Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location:District Office Board Room
- “Lens of a Parent” Power point by Amy Johnson, Special Education Supervisor- Amy showed the power point of comments made by families about special services their child(ren) receive. This PP was shown to special education staff during welcome back week.
- Staff changes / new hires for fall 2014, New building coordinators in 2014-15 New staff include: Lanea Olson (ECSE), Crystal Stocker (ECSE), Ann Studer (RSE speech), Ellen Baynes (long term sub EVE speech), Nancy Sackett (MS), Aliina Peterson (MS SW), Andy Dimick (HS SW), Blythe Becker (MS and RSE psychologist). Changed roles are Jake Frey and Angie Pahl assuming roles as special education coordinators.
- Unified Sports Program, presented by Jake Frey, Special Education coordinator Jake introduced a new Special Olympics Unified Sports program that has been introduced to our district this year. (See attached flyer). They will start with bowling and later try to introduce additional sports that do not interfere with the adaptive sports schedules that are already in place. Unified sports bring together students with special needs with students without special needs. The PROUD (People Respecting Others and Understanding Differences) student organization at the high school will be helping to support this effort. For more information, contact Jake Frey, 952-758-1424
- Parent Representative for the advisory committee Amy is asking that if anyone is interested in helping be a parent voice for SEPAC to help guide our meeting topics and direction, that you please let her know. The time commitment is very minimal.
- Other topics brought forth by attendees
Request for a guest speaker to talk about students with sensory needs and things that can be done
It was requested that we look into introducing LEAP, a teen leisure experience for students with exceptional needs to have additional social experiences. Amy will pair with this parent representative to talk to community education director about the possibility.
Handouts were made available for Arc Greater Twin Cities as well as PACER, both parent advocacy groups for families of students with special needs.
Follow Up items:
- Schedule OT speaker to talk about sensory strategies at one of the next meetings
- Meet with Janelle (Community Education) regarding possibility of bring LEAP to New Prague
- Find out if students can get PE credit for participation in adaptive or unified sports programs
Next Meetings:
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 6-7:30
Thursday, February, 5, 2015 Free Successful Parents Event held at Prior Lake High School 7-8:30
April Meeting, TBD