A regular meeting of the Reef-Sunset Unified School District Board of Trustees was held on this date in the Board/Staff Development room located at 205 N. Park Ave., Avenal, CA 93204.
Mr. Barrera, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and the Board convened to closed session. The meeting was reconvened to open session at 6:05 p.m. by Mr. Barrera who led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Jose Barrera, President
Gail Monohon, Clerk
Ricardo Verdugo
Leticia Lopez
Chris Collins
Antonio Gervacio(present at 6pm)
CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS/ACTIONS: The Board readmitted seventeen students:
Roll Call Vote: Barrera - Yes, Verdugo – Yes, Monohon – No(discrepancies in documentation), Collins – Yes, Lopez – Yes. Motion Carried
The Board approved the agreements for Certificated Management and Confidential ClassifiedEmployees:
Roll Call Vote: Barrera - Yes, Verdugo – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Collins – Yes, Lopez – Yes.
Motion Carried
PUBLIC COMMENT: Parent, Rosa Moreno, expressed her concerns in regards to internet services not being provided in Avenal and asked the Board how she can obtain internet services through the district. Dr. East stated he would have the Technology Director assist her. Representative, Bill Munoz from Assemblymember Salas office reported that they would be having a financial aid workshop for AHS students, Thursday, Jan. 23rd. Bill Hatcher reported heand other Avenal community members visitedSacramento, and stated he was proud to have Jose Ramirez speak in support of the water issue for the valley. He also expressed his concerns about the WHC satellite campus being at AHS.
Motion byVerdugo seconded by Lopez to approve the agenda as amended. Removed Presentation Item C, and Revisions madeto Minutes of Dec. 12, 2013.
Roll Call Vote: Verdugo – Yes, Lopez – Yes, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes,
Preferential Vote: Gervacio - Yes
Motion Carried
Reef-Sunset Unified School District administrators handed flowers and a small gift to each Board member expressing appreciation for their service.
The Board took a short break to celebrate with cake and punch.
A. Student Representatives- AES, TES and AHS Steven Saldivar, Dayanara Leon,KaylinManciano, Amanda Piere and MariCarmen Figueroastudent representatives gave an update on current and upcoming school activities.
B. Paramount Farms- AHS Ag Career Academy- Dr. Eric Barba showed a Power Point presentation on the Ag Career Academy at AHS. He explained in detail what the partnership with Reef-Sunset entailed. Dr. Barba explained that Paramount’s commitment was to provide start up funds, supplement Ag facility needs, and provide high paying skilled jobs in agriculture among other things. He discussed the Ag Career Academy’s progress and critical next steps which is to bring a draft a partnership MOU next month detailing each entity’s commitments. Dr. East mentioned that both Mr. Ruiz and he presented at Madera County Office of Education where the theme for professional developmentwas Agriculturein the 21st Century. He feels fortunate that RSUSD and Paramount are developing the Ag Academy.
C. Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP- Audit Report for 2012-13- REMOVED
D. Cheryl Tuttle, GO Bond/Citizens Facilities Committee Report- Mrs. Tuttle was absent, however a handout was provided and Dr. East reported on her behalfstating that the committee met on Dec. 10th. They visited KCES where they found masonry discrepancies and gopher hole issues at their fields. The committee commended KCES for having a clean campus.
E. Jared Johnson – Technology Update- Showed a Power Point presentation and reported that RSUSD is moving into a digital transition. They are doing this to provide 21st Century Learning. He thanked Dr. East and Judy Horn for helping start Blended Learning in the district.
F. CSEA/WKCTA Representatives- None
- Board Members- Ms. Monohon reported that the US Departmentsof Education and Justice released a School Climate and Discipline Guidance package and suggested school boards should review CSBA’s “Safe School” handbook. She also suggested that if we are planning to hold a study session on Feb. 1 with PBIS personnel some of the suggested materials should be part of the discussion. Ms. Monohon also reported that the CSBA Presidents’ Dinner will be held on March 3 at LHS,and that KCSBA will be hosting a presentation on LCAP at their February meeting and invited everyone. Ms. Monohon also reported on the State Board meeting where they discussed Language Arts framework. Finally, she reported that Feb. 5 is Digital Learning Day and March 3rd will be Read Across America Day. Ms. Lopez expressed how important it is for the Board/district to communicate to our parents/students in both English and Spanish. Mr. Collins inquired about the funding for the WHC Avenal Center.
- Mrs. Cutillo- Provided the Board with her report and gave Jared Johnson credit for his work at the district and reported that the district has hired two staff members to help assist the tech department. She also reported that the Governor’s proposal looks good for education and that the next Ed Foundation meeting will be held on Jan. 23; first Budget meeting will be held on Jan. 28th at 3:30pm.
- Ms. Cunningham- Absent, however she provided the Board with a report. Dr. East reported that the C&I meeting will be held next week and went over the items that will be discussed. He stated that all schools were doing well with student attendance regardless of flu season.
- Dr. East- Reported on the local control funding program and LCAP; he stated that he will conduct a series of meetings to discuss these changes with parents. He reported that the district will engage with parents, teachers, students and all stakeholders. The meetings will be held at the sites so that Principals will be available to solicit input. Dr. East handed out his State of the District report and stated that he attended the Governor’s workshop and reported that the Governor has recommended increased funding for schools. Finally, he reminded the Board that he’s been invited by KCOE to attend the CISC Symposium in February, this will be during the regular February board meeting, he plans to Skype with the Board during Closed Session.
- Minutes of December 12, 16, & 17, 2013
- Warrants
- Personnel Report
- Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
- Request to Approve the AES/KCES 6th Grade Overnight Fieldtrip to
River Way Outdoor Camp; May 14-16, 2014
Motion by Monohon seconded by Verdugo to approve the Consent Calendar as amended.Dec. 12 Minutes revised.
Roll Call Vote: Verdugo – Yes, Lopez – Yes, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes.
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – Yes
Motion Carried
A.Resolution 2013: 21, In the Matter of consideration of a Joint Use Facility Agreement between RSUSD and the WHCCD for the WHC Avenal Center:Dr. Frank Gornick was present answering questions made by the Board. Dr. East made it clear that this is only an agreement to engage in negotiations with WHC regarding the WHC Avenal Center and gave some background on the item. Ms. Monohon expressed her concerns asking the Board to reject this resolution as written. City Councilmembers expressed their discontent for the agreement. Ms. Lopez stated that this was a difficult decision for the Board. Mr. Barrera asked that we find common ground for the benefit of the students. Mr. Verdugo expressed his concerns stating that we need to start somewhere. Mr. Collins reported on what people in the community have expressed to him; suggesting we use the wing on 5th Ave. at AHS.
Motion byVerdugoseconded by Lopez to approve Resolution 2013: 21, as presented.
Roll Call Vote: Verdugo – Yes, Lopez – Yes, Collins – Yes, Monohon – No, Barrera – Yes.
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – No
Motion Carried
B.Request to approve the Adoption of TK Rowland Reading Curriculum:
Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the adoption of the curriculum as presented.
Roll Call Vote: Verdugo – Yes, Lopez – Yes, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes,
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – Yes
Motion Carried
C. Resolution 2014: 01, Investment Policy for Kings Co. Director of Finance:
Motion by Lopez seconded by Collins to approve Resolution 2014: 01, as presented.
Roll Call Vote: Barrera - Yes, Collins - Yes, Monohon - Yes, Verdugo - Yes, Lopez – Yes.
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – Yes
Motion Carried
D. Adoption of New/Revised October 2013 Board Policies/Administrative Regulations:
Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to approve the adoptionas presented.
Roll Call Vote: Barrera - Yes, Collins - Yes, Monohon - Yes, Verdugo - Yes, Lopez – Yes.
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – Yes
Motion Carried
E. Consider Approval of the Amended Superintendent’s Contract for the Term of January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017:Changed term to read: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016.
Motion by Lopez seconded by Verdugo to approve the amended Superintendent’s contract as amended.
Roll Call Vote: Barrera - Yes, Collins - Yes, Monohon - Yes, Verdugo - Yes, Lopez – Yes.
Preferential Vote: Gervacio – Yes
Motion Carried
A. Governance Handbook Protocols –Dr. East handed out the Board adopted governance protocols and reviewed them with the Board. He discussed individual board member communication. Dr. East will make an effort to make sure all board members are aware of what is being placed on the agenda. Dr. East would like to make sure the Board always reviews the protocols and commitments so that they can become familiar them.
B. Future Agenda Items –AHS fencing estimates, audit presentation, graduation requirement policy, LCAP plan, review district communication plan and Ron Claussen meeting Feb. 1 materials.
A.2013-2014 Annual Williams Report for RSUSD
B. Enrollment Report
C.Cafeteria Report
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27p.m.
Secretary to the Board