored the project consisted 4 Sakhis and community workers, five doctors and 12 qualified nursing staff. The overall in charge of the project is Asst. Vice President, Personal and Administration Department.

Asst. V.P. (P&A)

Manager CSR activities

Medical Officer

Sakhis and community workers

Nursing staff


V.P. (Comml.)

(4.2) Replicability and Impact Analysis: Panel members assess the Project based on: (i) its ability to address a larger (social) issue, and (ii) the system-wide solution it proposes as opposed to a stand-alone activity.

a) What was the social issue that the Project attempted to address? How many people are affected by this social issue?

The project has attempted to address most sensitive social issue which is mother and Child health. Project also attempted to address malnutrition, infant mortality and pregnancy awareness & education program. There had been 125 women and 300 children benefitted by this project already and 70 pregnant women & 135 infants are taking the benefit of this project currently.

(4.3) Sustainability Analysis: Panel members assess the Project based on the Project’s sustainability if the sponsoring company leaves the scene.

a) How will the Project be sustained if your company leaves the scene? Is there a plan to exit the scene? If not, does your company envision sustaining this Project?

Company does not plan to leave the scene as the company came into operations in 1979 and since then it has been working relentlessly to achieve growth goals and has been able to mark its presence as a rapidly expanding energy efficient and environment friendly organization.

Company has been getting a lot of support and encouragement from government to sustain this project. There had been a lot of support and expectation observed in community people with this project. Company has also been getting a lot of encouragement from various other stakeholders too. Besides, Company is planning to expand this project in 6 more villages. With 70 pregnant women and 135 infants currently being taken care of, the company envisages sustaining this project.

(4.4) Corporate Strategy Analysis: Panel members assess the Project based on how well it is integrated into the company’s core strategy.

a) How does the Project support and reinforce your company’s core strategy?

Company’s core strategy focuses to operate in a socially responsible manner and to be responsible citizen with total commitment to communities in which it operates and society at large. This project has been operating in 9 villages around the SCL premises and has so far benefited many families of these villages. SCL has taken complete responsibility to monitor mother and child health in these 9 villages. SCL intends to increase the area in which this project can be implemented. Project is also making SCL to remain accountable to all its stakeholders. Thus this project is reinforcing company’s core strategy.

b) Demonstrate how the Project is integrated into your company’s core strategy.

SCL has understood that the surrounding communities are not only its neighbours but strategic partners in its progress, by giving it the license and valuable human resources. Therefore, it is SCL’s best interest that communities around it prosper and see it as a vital ally to achieve their aspirations. SCL’s role in improving life of people becomes more crucial especially in the location of the company which faces semi arid conditions. Scarcity of water affects agricultural activity which is the main occupation of local inhabitants. Due to these reasons pregnant women often suffers malnutrition and so is the effect on newly born babies. This project has attempted to fulfil the basic nutrition needs and proper health check up of pregnant women thereby improving the quality of life of people in the surrounding area.

SCL’s strategy is to work as corporate responsible citizen with total commitment to communities in which it operates and society at large and with this project SCL has taken a responsibility to look after the happiness and joy of surrounding families, thus integrating the project into its core strategies.

(4.5) Other Information: State any other relevant information about the Project that you wish to include.

5. Supporting documents: (LIST below the supporting documents and materials you are submitting to support the project or program, i.e. brochures, photos, press clippings, etc.)

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