Proposed New Video

Tips for Submitting a New Video

The video must:

·  be directly applicable to the MHFA Canada course

·  be Canadian

·  if applicable, show the person in recovery

·  further the learning of the course participants

·  conform to the time constraints of the course, i.e. 5-10 mins maximum

The video must not:

·  bring discomfort to participants or persons with mental health problems in general

Proposed New Video

Video Name:
Video is proposed for:
MHFA Basic: q Yes q No
MHFA Adults Who Interact with Youth: q Yes q No
Mental Health First Aid Northern Peoples: q Yes q No
MHFA Seniors: q Yes q No
MHFA First Nations: q Yes q No
MHFA Inuit: q Yes q No
MHFA Veteran Community: q Yes q No
Purpose/Objectives of Video:
Specific section(s) and/or part(s) of the course to which this video applies: [i.e. Mood-related just before ALGEE/ALIFE/EAGLE]
Describe the video in detail: [including how instructor would introduce video, how instructor would debrief video.]
Estimated time frame of video:
This video advances the learning for the participants by:
Advantages/benefits to this video:
Possible disadvantages/precautions for this video: [may embarrass someone with mood-related disorder]
Specific groups this video would be appropriate for: [i.e. teachers, employers, seniors]
Is this a video you created or is borrowed/adapted from another source: [be specific as to source and if copyrighted]

Example Form

Video Name: Candice Watson
Purpose/Objectives of Video:
v  To hear a firsthand account from a person living with bipolar disorder
v  Participants will have a better understanding of S/S of bipolar disorder
v  To showcase a person living in recovery who lives with a serious mental health problem
Specific section(s) and/or part(s) of the course to which this video applies: [i.e. Ice-breaker, or Anxiety just before ALGEE]
v  Mood-related disorders
v  After discussing S/S of bipolar disorder
Describe the video in detail: [including how instructor would introduce video, how instructor would debrief video.]
1.  Introduction:
v  We’re going to listen to Candice share her story of living with bipolar disorder, please pay attention to the S/S’s she shares, the impact it had on her life along with what helped in her recovery.
2.  Debrief:
v  Instructor would ask a variety of questions regarding the above points.
Estimated time frame of video: 4-5 minutes
This video advances the learning for the participants by:
v  First person account of living with bipolar disorder
v  Participants will learn the impact of living with a MH problem
v  Participants will hear a positive story of recovery and know it is possible
Advantages/benefits to this video:
v  First person account
v  Canadian
v  Positive story of recovery
Possible disadvantages/precautions for this video: [i.e. may embarrass someone with an mood-related disorder]
v  None
Specific groups this video would be appropriate for: [i.e. teachers, seniors]
v  All groups/ages
Is this an video you created or is borrowed/adapted from another source: [be specific as to source and if it is copyright protected?]
v  MHCC video
Materials necessary for this video: [supply sample if possible]
v  Laptop
v  Speakers
v  Projector
v  Screen or blank wall

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