Christ Memorial / Gethsemane / Peace / Resurrection / Administration
Pastor Greg Smith (P) / PastorDerek Paetow (P) / Pastor Dennis Kastens (P) / Pastor Michael Bronner (A) / Principal Gary Spieler (P)
Bob Cunningham (P) / Brenda Bosch (P) / Jim Maschoff (P) / John Brickler (P) / Angie Schiller (P)
Terry Hildebrandt (P) / Sue Eigel (P) / Joe Sneed (P) / Eric Faulstich (P) / Ann Anderson (P)
Mark Torbeck (P) / Randy Wilson (P) / Mike Wuerffel (P) / Dan Nichols A) / Katie Schmitt (P)

(P) Present (A) Absent

  1. Opening Prayer: Pastor Dennis Kastens.
  1. Visitor Introduction and Comments: Katie Schmitt with a presentation (see Item 11).
  1. Approval of Minutes: A motion passed to approve the minutes as submitted for 4/9/13.
  1. Principal’s Report - Gary Spieler: Comments included; the current enrollment for 2013/2014 is fluctuating around 200 +/-.
  1. Business Administrator’s Report – Ann Anderson: The Budget was based on 205 students. The Hot Lunch program may have a deficit of at least $10,000. The original budget allowed for a deficit of $5,000.
  1. Committee Reports:

A. Budget Committee – Mark Torbeck: A recommendation was made to consider how low we should allow

the reserve fund to go before taking action. It was suggested to set certain reserve fund levels to

prompt discussion at that time, and to revisit this subject after the final enrollment is determined.

B. Facilities Committee – Joe Sneed: A motion passed to approve the installation of additional locks for

the school for $3,820.30. There was discussion on installing motorized shades in the gym / cafeteria.

It was recommended to review this topic at the next meeting with some possible modification to the

proposal and at the same time evaluating any pressing needs in the kitchen. There was discussion on

the need for repairs to the parking lot with an expenditure ranging from $36,600 to over $90,000.

Another estimate for the parking lot will be obtained and discussed at the next meeting.

  1. SAT Test Results –Mark Torbeck: Test results for 2013 were distributed with a comparison of 2008-2013.
  1. Board Manual – Mark Torbeck: Mark is recommending a copy of the GPLS School Board Manual be distributed to each Board member and is working on this. It was suggested that the Manual needs to be kept current.
  1. Board Minutes – Terry Hildebrandt: A motion passed indicating the approved Board minutes would be submitted to the School Business Administrator who will see that the minutes are permanently saved.
  1. PTO Bylaws – Gary Spieler: A copy of the proposed PTO Constitution was submitted. After discussion some changes were recommended and will be discussed at the June meeting.
  1. June Meeting – Gary Spieler: The Board agreed to change the June meeting to June 4th vs June 11th.

Off the Agenda Presentation by Katie Schmitt:Marketing strategy and general update.

The Board moved to Executive Session.

Respectively Submitted, Terry Hildebrandt, Secretary