Spearfish High School Student Learning Objective (SLO) Plan
After reviewing data and identifying student population for whom SLO will apply, create Student Learning Objective. Submit SLO Plan to evaluator prior to Evaluation Planning Session.
Teacher Name / EvaluatorContent Area/Course Name/Grade Level / Academic Year
2015 - 2016
Smart Goal/Targeted Growth: (What is your goal for student growth?) (What growth targets can students be expected to reach?)
Baseline Data and Rationale: (Why did you choose this objective?) (What information is being used to inform the creation of the SLO and establish the amount of growth that should take place?)
Learning Content: (What content will the SLO address?) (To what related standards is the SLO aligned?)
Student Population: (Who are you going to include in this objective?)
Interval of Instruction: (How long will you focus on this objective?) (What is the duration of the course that the SLO will cover?)
Assessment(s): (How will you measure the outcome of your objective?) (What assessments will be used to measure student growth for this objective?)
Strategies and Support (What methods or interventions will you use to support this objective?)
STEP TWO: SLO APPROVALThe SLO has been reviewed jointly between the teacher and evaluator and will serve as the agreed-upon measure to determine the teacher’s student growth rating.
Teacher Signature: Date:
Evaluator Signature: Date:
Describe student progress toward the SMART goal. / Are your students on track toward meeting the SMART goal? Specify the assessment used to track progress.
Strategy Modification:
If necessary, document changes in strategy. / Does data suggest I need to adjust my instructional strategy? Describe how you plan to meet the goal.
SLO Adjustment:
If justified, describe changes to the SLO. / Are there circumstances beyond the teacher’s control that will impact SLO goal? If needed, attach a revised SLO.
Teacher Signature: Date:
Evaluator Signature: Date:
STEP FOUR: PREPARE FOR THE SUMMATIVE CONFERENCEThis section documents the preliminary student growth rating, which will be discussed during the end-of-year Summative Conference.
High Growth:The SMART goal was 86% to 100% attained. / What does high growth mean? Detail end-of-course achievement levels that equate to high growth.
Expected Growth:
The SMART goal was 65% to 85% attained. / What does expected growth mean? Detail end-of-course achievement levels that equate to expected growth.
Low Growth:
The SMART goal was less than 65% attained? / What does low growth mean? Detail end-of-course achievement levels that equate to low growth.
PRELIMINARY STUDENT GROWTH RATINGBased on final assessment data, the student growth rating is:
Professional Growth:Detail what you learned. / What worked? What should be refined? Describe the support you need to improve instruction and student learning.
Yes / No / ?
Is the goal SPECIFIC?
1. Does the goal state exactly what learning content needs to be addressed?
2. Is the learning content aligned to Common Core State Standards, state content standards or credible national standards?
Is the goal MEASURABLE?
3. Will the goal be measured using a standards-based assessment that is comparable across classrooms?
4. Are increases in student growth stated by rate, percentage, number, level of benchmark, rubric standards or juried level of standard?
Is the goal APPROPRIATE?
5. Was the goal developed using baseline data that is comparable between the beginning and end of the instructional period?
6. Is the goal directly related to a teacher’s subject, grade-level and students?
7. If the goal is a class goal, does the goal include all students in the class or course?
8. If the goal is a targeted needs goal, does the goal include a growth goal for all groups of students?
9. Does the goal identify expected growth that stretches the outer bound of what is attainable?
10. Does the goal seem rigorous when compared to goals established by teachers in similar grades or subjects?
Is the goal TIME BOUND?
11. Is the timeline definitive and does it allow for determining goal attainment?