1. Lifestyle diseases

Lifestyle diseases are a threat to well-to-do Papua New Guineans. Discuss this issue with evidence to illustrate its seriousness. What are some practical recommendations that you can provide for young Papua New Guineans so that the country’s goal of ‘a healthy, wealthy and wise nation’ is achievable?

  1. Betel nut consumption as a culture in PNG

Do you think betel nut consumption today is part of culture? Express your view with supporting details.

  1. Violence against women (VAW)

Violence against women is, collectively, violent acts that are primarily or exclusively committed against women. This type of violence is gender-based, meaning that the acts of violence are committed against women expressly because they are women.

Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions (Annan Kofi UN, 2006).

Discuss this issue with supporting evidence and provide possible solutions for world leaders.

  1. The need to re-define the role of a Politician in Papua New Guinea

If you were to re-define the role of a politician in Papua New Guinea, what would your definition be?

We have had great leaders who have worked with the vision, aspiration and passionto lead their own country and have made that a reality in 1975 when the country gained its independence. But that breed of leaders with the calibre, vitality and quality is non-existent today. Thus the need to re-define this very important role of public office.

Express your view with recommendations that give enlightenment to those who have a vision to take up this role in future.

  1. Importing of goods

Should importing of goods be banned till security measures are improved?Explain your reasons for your view.

  1. Asylum seekers

Do you think asylum seekers should be given the same opportunities as the citizens of the countries they seek asylum from?

  1. The threat of illegal logging to indigenous Papua New Guineans

Illegal logging is a threat to the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea.

‘The vast rainforests of PNG…are crucial for environmental sustainability, survival of indigenous peoples and the wide goal of climate change’ (Post Courier March 29, 2016)

Explain the repercussions of excessive logging on ordinary Papua New Guineans and suggest recommendations that should be taken by relevant authorities and stakeholders.

  1. The abolition of Project fees in state schools in PNG

The Government is adamant in its move to provide free education for all students in Papua New Guinea thus giving a ministerial directive to abolish project fees in all state schools.

Do you agree or disagree with the abolition of projects fees in state schools? Express your view with supporting details.

  1. Disaster preparedness or management in PNG

Disaster preparedness or management is the creation of plans through which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Disaster management does not avert or eliminate the threats; instead, it focuses on creating plans to decrease the effect of disasters.

Describe the various events covered by disaster management and explain how Papua New Guinea can prepare to decrease the effects of disasters.

  1. The displacement of victims of war

‘War, violence and persecution left one in every 122 humans on the planet a refugee, internally displaced or seeking asylum at the end of last year that warns the world is failing the victims of an “age of unprecedented mass displacement’ ( UN, June 18, 2015).

Discuss the magnitude of the issue by giving statistical evidence and providepossible solutions for world leaders.

  1. Human Trafficking

Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims.

Discuss this issue and make recommendations for world leaders.

  1. Displacement of Papua New Guineans in their own country

There is a displacement of Papua New Guineans in their own country. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Express your view with supporting evidence and provide possible solutions for the government.

13.Crime offenders in a foreign country

Whenever there are convictions issued in courts within the EU, there is a system for sharing this information between Member States; the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS). ECRIS, is an electronic exchange mechanism created in response to EU Framework Decisions providing a legal basis for the exchange of criminal conviction information between EU Member States, some of which have been in effect since 2005.

Do you think there is a need for an international agreement which requires all countries of the world to share conviction information? Explain your reasons for your view.

  1. Selections into tertiary institutions

Discuss the selection process into tertiary institutions, explain its impact and make recommendations.

  1. Terrorism a global threat

Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is defined as the use of violence, or threatened use of violence, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. In modern times, terrorism is considered a major threat to society and therefore illegal under anti-terrorism laws in most jurisdictions. It is also considered a war crime under the laws of war when used to target non-combatants, such as civilians, neutralmilitary personnel, or enemy prisoners of war.

It is a global threat that must be addressed. Discuss this issue and put forward solutions for world leaders.

  1. The threat to observers on foreign fishing vessels in PNG

Explain the importance of the role of observerson foreign fishing vessels, express their plight and suggest what the government should do to maintain their huge potential.

  1. Genetically modified organism (GMO)

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a genetically engineered organism). GMOs are the source of medicines and genetically modified foods and are widely used in scientific research and to produce other goods.

Genetically modified organisms are a way forward for humanity.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Express your view with supporting details.

  1. Beyond the boundaries of the universe

Physicists have long studied the nature of the universe. But some go a step further into the unknown (and probably unknowable), contemplating what lies outside the boundaries of our universe.

Finding out what lies outside the boundaries of our universe will help us with solutions to many of our problems.

Do you think that knowledge of what lies beyond the boundaries of the universe is useful for humanity? Put forward your premise and defend it.

  1. The involvement of other Melanesians in the West Papua Issue

Should the MSG (Melanesian Spearhead Group), be involved in the West Papua Issue? Explain your reasons for your view.

  1. The world has become a better place to live in.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Express your view with details.