The 4th East Midlands Dementia Day focuses on best practice and current issues in dementia care. Topics include hearing, brain imaging, communication, falls, acute hospital care, delirium, and end-of-life care. We include interactive workshops to share best practice and stimulate debate.
Where? Post Graduate Education Centre, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 1PB.
Who should attend? Health & social care professionals, care home managers, inspectors, commissioners providers, anyone who has an interest in the care and support of people with dementia their carers.
Cost? Delegate fee £100 with a special early bird rate £85 until 31st October 2017.
A limited number of free places are available for carers, people with dementia and students (Please contact Dr Harrison Dening to apply).
For further information contact:
Professor Rowan Harwood Dr Karen Harrison Dening
The conference is presented by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in partnership with Trent Dementia, The Dementia Centre, IMH, University of Nottingham, Dementia UK, and the Alzheimer’s Society.
Programme 12th December 20179.00 / Registration and refreshments
9.25 / Chair’s introduction
9.30 / Improving dementia care in general hospitals / Professor Martin Orrell, University of Nottingham
10.00 / Hearing problems / Mel Ferguson, Hearing BRU, Nottingham
10.30 / What can brain scans tell us? / John O’Brien, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
11.00 / Coffee break and exhibition of posters
11.30 / Workshops Session / (See workshop abstracts)
A / Developing a dementia specialist acute hospital ward / Rebecca Saunders, Jackie Simpson; Mansfield
B / Namaste - communication in advanced
dementia / Sharron Tolman, Admiral Nurse, St Cuthbert’s
C / Nourishing those we care about, in the dementia
setting / Jane Clarke, Founder of Nourish
D / A note on harmony: Making a pitch for singing and dementia / Emily Cousins, PhD student, University of
12.30 / Lunch and exhibition of posters
1.30 / Routines of resistance within acute
hospital wards / Dr Katie Featherstone, Cardiff University
2.00 / Supporting Excellence in end of life care / Dr Claire Bamford, University of Newcastle
2.30 / Falls: new thinking / Dr Vicky Booth, Nottingham
3.00 / Tea Break and exhibition of posters
3.30 / Delirium / Dr Thomas Jackson, Birmingham University
4.00 / Dementia and poetry therapy: the value of shared
reading / Dr Kevin Harvey, University of Nottingham
4.30 / Chairs closing remarks
Workshop Abstracts
A / From a critical CQC report, to a state of the art facility, Rebecca and Jackie describe the practical steps they took in establishing and running a dementia specialist acute hospital ward
B / The Namaste Care Programme supports communication and connection in people with advanced dementia. This workshop will present a project that implemented Namaste in a community, hospice setting.
C / Dementia can affect desire and ability to eat in many ways. This workshop will present 'Nourish' - simple strategies to help prompt a poor appetite and develop calming mealtime routines.
D / The benefits of singing for people living with dementia, their loved ones and carers can be hugely significant. In this interactive workshop, Emily will show how singing can help to stimulate, heal and entertain, as well as enhance mood, memory and cognitive ability. Sharing research and experiences from her PhD - including data collection in a Danish care home, volunteering at a community singing group and directing a dementia nurse choir - Emily will outline the positive effects and impact of singing for care giving, wellbeing and quality of life. She will lead the group in a few festive harmonies, leaving you with a spring in your step and singing from the same hymn sheet.
I would like to bring a poster to display (title). There will be a prize for the best poster.
Please Select Workshop Preferences
(These will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis*). / 1st choice / 2nd
choice / 3rd
Delegate Details
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS and a separate form for each attendee
Name: / Position:
Address for delegate information:
Post code: / Tel:
Email: / Fax:
Payment (Closing date for bookings ….)
Cost per person: £100 Early bird rate (payment received by 31st October 2017) £85Payment by Debit/Credit Card:
By Telephone: Centre Operations Manager: Sarah Hutton: Direct Line: 01159 934905
Payment by Invoice:
Please forward an invoice to the following address:
Name: / Position:
Address for invoice:
Tel: / Fax:
Parking: Parking at the venue is limited and chargeable. Alternative parking is available at the Purple and Yellow Car Parks.
The venue: The Education & Conference Centre, City Hospital:-
Diet: Please indicate any special dietary requirements:
Access: Please indicate any special needs you have around physical access/hearing etc :
Please send your completed booking form to:
Sarah Hutton, PGEC, City Campus, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham NG5 1PB
Or email it to
Cancellations Policy:
Cancellations within two weeks of the event will be subject to an administration charge of £20. Cancellations made less than two weeks prior to the event will not receive a refund however, substitutions for delegates are welcome.