Conditions Talente 2008

International competition to be presented on the International Trade Fair

for the Skilled Trades Munich (IHM), 28 February - 5 March 2008

closing date for submission: 1 October 2007

Talente is an annual and international competition for young people involved in the skilled trades whether crafts, design or technology. It is organised as a special show on the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades in Munich. Its aim is to find and exhibit works which – through their originality and quality – excel over the mediocrity.

Supported both by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour and the Bavarian State Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Talente is organised by the Chamber of Skilled Trades for Munich and Upper Bavaria on behalf of the Society for Encouragement of Skilled Trades (Verein zur Förderung des Handwerks). It takes place on occasion of the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades (IHM) in Munich lasting one week in the beginning of March every year. In one of the fair’s pavilions, it is organised as a special show, i.e. a special exhibition off the normal service of the fair inside a special exhibition architecture. Projects of about 90 individuals or teams from 25 countries are exhibited on a space of 600 m². At the same time, all projects are being presented in a high quality catalogue, and they enter the contest for the annual prize. The Talente Prize is nominal. Prize winners will be published in the following year’s catalogue. The aim of Talente is to encourage the greatest possible number of people. Therefore, candidates can participate only once in their lives. A second participation is not possible.


We invite to apply junior makers, designers, technicians and engineers of any education. In the design section, applicants must be younger than thirty by 1 March 2008. In the technology section, age limit is set at thirty five. Talente participants of earlier years may not participate again.


The competition is advertised in more than 25 European and non-European countries. Of all the applications, an expert commission will choose participants for Talente 2008 competition and special exhibition.

1.3How to apply

Candidates apply by submitting a portfolio with textual and photographic documentation of their projected contribution. This contribution should document the candidate’s development, and it should present a relevant task or issue for our time. It should not be older than two years.

From all the applications, the commission selects the number of participants of the competition. Later, the works will be put on display in the special exhibition Talente 2008, which will take place in course of the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades in Munich from 28 February - 5 March 2008. An international jury will then judge the contributions exhibited. At the same time, a catalogue containing the documentations will appear in print.

With his application, the candidate commits himself to his contribution in the subsequent exhibition. It is not possible to make an amendment and send more recent works.

The contribution itself may consist of one individual piece or a complex of pieces. Depending on size, not more than eight pieces should be submitted.


The portfolio needs to be complete. It has to contain:

2.1The document Application.doc,

which is to be completed carefully and exhaustively. In the curriculum vitae, we ask applicants to confine themselves to details of their education. Please do not list exhibitions, awards, or degrees. In the description of the exhibits, we ask candidates to complete all columns. In the artist’s statement, we ask for an instructive text of a certain length - please do not be too vague about your project.

2.2Quality colour photos of your exhibit.

Due to layout reasons we cannot accept pictures in the portrait format, so make sure you will have pictures taken in the landscape format in time. A sufficient margin should be left between the motif and the edge of the photo. This will enable us to do scaling. Pictures ought to be well lit, should have a good depth of focus, and need to have a high resolution. We accept the following media:

  • Ektachrome slides 9 x 12 cm or 13 x 18 cm,
  • ordinary slides,
  • high gloss colour prints 13 x 18 cm (by no means matt),
  • digital pictures in the .jpg format only. We need a minimum resolution of 300 dpi of a normal size photo (height 11 cm by width c. 16 cm) This calculates a size of (H) 1358 x (W) 1890 px minimum. Digital images must come with prints or colour hardcopies and with a printed index of all the images on the CD-Rom (see labelling below). Please, do not send a CD-Rom alone.


Photos must be properly labelled to avoid mistakes. Necessary information are the maker’s family name, short title of the exhibit and picture number if more than one photo of an exhibit are submitted. The labelling should clarify to which exhibit on page 2 of Application.doc the photo refers.

  • Slides must be labelled on the frame with permanent pen. Please do not use stickers, as these come off.
  • Ektachrome slides can be labelled with a sticker on the cardboard frame.
  • Colour prints can be labelled on the back side with a sticker, with permanent pen. Do not use ink, stamps or non-permanent felt pens as these will smear up to the next photo’s face. Do not use ball pens or pencils as these engrave.
  • Digital pictures must be named by the following formula: [family name] - [short title of exhibit] [number of the picture].[file format]. Please add colour hardcopies of the images, which indicate the file name. If you have prints processed from the CD-Rom by a photo shop, please put the file name on the back with a permanent pen. Add a hardcopy index listing all image files in preview. This index should bear your name. You can implement it by opening the CD-Rom index and taking screen shots of all image previews, which you then copy into a word processing file. This preview index is a vital information for the compositor later on in the exhibition process.
  • Posting the application

In recent years, CD-Rom applications have prevailed. CD-ROMs, however, are being regarded as goods by European customs officials, which caused problems regarding non-EU countries. It has been impossible to communicate, that TALENTE do not use CD-ROMs as goods but as a means to convey pictorial information relevant to the application process itself.

In view of this dilemma, we kindly ask contact persons and independent candidates to declare packages as “printed matter only”, which is true for the purpose it is being used. We cannot bear the costs arising from declaring the packages as consignment or consignment of goods. If you have questions please do not hesitate to let us know.


In early December 2007, we will inform the selected candidates and will send them the documents necessary for the exhibition, viz. conditions + time table, registration, and Insurance.doc. By later mail you will receive personal transport labels.

The exhibition will be planned on a standardized exhibition furniture for hall A 1 of Munich exhibition centre in Munich-Riem. To prepare catalogue, labels and transport logistics, we need to know which exhibits precisely will be shipped down. Insurance.doc will serve this means, and we ask you to return the completed form by 5 December 2007 at the latest.

If your exhibits require special fixtures and fittings for putting them on display e.g. installations for suspension from the wall, current supply or special sockets, please fill in the registration form. Send us additional pictures of earlier exhibitions or drawings including dimensions, which illustrate and explicate this. If necessary add instructions how to mount your exhibit. We will need this information by 5 December 2007 latest.


The persons chosen will organize group transports from a collection point in each country to Germany. They will be supported in this by their country mentors. If you do not know your country mentor, please ask us. You will receive your personal transport labels in a separate mail. Mark your name + home address. Please address your shipment to:

Spedition Schenker z.Hd. Frau Krasniewski - Messe Riem, Tor 21 - Paul-Henri-Spaak-Str. 8 - 81829 München – Germany. If you wish to deliver personally, before the date for personal delivery (see below), to Schenker please do so after arranging with Ms. Krasniewski: +49 89 94 92 43 32.

The shipment itself should be marked: IHM, Talente 2008, Hall A1


The shipment must be imported properly and with all necessary customs documents. Please enclose with your shipment a pro forma invoice indicating the value of the goods. Only the total value of each group of works must be given (example: 2 ceramic vases, 2 plates, 2 cups: retail price € 500.-). Also, please indicate on the pro forma invoice:

„Frei geliefert Messe München

Ware bestimmt für Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern

Ausstellung Talente 2008

Messe Riem, Halle A 1

Nur zur vorübergehenden Verwendung

Ware wird nach der Ausstellung zurückgesandt“

3.3Packing and Insurance

Before packing the objects selected for Talente 2008, take pictures of them. Please label each photograph on the back (family name, title, Talente 2008). Now pack your exhibit shock proof. Due to insurance regulations, they must be able to survive a fall of 1 meter. It is helpful to build a special box for your exhibit from OSB or other rigid material. Fill the box with three or more layers of rubber foam or similar material. Cut the negative shape of your exhibit into the middle layers so that there will be enough shock absorbing material towards bottom and sides. Packing will then be quite simple: Fold the exhibit in wrapping tissue and bubble wrap, place it in the negative shape, cover it with a top layer of foam to absorb shocks towards the lid, enclose a copy of Insurance.doc with the respective exhibit ticked and screw on the lid. Please tape a photo of the object on the outside of the box.

The insurance covers the time from the arrival of the exhibits at our repository with Schenker’s/ Munich Trade Fair Centre until their arrival back at the collection point in the respective country. There is no insurance coverage for the return transport from the collection point to the participant since this transport is outside our sphere of influence.

In case of insufficient packaging, an insurance cover is not guaranteed. This applies to damages inside a non-damaged packaging too.

After return shipment, check all your packages if they have been damaged from the outside. Do so at once and as long as the forwarding agent is present and take pictures if possible. In case of a visible outside damage, do not let him drive off without having signed your claim. Participants need to hold responsible the forwarding company by written declaration. Outside damages caused by post shipment must be declared to the next post office at once. In case of a loss or an inside damage, please take photographs of the damage and send them to us along with your declaration. Please enclose a calculation of the remaining value of the object damaged as well as the costs of repair. All claims for damage must be made to us within four weeks after the shipment has arrived at the collection point. In conformance with international insurance regulations, insurance companies can reject claims made after this period.

The insurance company will only comply with the contracted insurance conditions if we insure that strict precautions are taken. We therefore urge you to follow strictly the insurance information and all the required formalities with regard to correct packing. Contact persons are asked to bring this to the attention of all exhibitors.

The sheet Insurance.doc should be completed in German or English. One copy is for your files, one is to be enclosed with each package of your shipment, and one is to be returned to us by 5 December 2007.

In any case of damage, please inform us immediately. We will help you.

Filling in the insurance form

In case of sale, loss or damage, we will need information on the value of your works to remit the money. Please identify the respective object by a little sketch or image, title, designation, material and dimensions, and fill in the values as detailed as possible. If a work consists of more than one piece, please indicate the respective partial values.

Please make sure to fill in, in Insurance.doc, all necessary bank details (account holder + IBAN, name, address and BIC of the bank). If you do not know your IBAN, please ask at your bank. Banks tend to print your IBAN on every balance sheet you receive from them. IBANs are quite impressive alphanumeric series. Here is an example of a German IBAN: DE38 7019 0000 0 500 102 271. And this is what a typical German BIC looks like: GENODEF1M02. Shorter versions are probably wrong.

What is the difference between insurance value and sales price?

The insurance value is composed of the price of the material used and your labour invested into the piece. The sales price is the insurance value plus profit plus VAT (both 20 – 50 %). Participants from non-EU countries, please put down the net-amount only. We will do the adding of import sales tax and customs. Please make sure that the insurance value is lower than the sales price by 20 – 50 %. If you do not indicate any sales price we will regard the piece as not for sale. Please make sure every piece is listed with the insurance value at the least.

Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern · Max-Joseph-Straße 4 · 80333 MünchenSeite 1 von 8

e.g. participant sending items from Belgium:

Insurance value in € / Sales price incl. VAT in € (EU residents) / Sales price net in € (non-EU residents)
150,- / 100,- / wrong!
100,- / 100,- / wrong!
100,- / 120,- / correct
not for sale / wrong!
100,- / not for sale / correct
100,- / correct

e.g. participant sending items from Australia:

Insurance value in € / Sales price incl. VAT in € (EU residents) / Sales price net in € (non-EU residents)
150,- / 100,- / wrong!
150,- / 150,- / wrong!
100,- / 130,- / correct
not for sale / wrong!
100,- / not for sale / correct
100,- / correct

Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern · Max-Joseph-Straße 4 · 80333 MünchenSeite 1 von 8


Participation in the exhibition is free of charge. We assume the transport costs from the collection point in each country but not the costs of individual transports and the costs of materials for the packaging of the exhibits. Assumption of further costs is only possible after consultation with us. As collective transports are usually organised by your country mentor, you will not have expenses. If you organise your transport on your own (e.g. if you are the only participant from your country), please ask the transport agent to issue the invoice as follows: The invoice should be addressed to

Verein zur Förderung des Handwerks

Willy-Brandt-Allee 1

81829 München

as this is the paying organisation.

However, the envelope should read:

Handwerkskammer für München und Obb.

z.Hd. Herrn Dr. Titus Kockel

Max-Joseph-Str. 4

80333 München

We will check the invoices and pass them to the paying organisation. Again due to ministry regulations, deadline for any invoice is 31 May 2008. Invoices received after that date might fail reimbursement.

In the unlikely case you had transport expenses all the same, you can ask us for an invoice form by eMail.


The best works in the field of design and in the field of technology will be awarded prizes by an international jury. Certificates will be handed over by the director of the fairs company in the award ceremony on Saturday 30 March 2008. The works will be published in the exhibition catalogue of the following year.


Exhibits may be sold on the on the fair and handed to costumers after dismantling of the exhibition. Please indicate clearly, on Insurance.doc, the pieces for sale and those not for sale. If the exhibits are not for sale please indicate their insurance value only. Your Insurance.doc retail prices are binding to us.

If you live in an EU-country, please include the VAT of that country in your sales price.

We will sell objects by order and for account of the exhibitor only. Exhibitors have to make sure they pay tax on all returns. We take the liberty to impose a lump-fee of € 5.- per remittance.

7Time Table

1 October 2007 / Deadline for submission of portfolios at Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern.
End of November 2007 / We will inform you if the jury selected you as a participant for Talente 2008. In this case, an eMail will be sent to containing the registration forms, an insurance form and a transportation label. You will be asked to prepare, for the exhibition, either the bulk or a selection of exhibits from your portfolio.
5 December 2007 / Please return the insurance forms Insurance.doc with all exhibits requested listed up. As exhibition labels will be printed according to information of Insurance.doc, we ask you to mention all items you are going to send including title, function, material, size, and weight.
Deadline for all special requests regarding the putting on display of your exhibits like current supply, special illumination or special plinths. If your exhibit needs special mounting parts and fixtures, please send us photos of former exhibitions, sketches or drawings, which illustrate and explicate them. Please include dimensions, the more detailed the better. This goes especially for suspended objects where we need to know the necessary clearance. If necessary add instructions how to mount your exhibit.
All this information is needed by the architect to do further planning. That is why we cannot accept requests sent in late or even worse, as frequently done, sent alongside the objects in February.
5 January 2008 / Deadline for completing all customs formalities.
4 February
18 February 2008 / Arrival of all exhibits at Schenker/ Munich Trade Fair Centre.
Deadline for those who need to help with the mounting of their exhibit, especially if electronic assemblies and set-ups are involved. Please apply now, with Talente organisation, for a coloured permit, which you will need on the day of mounting (Tuesday, 26 February 2008)
Thursday, 21 February
27 February 2008 / Unpacking and mounting of Talente 2008 by exhibition team.
21 February 2008 / Day for personal delivery at repository, Leergutlager Hall A1.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008, 12 a.m. / Day for doing complicated or electronic mountings or set-ups that cannot be done by the exhibition team. Please come directly to Hall A1 on the fairs site. Do not forget your red permit (see above), which you will have to produce to security at the entry.
If you are driving, please bear in mind that, on this day, a deposit of approximately
€ 100.- will be imposed at the gate.
Thursday - Wednesday
28 February - 5 March 2008 / Special exhibition Talente 2008 at the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades Munich 2008. Talente-get-together in a pub on Thursday, 28 February at 8 p.m. Award ceremony on the stage in Hall A1 on Saturday, 30 March 2008, 4 p.m.
5 March 2008,
6 – 10 p.m / Dismantling of Talente 2008. Opportunity to collect exhibits for those who want to do so. If you are driving, please bear in mind that all gates to the fairs site will be jammed by lorries until 9 pm. It will be wise to collect exhibits afterwards or on the next day.
6 March 2008, 10 a.m. / Packing of exhibits in repository, Leergutlager Hall A1 by exhibition team. Opportunity for self-collectors to collect their exhibits.
Friday, 7 March 2008,
9 - 11 a. m / Exhibition goods will be handed over to Schenker/ Trade Fair Centre. After that time, objects can only be collected with Schenker directly, who have their deposit on the other side of the exhibition center.
starting Monday,
10 March 2008 / Shipment of exhibits to the respective collection points. On arrival, have a look at your exhibit in the presence of the forwarder or postman. In case of damages which have occurred on transportation, notify them to them. Please take pictures of the damages and send them, along with other evidence, to the Talente-organisers as soon as possible.
30 April 2008 / End of insurance cover.
31 May 2008 / Deadline for final transport invoices. Invoices arriving after that date cannot be considered for budget reasons.

please contact: