South Puget Sound
Higher Education
Diversity Partnership

Diversity Partnership Institute 2005

“Knocking Down Walls…MOVE!”
Friday, February 11, 2005



South Puget Sound Higher Education Diversity Partnership

Bates Technical College, Evergreen State College, Green River Community College, Highline Community College, Olympic College, Pacific Lutheran University, Pierce College Fort Steilacoom, Pierce College Puyallup, South Puget Sound Community College, St. Martin’s, College, Tacoma Community College, University of Puget Sound, University of Washington - Tacoma

Diversity Partnership Institute 2005

“Knocking Down Walls…MOVE!”

8:00 – 8:30 amRegistration – Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 8:45 amWelcome

8:45 – 10:15 amPlenary Session

Understanding Campus Climate: Power, Privilege and Aspirations for Community

Betty Schmitz, Director of the Center for Curriculum Transformation

Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo, Vice President & Vice Provost for Diversity, UW,Seattle

This presentation will focus on understanding the dynamics of campus climate from the point of view of insiders and outsiders. Who feels at home on campus, who feels isolated or excluded and why? Presenters will provide tools for analyzing power and privilege dynamics on campus and for building community out of dialogues about difference.

10:15 – 10:30 amBreak

10:30 – 11:45 amPlenary Session

From Here to There: Exploring Gender in Higher Education and Business

Laura Canty-Swapp, Catalyst

Laura Canty-Swapp, Senior Director, Catalyst will discuss where women are today in higher education and in the workforce. In our world today there are conflicting messages about women in business: Is there still a glass ceiling for women? A "concrete ceiling" for women of color? Do women and people of color really experience the workforce differently? What are businesses doing to cultivate diversity and what lessons can students and educators learn from the challenges of business? Come join this interactive discussion to understand the path from education to success in the workplace.

11:45 – 1:00 pmLunch and Conversation Groups

1:00 – 2:15 pmPlenary Session

“Equity Education: Wind in the Sail Toward a Multicultural Democracy”

Raymond Reyes

Come listen to reflections on how educational equity is a creative and transforming resource of our work for contributing to the promise and praxis of an authentic multicultural democracy. Dr. Reyes will propose “the other 3 R’s” for multicultural literacy and intercultural competency essential for a globalized 21st century. How can your involvement with a student or community who is different than you make a difference? What is the relationship between intercultural competency and designing culturally responsible student life services and academic programs? How can understanding the practical difference between equity and equality activate the mysterious powers of human resilience and academical cultural excellence? Beyond blame, victimization or guilt and leveraging the realities of power and privilege, this presentation will offer a full menu of “BFO”, i.e. “Blinding Flashes of the obvious: for moving the challenging agenda inherent in the cause for equity into our instructional practice.

2:15 – 2:30 pmBreak

2:30 – 3:45 pmStudent Panel

3:45 – 4:00pmClosing*Raffle

Raymond F. Reyes

Dr. Raymond F. Reyes is currently the Associate Vice President for Diversity at GonzagaUniversity in Spokane, Washington. Prior to this administrative appointment he was an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at GonzagaUniversity. He had a joint appointment teaching classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level for the Department of Teacher Education and the Department of Administration, Curriculum & Instruction (ACI). In addition, he has taught graduate leadership classes in the School of Professional Studies. For the College of Arts and Sciences, he has taught undergraduate courses in the Department of Sociology and the Department of Religious Studies. For the School of Business he has taught a graduate seminar for the MBA program on tribal leadership. Prior to this faculty appointment he was the Director of Gonzaga University's Northwest Indian Education Technical Assistance Center Three. The Center provided technical assistance and training to 200 school districts in 7 western states. Raymond has been with the GonzagaUniversity since 1988.


Laura Canty-Swapp, Senior Director,

Western Region, Catalyst

Laura Canty-Swapp is a member of Catalyst’s Western Region and is based in Seattle. As part of the team charged with building a strong presence for Catalyst in the Western Region of the United States, Ms. Canty-Swapp’s responsibilities include developing new business, managing relationships with current Western Region members, speaking to corporate and public audiences about Catalyst research, and leading Advisory Service projects with member companies. Previously a Director in Catalyst’s Advisory Services department based in New York, Ms. Canty-Swapp worked with numerous Fortune 20 companies on mobilizing Catalyst’s research to create more inclusive work environments. Recent clients include Coca-Cola, Foothill Capital Corporation, Guidant Corporation, Nike and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. In addition, Ms. Canty-Swapp is one of Catalyst’s networking specialists and speaks frequently to corporate audiences and national media venues about best practices for employee networks. She has helped develop effective networks both within companies and across companies in larger industry efforts. Ms. Canty-Swapp is a native Californian who received her B.A. in Anthropology from the University of California at San Diego. She earned her Master’s in Applied Sociology from CaliforniaStateUniversity, San Marcos. She is the mother of Marley (6) and Grady (2).


Betty Schmitz

Director, Center for Curriculum Transformation

Office of Minority Affairs, University of Washington

Betty Schmitz is Director, Center for Curriculum Transformation, and Office of Minority Affairs at the University of Washington, Seattle. A nationally known leader in curriculum, she has directed long-term faculty development projects and institutes at several major universities. She has lectured, written, and consulted extensively on curriculum and institutional change. Her books include Core Curriculum and Cultural Pluralism: A Guide for Campus Planners and Integrating Women’s Studies into the Curriculum. She is currently working on new conceptual frameworks and models for faculty development for both university and K-12 teachers that take into account new scholarship on the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality.

South Puget SoundHigher Education
Diversity Partnership


BatesTechnicalCollegeKathy Flores

Evergreen State CollegeJoye Hardiman

Laurie Arnold

Paul Gallegos

Green RiverCommunity CollegeVeronica Garaycoa

HighlineCommunity CollegeYoshiko Harden-Abe

Toni Castro

Olympic CollegeRachel Wellman

PacificLutheranUniversityEva Johnson

Erin Dana

PierceCollegeFortSteilacoomAgnes Steward

PierceCollegePuyallupRuth Schindler

SouthPuget SoundCommunity CollegeBernadette Henderson

St. Martin’s CollegeAngelina Rene

TacomaCommunity CollegeFred Davis

Lisa Shyne

University of Puget SoundKim Bobby

Rosa Beth Gibson

Yoshiko Matsui

University of Washington, TacomaMarcie Lazzari

Steve Smith

Glenna Chang

Diversity Institute 2002 – University of Washington, Tacoma

Diversity Institute 2003 – PacificLutheranUniversity, Parkland

Diversity Institute 2004 – PacificLutheranUniversity, Parkland