Concerning Stewardship….How many times have you heard that we are just caretakers of what God has given to us?And,if we are good stewards we take care of all that God gives. We’re told that that everything we have, big or small comes from God who entrusts us with the responsibility of being good stewards.
At the church I attend and at many others area churches, November is designated as stewardship month. Our sermons highlight personal testimonies from individuals who have found that being a good steward is worth every effort put into it.
Our pastor concentrates on three stewardship-related messages. First, there is one on the stewardship of our time. Do we use our time wisely making the most of all the opportunities we are given? Or do we procrastinate and waste time?
The second message focuses on the stewardship of our talents. Many people think that they are on the short end of the talent list. They seem to believe they have no talents but in actuality, they have many God-given gifts and if those gifts are not used, they will be lost, a fact demonstrated by the Biblical storyof servants who were giventhe opportunity to change their lives but ultimately one worker lost everything by fearfully burying hisgifts in the dirt.
Third, there’s the stewardship of our possessions, namely money.But in actuality, the stewardship of our possessions is much more than a money issue. It includes everything we possess. As Christian believers, our perspective of stewardship is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our time, talents and possessions all should be used to bring glory to God and God alone.However, there is an area of stewardship that some never think about until it is too late. It is the stewardship of life itself. It’s obvious that the things we doon a daily basis is extremely important but what about our stewardship of life at the time of death and how is that possible?
Stewardship of life upon death is possible through organ, tissue and eye donation. It isone final opportunity to be a good steward of all God has provided, to give life to someone else. What a wonderful legacy to leave to our family and friends. What an expression of our love for those in need just as Jesus gave us when He died.
Jesus, however, did something we cannot do, providingspiritual life through the forgiveness of our sins. Our gift through organ and tissue donationcan provide the opportunity for a longer physical life and renewed health for someone in desperate need of a transplant. What better way to express our love for mankindthan by giving someone else a second chance at life?
In the scriptures we see the call for the followers of Christ to be generous with our time, talents, possessions and LIFE. But often, the question is asked: Is donation Biblical?
Some may smile at the thought of Genesis 2:22, but what better way to endorse donation than the use of the very first being created to bring life into another.
Other scriptures that support donation can be found in Matthew 22:39, I John 4:11, Luke 12:4 and I Peter 4:10. One of my favorites is 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 which says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart, to give not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
November also has the designation of being recognized as the National Donor Sabbath. I encourage everyone to consider adding “the stewardship of life even in death” to your faith.
The next time you renew your driver’s license, make sure the DMV clerk indicates you want to be a donor by putting a red heart on your license. If the heart is not there, register on line at make sure you are listed on the donor registry. Or you can call the Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency office at 662-841-1960.
Psalm 139:16 says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Please don’t throw away something that can give life to another. Being a good steward at the time of death is just as important as the use of any talent or ability God has given you.
What better way to express your loveto the one who died for you, than to give the gift of life to someone else in need.
Ron Waterman
354 Hwy 346
Ecru, MS38841
662 891 0223